Sunday, May 31, 2009

What Type of Car Seat Should I Get My Child?

It's a law in every state that children need to be in a safety car seat until they are 4 feet and 9 inches tall, or about 8 years old. That's when you can use the car's safety strap. But if your infant has gotten to big for their baby safety seat what type of seat should you get next? And how can you tell if your child has outgrown their safety seat? This article is about choosing the right booster seat for your child. There are many choices and you want to make the right one. So let's get started.

Age is not the best determining factor but a good rule of thumb is about age 4. Size is a better judge, so at 40 pounds your child should be using a booster seat.

The different types of booster seat you will most likely run into are:

?High back booster seat
?No-back booster
?Convertible seat
?Overlap seat
?Integrated seat

When picking a booster compare it to the models side by side so you can see the differences. Remember safety is your number one concern so never buy used. Also make sure you understand the directions and that it is put in correctly.

Make sure it fits in your car. And that the child is conferable in it. A crying kid in a car can be tuff for parents and the child.

A booster chair can last until the child is 8 or about 4 feet and 9 inches tall before they use a safety strap. So your investment will be for 4 years. The cost can be anywhere from 50 to 200 dollars. we have seen leather ones that can cost as much as 290. How much should you pay? I would pay as much as I could for safety. 300 dollars over 4 years is about 8 bucks a month that?s less than the coffee you get at your local coffee hut in a week.

Just do your research and make sure you have a 30 day return on anything that you buy just in case the child hates it.

Remember all new baby car seats sold in the U.S. have to pass safety tests to be sold. That means that if you buy new you will be getting a seat that has passed the standards that the government has put on all child safety seats. That's why we recommend that you buy new and not used. Used you have no idea how old it is or if it was involved in an accident. Safety first should be your motto.

For more information on this article or others go to Articles on baby seats.

Debbie Dee is a work at home mom who has 3 children and 2 dogs. She writes for Articles on babies and runs her own baby shop online.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

7 Tips to Real Estate Agent's Success: Tip #7 Find a Mentor or Real Estate Coach

In real estate, going it alone is not easy. Taking the time to find a mentor can help you steer through some of the known obstacles and support you during those peaks and valleys. If you have the resources, you may wish to hire a real estate coach or an executive coach who specializes in small business help.

Given the explosive growth of the real estate market creating a highly competitive marketplace, achieving sustainable success is not easy for today?s real estate agents. One of the potential solutions in overcoming the obstacles such as competition, marketing or revenue is to find a mentor and possibly even hire a real estate coach.

Real estate coaches are a direct result of the real estate market. These individuals specialize in helping small business owners who are in the real estate industry meet and exceed their performance goals. Given that some executive coaches specialize in business performance improvement, their understanding of the variety of issues that small business owners face regardless of industry allows them to work with real estate agents.

Regardless of the type of coach, the real challenge is to find a coach who understands:

  • How to achieve sustainable performance improvement
  • How processes and tools must be in alignment with the strategic plan
  • How to define the desired results

When a coach understands how to leverage your K.A.S.H. Box for Sustainable Change to create even more cash, then you have indeed found the right coach. Each individual has Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes and Habits. Unfortunately, many individuals and even organizations focus their energies on obtaining more knowledge and skills while they fail to address the necessary supporting attitudes and habits. The question for any real estate agent is to ask regarding their success is not Do I know how to do it? but Do I want to do it? The desire or the want to will always exceed the knowing because if I want to, then I will do what I need to do. However, if I don't want to, then I won't do want I need to do.

Everything must work together from the processes and the tools to even the skills and attitudes. Alignment helps to create balance and keep performance improvement on track.

Stephen Covey is cited as the source for Begin with the end in mind. This is not a new concept as Plato, Socrates and Aristotle all understood that you need to have a specific destination in mind before starting any endeavor. An effective (doing the right thing) coach will help you, the real estate agent, define the desired results using measurements (numbers). Then, working together, a plan of action will be constructed and executed by you the agent with the coach monitoring your progress.

Coaches can greatly improve the success of real estate agents provided the real estate agent is truly committed to making the changes necessary for success. Remember the words of Peter Drucker: Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes?but no plans.

P.S. Read the previous tip, Tip #6 - Make Managing Yourself a Priority

Leanne Hoagland-Smith quickly doubles results for her clients from individuals (small businesses owners, entrepreneurs and young people) to large organizations by creating executable strategic action plans along with the necessary business skills to pull it off. By closing the gap between today's unsatisfactory performance to tomorrow's goals, limited resources are maximized with waste including time being reduced. Please feel free to contact Leanne at 219.759.5601 or visit and explore how she can help you.

One quick question,if you could secure one new client or breakthrough that one roadbloack holding you back from success, what would that mean to you? Then, take a risk and give a call at 219.759.5601 to experience incredible results.

Mention that you read this article and receive the free E-Book: 7 Tips to Real Estate Success

P.S. If you are seeking an affordable speaker for that special event, Leanne may help fit your current speaking need.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Residential Units Specified

The word residence can be used to describe all sorts of properties used for living. In prehistoric times, one?s residence could be a cave, a tree house, or a simple post and lintel structure. Today, not much has changed. Different structures can still be considered as residential units. Generally, residential units can be divided into two categories, namely: Apartments and Houses.

The most common residential unit is the house. This structure is normally detached (not attached to anything) and is traditionally built for only one family. However, there are houses that are specifically built to accommodate two families. These are called duplexes. In duplexes, the features found on one half of the house are mirrored on the other half, thus giving each occupant the same amenities.

Since houses normally cost quite a hefty some, those who cannot afford to purchase one yet, opt to live in the next best residential type: the apartments. Apartments are multi-storey edifices that can house several families. Apartments are further subdivided into several categories, those that are built for mass housing (tenements) and those that are more upscale (condominiums, etc). Apart from the socio-economic determinants, apartments can also be classified according to the number of rooms each unit has. There are single room units called studios, and larger multi-room (and possibly, even multi-storey) units.

Each type of dwelling has its own pros and cons ? it?s up to you to evaluate and weigh these based on your needs and the needs of your family. So if you are out looking for your new home, make your selection based on your needs. If you will be living alone, it may be more economical if you just stayed in a studio apartment. If it?s just you and your partner, a one-room apartment or a one-bedroom house (2-bedroom if you want extra space) may do the trick. If you have a large family, it will be better if you sourced around for a single detached house with enough rooms to accommodate your family. The kind of dwelling hardly ever matters. Remember that the structure does not make a house a home; it?s the people that live in it that make the difference.

This is article is brought to you by Gloria Smith at Created by a former, licensed Real Estate Agent, was designed to offer instant access to the most sought after type of real estate forms. For the cost of what others charge for one real estate contract, you can have instant access to over 60 downloadable real estate forms.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Home Search Merges with Google Maps

Searching for a home online? MLS home search systems are now merging the features of real property listings with mapping features such as Google Maps.

First impressions are Wow! Why had someone not done this before? More and more services are being provided online that don't require any online registration or jump through hoops of any sort? all you have to do is click on one of many online MLS home search systems to begin your search.

Maps used to be buried several clicks away from the listings. Now, the listings are being plotted for you on Google maps first up front. You pick the area on the map you are interested in looking to buy a home and then drill down to find the house that meets your needs in those areas.

The way it works is really pretty easy ? locate an MLS Search site that features a mapping system such as Google maps for the area you are interested in purchasing property in. Different colored pins or flags indicate the city and another color pins or flags indicate the individual listing details. Hover your mouse over the pins to see how many listings are available in each town/city. Click on the pins to see the individual listings and you will be able to see the ?More Details?.

If the pins are too close together, simply change the view by clicking on ?Zoom Out? or ?Zoom In?. Click on the area of the map you are interested in looking to re-center the map.

You may find it useful to select the desired ?Search Criteria? adjacent to the map. The more information you can narrow the search down with the better. It?s best to start with a narrow search and then broaden your search to find more results.

As you select the ?Search Criteria? remember to click the ?Redraw Map? or Refresh button to automatically update the map to match your search. Clicking on the pins will instantly open a thumbnail summary of the listings. Click on the summary information for complete property details.

Although, many home search systems don?t require you to sign up, register or jump through hoops of any sort to use the MLS Home Search, alot of home search systems allow you to register for a free account so that you can keep track of your search, or get automated email alerts on new or updated listings that match your criteria.

Roman Alfaro and Randy Watson of Cowboy, REALTORS - Home and Ranch continually strive to give their clients increasingly better and much more useful tools when searching for real estate information such as the San Antonio MLS Homesearch. Visit Se habla espanol ? Agente de Bienes Raices en San Antonio.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Get Business Fit One Minute At A Time

Too many online entrepreneurs spend long hours working online to think about their health and fitness. Your online success is related to your energy levels. How fit are you? Have you looked at your hips or butt lately? We all know that we need to balance building a million dollar online business with keeping the mind and body fit and sharp. You need to train your mind and body for success. But I can hear you saying, Id love to exercise but I dont have the time or Id love to expand my knowledge but I dont have the time.

You must find time to exercise your mind and body. You must train your mind and body for business like a soldier trains to be mentally and physically fit for combat. How? By training your mind and body one minute at a time. Here some ways for the online entrepreneur to stay physically and mentally fit using the one-minute principle.

Exercise For One Minute.

No matter where your computer is located in the world, you can still exercise for one minute. Forget about the past 60 minutes or the next 59 minutes. Focus on the next one minute. Perhaps do a deep breathing exercise. One minute of push-ups. One minute of sit-ups. Do one minute of something. Start to get yourself in better shape one minute at a time.

After a while you may do two minutes then three minutes. Wow, you have just made a 200% improvement. If you think one minute of exercise is easy, then try this. Take in a big breath. Hold this breath and pull in your navel. Now put both arms in front of you. Imagine pulling and pushing a heavy train. Do this for one minute while holding your breath. You will be sucking and gasping for air by the end of one minute or sooner. Easy minute, yeah right.

Yet this simple one-minute exercise strengthens your chest, shoulder and arm muscles using sustained contractions. It increases your chi energy fields by heating and compressing the air in your lungs. It also teaches you to focus your mind for one minute. So take a minutes break from surfing the net, do a minute of exercise instead.

Train Your Mind For One Minute.

Your mind is like a muscle. It grows stronger when you exercise and use its full potential. For example, the image-nation is a wonderful place to visit. I am at a beautiful tropical beach. The sun is warm on my skin. I smell the sea breeze and hear the gulls circling above me. I am floating on a raft a short distance from shore. I am floating upwards into the clear blue sky, circling, spiralling upwards on warm currents of air. It feels blissful. Yet I am still sitting at my desk.

An online entrepreneur needs to regularly unplug and disconnect from the web, mobile phones, laptops and PDAs. Some people do not know how to unwind. The brain becomes hyperactive and wired. After a while it needs a clean up and a defrag so that it can delete rubbish thoughts and expired programmes.

Your mind is a world, a theatre, a paradise that you can easily visit within one minute. You can go there to relax and clear your mind whenever you choose. In a hotel lobby, a plane, a taxi or at your desk. You can then rejoin this world feeling a lot calmer and cleaner.

Change Your References For One Minute.

Your references are those internal processes, patterns and memories you use to make sense and meaning of the world around you. For example, do you speak two or more languages? You then have more references to interpret and decode the world around you. This is so important in setting up an online business that will have global customers. Is English the preferred language of your customers? For example China is predicted to be the new economic power over the next decade. So it may be beneficial to think from a Chinese frame of reference.

We can open up our world-view by changing our frames of references for one minute. Go outside your normal self for one minute. Act the opposite of who you are for one minute. Think outside your normal thinking. Think in a different language. Think like a different person. Perhaps think like a powerful creature. Do this for one minute then put your normal head back on your shoulders.

Think of a business problem you have. Now choose a different frame of reference to look at your problem. Look at it through the eyes of someone you admire. How does the problem feel now? Or think with the head of an Albert Einstein. How do you perceive this problem now?

Use this change of references to solve problems, explore creative insights and expand the limits of your business thinking.

Fit One Hour Into One Minute.

Ask yourself, how can you fit one hour into one minute? Start by examining your time wastage and inefficiencies. Start at the end with your desired outcome and then reverse engineer your solutions such that what took one hour now takes one minute. Keep asking yourself the question, how can I do things better? Start by chopping off one minute at a time. Use a military acronym, AIMO (Adapt, Improvise, Modify, Overcome). Apply this type of thinking to your online marketing and business operations.

So start to apply the power of one minute to your online business and marketing efforts. You will be surprised at the incredible focus you can achieve when concentrate for one minute.

Copyright 2005 Hirini Reedy

About The Author

Hirini Reedy is a native Maori author, civil engineer, retired military officer, martial arts black belt, NLP master practitioner and internet entrepreneur. He creates accelerated mind-body fitness solutions for modern life. Check

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Monopoly Board Games Business and Real Estate How Monopoly Made These Things Interesting

When the Parker Brothers published the board game Monopoly in 1935, it became a sensation. No one would have guessed a game about buying, renting, banking, real estate, and business would become a worldwide success. In fact, since 1935, Monopoly has been played by 750 million people across the globe. The Guinness Book of Records even cited Monopoly for the number of people who have played the game. Games Magazine also inducted Monopoly into its Hall of Fame.


The origin of Monopoly however, was way before 1935. Its roots can even be traced in 1904. A Quaker woman by the name Elizabeth J. Magie Phillips created an educational board game hoping it would be a better tool to teach people about the single tax theory of Henry George. The game was subsequently called The Landlord's Game, and it was published a few years later.

Thereafter, many games patterned on it came out in the market. Elizabeth Phillips, in fact, also patented a fresher version of her game in 1924. A little over ten years later, the Parker Brothers came out with Monopoly. Since then, several people across America have been contributing to its design and development. This made what Monopoly is today. But despite the alterations in look and style, the fundamental and rudimentary rules of the game have hardly changed.

In the 1970s, however, Monopoly's history greatly suffered when it was believed that a man named Charles Darrow was the sole creator of the board game. The distortion of Monopoly's history caused several court cases throughout the years. Various historians and company owners of Monopoly have switched loyalties from the Parker Brothers and Charles Darrow. Luckily, some people have seen the importance of Monopoly in society. They have spent their time researching the true history of the world's most played board game.

Monopoly and the Nazis

Across the 20th century, Monopoly has given people different ways of entertainment, comfort, and even escape. In 1941, British Secret Service had a special kind of Monopoly created for prisoners of war held by the Nazis. Their Monopoly contained real money, maps, compasses, and other materials useful for escaping. These were actually distributed by the International Red Cross.

Rich Uncle Pennybags

It has also been said that the trademark of Monopoly, Rich Uncle Pennybags, was patterned on J.P. Morgan-a name still familiar to American financing and philanthropy.

Multifaceted Monopoly

Monopoly also adjusted to the environment and popular culture. For example, a London based Monopoly is quite different from an Atlantic City version, and it all falls to certain rules-like how a player can spend time in jail-to the name changes in streets and avenues. There is even a McDonalds Monopoly for promotional purposes. There is a Monopoly game that caters to the adult upper class, which can range from the gilded to silver plated versions that can cost up to 100,000 dollars. Also, there is a version for kids called Monopoly Junior.

Monopoly has also crossed over to virtual reality with the game Monopoly Tycoon, Monopoly Casino, and even Monopoly Star Wars. Throughout the years there had been add-ons to the board game itself. Even a short-lived TV show came out in the 1990s. Now, Oscar-nominated director Ridley Scott plans to make a movie based on Monopoly.

These different versions are testaments that Monopoly is an extremely popular game. It can be a wonder at times why a game that never ends can be the most widely played contemporary board game. It is simply that fun. Examining the age bracket it caters to, it seems to never lose its freshness. Not to mention that the game incorporates business sensibilities among players.

Visit Board Games Store A Place Where You Can Find Huge Selection Of Monopoly Board Games Which You Can Also Get Free Downloads Monopoly 3 And Free Downloads Monopoly Tycoon

By Robert Diarioti

Monday, May 25, 2009

Basic Rules of Preconstruction Investment Real Estate

Although the preconstruction real estate investing option has been around for many years and is nothing new, it just recently became well known to the masses and real estate investors all over the world are scouring the web for the best new construction and preconstruction real estate projects in areas where real estate prices are skyrocketing (Baja Mexico, Costa Rica, Bulgaria, Cabo San Lucas, Orlando). While the sudden increase in demand has influenced many legitimate developers to offer more projects and developments, it has also seen the emergence of many ill-prepared developers into the market. Here are just a few ways you can properly screen your preconstruction real estate developer / brokerage and make sure you are not signing with a less then reputable developer:

1. Read Small Print ? Before investing in a development, be sure not to fall victim to the curse of the small print. Avoid ending up the subject of those horror stories about real estate investors who are suckered into scandalous contracts with real estate developers. Some real estate developers will not let you sell the property until years after it is finished and others will charge huge penalties if the property is sold early. Always, have an attorney look at every contract before you sign anything.

2. Find a Preconstruction Brokerage ? Unless you are VERY well connected in the area's preconstruction market, it's a good idea to go through a real estate brokerage that specializes in preconstruction real estate developments. There are several reasons why using a quality brokerage can help you, but most importantly, they know the developers and can discern between which can ensure quality and which are accident prone.

3. Research the Developer's Past Projects ? If the developer has had huge delays in past preconstruction projects, it will probably happen in the next several projects. Remember that your time is money ? even if you get your full deposit back 2 years later, because of constant delays you may lose hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of wasted time and resources.

***Note*** As real estate developers have learned that the word preconstruction alone can sell out a project, they have created a new trend in the industry by labeling every phase of the project a preconstruction phase. Often these are low-quality condo conversions or condotels that are not worth half the asking price. BE SURE you are buying in the actual preconstruction phase before purchasing!!!

Just remember, the bigger the preconstruction real estate market gets, the more you have to watch out for fly-by-night developers and unethical brokerages that don't have your best interests in mind.

Phil Laboon 412-253-0841 For more Real Estate Investment Information please visit our website. For a complete run down of how to find the right preconstruction real estate brokerage, agent, broker, or developer, visit our Real Estate Investment Information website and browse our huge collection of free preconstruction news, information, and advice.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Nevada Mortgage Applications Rise

Mexico?s geographic location, natural beauty and low real estate prices are contributing to its growing status as one of the premier real estate hubs.

There are currently over one million Americans living in Mexico, most of whom are retirees, with about 20 percent of them residing in the concentrated area of Baja California. The LIMRA study conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau also estimated that 8,000 citizens turn 60 years old (baby boomers) every day, seizing a combined total of over $11 trillion in retirement savings. According to, Mexico is recognized as one of the most popular retirement destinations in the world.

To further illustrate the growing popularity of the Mexico market, Donald Trump recently announced plans to build an ocean resort which will promote development and marketability in the area. Columnist, Nellie Day posted the October 5, 2006 article, ?Trump Ventures Into Mexico? on, which explains how Trump?s realization of the Mexico market may lead more developers and investors south of the border. ?Trump Ocean Resort Baja Mexico, a 526-suite luxury condominium-hotel resort, will be rising south of the border over the next few years, according to information released by Donald Trump. The resort is located just south of San Diego and will be the first property along the peninsula to combine luxury resort amenities and services with real estate ownership.?

Financial services companies, such as San Diego-based Lyons Enterprises Incorporated (LEI), have been growing more interested in the Mexico market as the U.S. has been feeling a cold front in their housing sector since the beginning of 2006. In fact, LEI has developed the branch LEI Mexico, with a specific focus on Mexico real estate and financing.

The Mexico market is growing with a prospective boom expected in the next couple of years. Major developers, such as Trump are taking advantage of the open land and freshness of the area while they can.

??Trump Ocean Resort Baja will redefine the standard of premier property ownership and service excellence for all of Northern Mexico,? says Trump. ?I?ve always said, ?location is everything,? and being just 30 minutes from Downtown San Diego makes this an ideal locale for a premier resort property.??

Trump, who is the CEO of the Trump Organization, partnered with Irongate, a Los Angeles-based real estate development and investment company to develop the luxury hotel-condominium resort. Trump Ocean Resort Baja Mexico will cater to owners and guests with a plethora of luxury resort amenities expected from a Trump property, ?such as an owner?s concierge, lobby bar and lounge, spa, fitness center, tennis courts, and resort, lap and family pools.? Trump has also realized the need to keep condominium prices reasonable to help support the Mexico economy. ?Prices for studios and one-, two-, and three-bedroom residences start in the mid-$200,000s and will range from 532 square feet to more than 2,200 square feet of indoor and outdoor space.?

Construction for the new resort is schedule to begin by the end of 2006, with the first tower expected to be complete by late 2008. The entire project is expected to be completed by 2011.

So if you want to find out more about Mexico Real Estate or even about Mexican Homes, you should click these links. You will also find valuable information about Mortgage Mexico, too.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Some Of The Car Seat Covers You Should Consider For Your Baby

Wool is the softest and most comfortable material that can be used for Car Seat Covers and Baby Buntings. Organic cotton flannel, unbleached cotton flannel and regular cotton flannel are choice backings for wool car seat covers and baby Buntings.

Wool car seat Covers swaddle baby in security and warmth. Therefore, Wool is a choice material in the construction of these covers because of its softness and insulating qualities. The outer cells of the fiber repel water while the inner cells absorb moisture. Wool is highly absorbent, and can retain up to 25 percent of its weight in moisture. As wool slowly absorbs moisture from the air, the cover becomes warmer to baby. Wool will take on a lot of moisture before it feels damp. It also dries slowly so as not to chill baby by drying too quickly. Because of Wool's tendency to retain moisture, Wool is naturally flame-retardant.

Many of the synthetic fabrics and fillers used to make Car Seat Covers and Baby Buntings do not breathe. Over time they can emit toxic fumes during the aging process, thus posing respiratory and allergic reactions as well as asthma like symptoms.

Wool is a natural fiber and naturally hypoallergenic; as are the cottons used to back Car Seat Covers and Baby buntings. It helps keep the baby warmer in cool temperatures, and cooler in warmer temperatures. Plush Merino wool provides an extremely soft surface.

Cleaning Wool

The oil extracted from the leaves of the Australian Tea Tree (Melaleuca Alternifolia) is well known to be effective against dust mites, a cause of allergens for asthma sufferers, and particularly infants. Tea Tree Oil is also noted for its general beneficial qualities such as being a natural fungicide. It also helps in the healing of wounds and reduces skin irritation. Kookaburra Woolwash also works well for laundering bed linens and clothing for asthma sufferers where dust mite feces is a critical matter.

Good Padding Important for Infants

A good feel with a tad of pressure would deem the use of padding necessary for Baby Car Seats, High Chairs and Infant Rocking Seats. It would seem that proper padding would add more in the name of safety to car seats. Wool products will place a barrier between baby and the synthetic unknowns of the factory provided products.

The car manufacturer's concerns are with the highest possible safety performance of the car seat for baby's safety, not the health concerns that may be posed by the liners used to soften the hard plastic of such baby accessories. Because synthetics have only come about in the last century or so, the mother's of yesterday had little concern in the products they purchased for baby. Today's moms must research and take full responsibility for understanding the products that come in contact with their baby.

Give a Gift of Wool for Baby

A gift of wool for baby whether it is a Car Seat Cover, a Bunting or a Wool Fleece Blanket is a gift of quality. The next time you are purchasing a baby gift consider making it something wool!

Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Florida. Find more about this as well as baby car seat covers at

By Gregg Hall

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Spending My Weekend at the Sea Side Researching Property

This last weekend I spend at the seaside. What I enjoy doing in my free time is walking around looking at property for sale. I take mental notes on when each property comes on the market. Also I note the ones that have been sitting around for a long time.

One thing that always comes to mind is why a property is for sale and also why is hasn?t sold yet. Is the property in a good location? Has it been presented properly? Is it priced to sell? Etc. As a real estate investor these are the series of questions I ask myself when researching an area. It will be the same for all areas. People are people and properties are properties. What I have developed is a series of questions that I ask myself to find out what is the properties potential... It is a mini check list. I find out a lot about property and the area in general by talking to the local agents. They are a gold mine of information. If you treat them right and show them respect they will freely divulge loads of nuggets regarding the property, the area and the owners. This line of questions will lead to the best real estate investment properties in the area.

When you start with this research, you are starting to use your brain. The more you ask, the more it will find ways to the answers. Our brain is the most powerful computer on earth, so the more you exercise it, the more efficient it will become in providing you with the necessary answers. I have found this to be a valuable tool in my real estate investing. I now do this unconsciously and most times you do it automatically without being aware I am doing it. When you are genuinely interested in a certain topic, you love spending time finding out as much as you can about that interest. This is when you will learn the fastest. It is not difficult to concentrate and spend time doing this.

What better way to spend time at a sea side location doing research on your real estate investing interests. I have an agent in a sea side town I catch up with every time I am down there. Last time I was talking to Russell, he told me about the new health care precinct zoning for the town. That was a very valuable piece of information I can now use for my real estate investing for that area. I am an experienced and passionate investor. I buy typical mum and dad type houses that give me cash flow and capital growth. My website offers helpful tips and ideas for any type of investor to help you with your wealth creation. Using my site will help to prevent you falling into the traps the inexperienced investors do.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Where Will Your Marketing Dollars Get The Best Return on Investment?

During your training as a new Realtor, you undoubtedly received coaching from managers and brokers on many subjects designed to help you build your business. Despite this, many Realtors don't do all of the exercises that they promised themselves they'd do. As a result, many agents find themselves doing the same marketing plans month after month without analyzing how hard their advertising dollars are working for them.

Ask a Simple Question With Big Results

Nearly everything that a Realtor spends money on is designed to promote him or herself as an agent. Direct mail, ads, websites, promotional items, even your yard signs, are all speaking to clients on your behalf. But not all of these things are equally effective, and it's important to determine which of your marketing materials are working hardest for you.

All it takes is a little research to determine what's working, and what can be cut back or eliminated altogether. Create a spreadsheet on your computer, or even use a notebook divided into columns, and list every form of self-promotion that you use - even those that you don't pay for. Be disciplined and ask each and every potential buyer or seller that you speak to, How did you hear about me?

Use Your Money Wisely

Once you've collected data for an entire month, review your results. Let's say that your data breaks down to five leads from referrals, one lead from your weekly newspaper ad, five leads from your website, and four leads from the promotional calendars that you sent out to your farming area. If you?re spending a significant portion of your budget on your newspaper ad, you might want to put that money into other areas of advertising. You?re not getting the return on investment that you should from a newspaper ad.

In addition, a good real estate website should be generating many more leads than just five. Invest in a professional, fully-customized website and you will generate the bulk of your leads online. Once you?ve made the initial investment, your website will work for you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. A truly professional website requires very little upkeep and maintenance on your part. This is fortunate, since you will be busy with all of the new clients who find you online.

Brett Miller is the founder of and has created the best lead generating real estate websites in the industry and helped hundreds of real estate professionals make the most of their Internet presence. Call 888-Hoop-Jumper for a complimentary web analysis today or visit to see how HoopJumper can help you grow your business.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Choosing the Right Catchers Mitt

The catcher kneels behind the plate, and pounds his catchers mitt then gives the pitcher the sign. The bang of the crowd, the rush of the game, the rush of victory. The agony of sensitive muscles, the torment of suspense, the torture of defeat. These are all notion and emotions that run through the head of a major league baseball player as he stands there in the field. Ready. Waiting. Striving to achieve that glory instant that for so long he has dreamed of. Or perhaps he is a rookie, wanting desperately to prove himself to his teammates, the veterans of the field. In either context, one thing is for sure. You better be playing with the right glove.

Thats where Akadema comes in. Akadema is the baseball glove of choice for over 200 colleges and universities, and for good reason. Known as being on the cutting edge of sports technology, and backed by Hall of Famers galore, Akadema knows baseball. Their designs have been approved by Famers Ozzie Smith, Carl Yastrzemski, Gary Carter and Bob Feller. And when you select an Akadema glove, you are choosing the good word of these and other big names of the game. How do you find the glove that is right for you? It is easier than it looks despite the wide selection and variety out on the market right now.

The first thing to ask yourself, is what position will you be playing? Are you known on your team as the superstar of just one, or will you be playing through them all? As the game has developed, so has the gloves. There are now mitts for all fielders, not just first basemen and pitchers anymore. It is important to go to a honest dealer like Akadema to make sure that you get the proper size and fit for you.

Secondly you should look at the web of the mitt. There is only one thing that really matters when it comes to this component. Can you see through it? This will help you to be useable and rid you of soil and other interferences during the game. Webs that are solid work best if you need a sun shield for fly balls.

Next think about what performs best for you an open back or closed back. Just like the web, this comes down to personal choice and comfort. If you tend to overheat out there on the field, an open back will keep you a little cooler, while also offering you choices such as an adjustable wrist strap. Closed backs are a little more solid and offer less breathing room and yet more support. The final ingredient that should be reasoned is the price of the baseball mitt. Nobody wants to spend a lot, but also consider that what you spend also reflects caliber and advanced baseball mitt technology in a lot of cases. The bigger the brand name, the larger the price tag, so keep that in mind when shopping. Small, well known manufacturers such as Akadema can ofttimes offer the same quality (or better) for a more reasonable price.

Scott Peters is an avid baseball and softball fan, and a sports equipment retailer. Please go to catchers mitt for more information

Monday, May 18, 2009

Ten Famous Toy Recalls

The number of recalls issued by toy manufacturers is staggering. Today there seems to be little attention and thought in the design of children's toys, other than to make them as cheaply as possible. The design level is certainly lacking the element of making safety first. It is apparent the parents or those buying the toys are purchasing them without the knowledge of reading the box which will say Parts that can cause a choking accident. We have to be more vigilant in the supervision of children and look to see if a situation is life threatening.

Here is a list of a few products that have been listed on the top ten list of recalls:

1. Toy Mobile Phones Recalled for Choking Hazard
International Playthings Inc., of Parsippany, N.J. recalled 50,500 iPlay My First Mobile Phones. The toy phone's yellow antenna could detach and posed a choking hazard to young children.

2. Next Marketing Inc. Recalls Youth Hooded Fleece with Drawstring for Strangulation Hazard

Next Marketing Inc., of Wabash, Ind. recalled 22,000 Youth Hooded Fleeces with Drawstrings. The drawstring, which went through the hood of the fleece, posed a strangulation hazard to children. In February 1996, CPSC issued guidelines to help prevent children from strangling or getting entangled on the neck and waist by drawstrings in upper garments, such as jackets and sweatshirts.

3. Simplicity Cribs

After the death of a 19-month baby in Myrtle Creek, Ore., the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and Simplicity Inc., of Reading Pa., renewed their search for recalled Aspen 3 in 1 Cribs with Graco logos. The child died on Jan. 6, 2006, after two of the mattress support slats came out of his recalled crib. The infant was trapped between the mattress and the foot board of the crib and suffocated.

4. Fisher-Price Infant Musical Toy ChairHazard

Fisher-Price, one of the most well-known toy manufacturers in the world, voluntarily recalled about 614,000 Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn & Trade Musical Learning Chairs. It was possible for a child to get stuck between the back of the seat and the side table attached to the chair, which could cause the child's neck to become stuck as well and posed a strangulation hazard.

5. Mattel Polly Pocket magnetic play sets

Mattel Inc. recalled 4.4 million Polly Pocket magnetic play sets after they found out that three children had been hospitalized with serious injuries after swallowing tiny magnets which fell off of the toys.

6. Mega Brands Inc. Magnetix Magnetic Building Sets

3.8 million of these Magnetix sets were recalled after a 19-month old, and three other children were injured from parts of the toy, one fatally. The magnets were distributed loose in the box and were fairly small. If swallowed, several of them could magnetically bond together inside the digestive track and cause serious blockage.

7. Riding Toys

There were 20 toy-related deaths and 152,400 toy-related injuries involving children under age 15. Although no deaths occurred, The majority of injuries were sustained from riding toys.

8. KFC Tangled Treeples Toy

These toys came with KFC kids meals in June and July of 2000. The container the toys came in could fit over a child's nose and mouth, posing a suffocation hazard to children.

9. Playskool Toy Tool Bench

Playskool voluntarily recalled this toy after it resulted in the death of two toddlers.

10. Children's Cooking Sets

A popular Children's Cooking Set was recalled because the glass lids were considered a laceration Hazard.

When it comes to children, toy manufacturers need to think safety first. Children are vulnerable and need constant supervision, but parents have learned to depend on and trust the judgment of companies like Playskool and Fisher Price. Like it or not, those companies have, at least in the opinion of this writer, a responsibility that is inherent to the industry they've chosen.

About the Author:

Alex consults for a hobby shop mainly for older kids, but their model cars appeal to car lovers of all ages and their plush toys can light up the smile of any child.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Get Fit with a Jogging Stroller

Having a baby is one of the most joyous times of your life and if you were careful during your pregnancy, you probably only gained in the vicinity of about thirty pounds of extra weight.

Women who spaced their children widely apart, say having a baby in their twenties and then another when they were in their thirties; frequently comment that the weight was much easier to lose when they had their first child. There are many factors that contribute to this.

Women in their twenties are generally more energetic than their peers that are a little older. Women also tend to be a little more sedentary in their thirties and this can cause their metabolisms to run a little more slowly. If you've ruled out any physical problems that can make exercising out of the question for yourself and you have your doctor's okay to begin working out again-get a jogging stroller and run your way back to your smaller size clothes.

This is a great activity that you can do with your baby and many jogging strollers have excellent shock systems that give the baby a smooth ride no matter how rough the sidewalk can feel. Additionally, many babies find the rhythm of the running very soothing and take a nap while you get fit.

If you decide to run with your baby during the months when it gets darker earlier; make sure that you're visible. Even if you just jog in the neighborhood. People let their guards down and that's when accidents can happen. Use reflective strips on both yourself and your jogging stroller to ensure you can be seen and avoid accidents during your jaunts with your baby.
About the Author

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Buying Your First Home?

You?ve finally decided to take the plunge and buy your first home. While the journey may feel terrifying and confusing, there are some basic steps you can?and should?take before hitting the pavement in search of your future home. Instead of feeling overwhelmed you can arm yourself with the knowledge you?ll need to make informed decisions as you begin your path to home ownership.

Becoming educated in the common practices in your area is the absolutely number one objective on your list. Pick up the phone and call local real estate agents, bank loan officers, and mortgage brokers. Be warned, some will attempt to coerce you into making an appointment?this is not necessary at this stage?and is their way of getting you to sign an agreement you are not ready to sign. Explain clearly that you are in research mode only and need no more than 15 minutes of their time to get your questions answered. It?s important to talk to several professionals as different perspectives and viewpoints will give you a broader spectrum of information in which to base your decisions on.

What to ask

1.Find out what disclosures (facts that materially affect the value of the property) the seller is required by your state to disclose. This varies state to state, so it is extremely important you know what your state laws mandate. Realize that in most cases, the seller is only required to disclose information he/she already knows about the property. What this means is the seller is not obligated to hire professionals, but is required to disclose in ?good faith? any personal knowledge on the property which may affect its financial worth.

2.Ask about standard home inspections. A standard home inspection will give you information on the physical structure itself and the systems inside the home. You need to know what the average cost is in your state, who usually pays for it, and when it is commonly done. Most standard home inspections are paid for by the buyer, but sometimes the seller will split the costs. If you?re in a repressed market or the homeowner is anxious to sell, he may pay for the inspection fully.

3.A title search will have to be performed to rule out any issues with the deed of the property. Who conducts this search and what is the average cost?

4. What are other potential costs you should be aware of? Taxes, settlement agent fees, and commissions are just a few of the ?other? costs you should ask about.

5.It?s also a good idea to find out the average amount of time it takes for a loan to close once an offer has been accepted. This can, and will, vary, because often it has more to do with the personal preferences of the buyer and/or the seller. Be aware of potential time sinks before you begin your search.

6.If you do choose to use a real estate agent to assist you in locating your future home, find out if they?ll help you compose an offer when you?re ready to make one. If they use a standard form, find out if you can get a copy for your own reference. Always be informed on what the agent is giving to the seller.

What?s next?

Get a copy of your credit report, from several sources if possible, and make sure it is correct. If there is incorrect information on your credit report, contact the reporting credit agency and ask for a dispute form. Once you receive the form, fill it out and send it back certified with return receipt requested. When applying for loans your credit score will be the determining factor in getting you the lowest percentage interest rate possible. Make sure the information is factual and then work with what you have. A low score does not mean you can?t buy a house. If this is a concern of yours, find out what programs are available for less than perfect credit.

How much can you afford? You may already know this, but if you don?t, figure it out. The standard rule is your mortgage payment, taxes, and homeowners insurance shouldn?t be more than 28% of your gross income. However, this still may be too much, depending on your other financial obligations. Be honest with yourself and what you can afford to pay out each month. Consider any possible extra costs with home ownership; i.e. new appliances, new carpet, landscaping, and normal home maintenance. Don?t dig yourself into a financial hole you may not be able to get out of.

What type of loan should you get? This is not an easy question to answer, and the best course of action is more research. There are multiple mortgage internet sites you can start with to educate yourself on the types of loans available. In fact, you should definitely pick up the phone once again to make sure you completely understand the loans you are considering. Mortgage brokers and bank loan officers want your business?they will be more than happy to answer your questions and even send you specific loan information.

With this basic, yet important, information at your disposal; you are ready to begin the search for your future home. Always remember that knowledge is key in every aspect of purchasing a home, do not be hesitate in getting the facts you need in any area of the process. Ask questions, be informed, and you will arrive at the other end the confident owner of a new home.

? Copyright: Tracy Leigh Ritts

Friday, May 15, 2009

A Writing Enterprise

Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens came to Hollywood to write. While in town, they managed to tear down some common entertainment industry assumptions.

Common wisdom says husbands and wives shouldn't work together. But, they are a very successful and inseparable writing team. Industry tradition holds that you have to be 20 years old and fresh out of college to write for television. However, there's no way anyone fresh out of college could have piled up the credits this pair did before arriving in network TV. Finally, Hollywood insists that the nice guys finish last ? while the Reeves-Stevenses get work as much for their professional pleasant temperament as their considerable talent.

As co-producers on Enterprise, the last production in Paramount Star Trek television franchise, they were part of a team charged with recharging a series that struggled in its third season. They helped to improve the show by leaps and bounds, though the ratings damage was already too late.

At first impressions, the Reeves-Stevenses seem an unlikely choice for such an important TV task as forging the plot-lines of Star Trek. They seem far too nice to have found so much success in Hollywood. They're the kind of polite, soft-spoken Canadians you'd expect to find running a bed and breakfast in Niagara ? not writing screenplays, TV scripts, novels and non-fiction books.

As writers, we didn't make changes to the show, Garfield said. Executive producers Rick Berman and Brannon Braga and show-runner Manny Coto planned the overall direction of the series and made any changes to the mythos.

Our job was to provide good stories that stick to Star Trek continuity. It's to our benefit that we know that continuity after writing Star Trek books for 10 years. In TV, we're telling a more compact story with clearer rules. For television, we were writing a Star Trek tale in a more linear mode, but the themes remain the same ? the ideas of exploration and an optimistic future.

He added, Those themes played a big role with Enterprise because this world is still new.

Both writers said there was no over-riding plan or need to recreate Enterprise after its first three years.

The entire team felt that it was more a matter of taking what had been established in seasons 1, 2 and 3 and making sense out of that rather than recreating the show into season 4, Garfield said. In Next Generation, halfway through the series, they made a deliberate decision to invoke the name of Spock ? finally naming a character from the original series. They wanted to establish that show as distinct before introducing other past elements.

The same decision was made for Enterprise. If the first season had been so devoted to prequels and tie-ins, it never would have got on its feet for the same story.

Before being recruited onto the Paramount lot, the Reeves-Stevens wrote several Trek novels, including several with William Shatner featuring the continued adventures of James T. Kirk. On, their own, they're a pair of New York Times and Los Angeles Times bestselling novelists with dual fascinations with NASA and science fiction. Their books are published in the United States, Canada, and England, and in translation in Czechoslovakia, France, Germany, Holland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Poland, Russia, Spain, and the Ukraine.

In TV, the Reeves-Stevenses were staff writers for the second season of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World - the syndicated one-hour action-adventure series from New Line. For the series' third season, the Reeves-Stevenses returned as supervising producers on location in Australia. In other episodic work, the Reeves-Stevenses have written for John Woo's Once a Thief, The Hitchhiker, MTV's Catwalk, and Beyond Reality.

The team's experience in science fiction made them a natural choice for work on Enterprise: It was easier for us to come into Star Trek than it might be for other sci-fi writers, Judith said. Even though they are all very talented and very well-informed on sci-fi, they might not be up to date on all of the Star Trek continuity.

While writing the Star Trek books, you explain events in the mythos that are still open to interpretation. Now, Enterprise is doing the same thing ? such as explaining the origin of Klingon head bumps from the original series to the Star Trek movies.

Garfield explained that in Star Trek lore, what happens on screen is considered narrative canon, while anything in books, comics or video games is superfluous.

It was a challenge for us to add to the ?canon,' he said.

Judith added, Writing for Star Trek was interesting for us also because we'd written for all of the other Star Trek eras, but we hadn't written for these characters yet. We wondered how quickly we could get the voices of these characters. But, we had the ability to go down to set and watch the actors.

According to Judith, there were other adjustments the pair had to make to their writing and working routine: Well, we had to start getting up in the morning and going into an office. We obviously write our books out of our home.

Garfield added that Enterprise also offers a much faster process than their book work. The team has three books coming out this year, and the writing of one (Going to Mars) was a six-year process.

Writing for TV is great for almost instant gratification because you write a script, and ? five weeks later ? it's on TV. During that process, you're coming into the office, working on a script and taking meetings only on the script you're working on. But, you watch the sets get built, watch the dailies, come in, etc.

It helps that it was the 25th season of Star Trek in production, he added. So it was a well-oiled system we were watching.

The nicest thing for us was that we knew the people involved through writing the books over 10 years, Judith said. We were talking to them about their jobs. We were able to see all aspects of the working company. We were able to ask questions that a writer working on a script might not be able to ask.

So, we came on board as writers and co-producers, it felt as though we were really joining old friends.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Computer Backgammon

The first strong computer opponent was BKG 9.8. It was programmed by Hans Berliner in the late 1970s on a PDP-10 as an experiment in evaluating board positions. Early versions of BKG played badly even against poor players, but Berliner noticed that the critical mistakes the program made were always at phase changes. He applied basic principles of fuzzy logic to smooth out the transition between phase changes, and by July 1979, BKG 9.8 was ready to play against then current world champion Luigi Villa. It won the match, 7-1, becoming the first computer program to defeat a world champion in any game, although this was mostly a matter of luck, as the computer happened to get better dice rolls than its opponent in that match.

Beginning in the late 1980s, creators of backgammon-playing software began to have even more success with a neural network approach. TD-Gammon, developed by Gerald Tesauro of IBM, was the first of these computer programs to play at or near the expert level. This program's neural network was trained using Temporal Difference learning applied to data generated from self-play.

This line of research has resulted in two modern commercial programs, Jellyfish and Snowie, the shareware BGBlitz (implemented in Java), and the free software GNU Backgammon, that play on a par with the best human players in the world. It is worth noting that without their associated weights tables which represent hours or even months of tedious neural net training, these programs play no better than a human child.

It is interesting to contrast the development of backgammon software with that of chess software:

For backgammon, neural networks work better than any other methods so far. For chess, brute force searching, with sophisticated pruning and other refinements, works better than neural networks.

Every advance in the power of computer hardware has significantly improved the strength of chess programs. In contrast, additional computing power appears to improve the strength of backgammon software only marginally.

For both backgammon and chess, it is at present unclear whether the best computer or the best human is best overall. For most other games, one or the other is unambiguously stronger.
About the Author

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Candy Makes Recognition Events Sweeter

Andy Warhol may have been correct when he said everyone would get to be famous for 15 minutes. Or at least he was close. It seems that almost every professional, volunteer, teacher, healthcare worker, librarian or basic employee has a special day or week when they get recognized for their contributions to their organization, community or country.

While compensation is always appreciated, a pat on the back is often just as important. Throwing a party, luncheon or dinner to recognize individuals who have gone above and beyond the call of duty is appreciated and it builds morale.

So what kind of party should you throw. Should you buy balloons and streamers? Serve pizza and ice cream? Sure. The more fun the better - it's a happy occasion!

Speaking of fun, what's more fun then candy? Chocolate bars, lollipops, mints and cookies make tasteful and tasty treats that make your celebration even more festive. Do you know that you can get candy and chocolate treats with special messages to honor your staff? There are specially engraved and wrapped chocolate bars, lollipops with imprinted sticks, shaped chocolates and much more.

So many important recognition events will be here in the coming months such as National Volunteer Week, Teacher Appreciation Week, Nurses Week, EMS Week, Safety Month and Nursing Home Week. And many companies have their own special employee appreciation events. Decorate your celebration event with delicious chocolates and candies and watch the smiles.

Visit Celebration Candy to learn more about recognition candy and gifts.

Michael Lerner is a noted expert on celebrating national recognition and awareness events.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

How to Prevent and Overcome Mastitis Healthy Breastfeeding Tips

Having your baby can be one of the most emotionally fulfilling experiences. Life just takes a dramatic turn with the arrival of your little one. If you have a newborn, your first priority now is to feed your baby. If you have decided that bonding and providing essential nutrients from your bosom is for you, then you need to know how to prevent or rid yourself of mastitis. Nothing should get in the way of a mother's ability to breastfeed her baby.

How to Avoid Mastitis

Mastitis is an infection caused by a clogged duct in the nipple of a nursing mother. To reduce the chances of developing clogs in the ducts of your nipples, avoid wearing bras or tight fitting tops that constrict your breasts. Sleep on your back or side as a clog may occur by sleeping on your stomach.

Make sure that you are feeding your baby breast milk on a regular basis. Missed feedings can cause your breasts to become engorged, which can cause your ducts to clog. Breast compression or breast massage before latching is one of the most effective ways to avoid clogged ducts all together. Using a breast feeding pillow can help ensure you are feeding in a good position.

Warning Signs

There are many indicators of a possible case of mastitis that every breastfeeding mom should be wary of. These are just a few:

-- What may begin as a tingling sensation in the nipple and quickly develops into pain while the baby is nursing may be mean mastitis. However, not every case of mastitis results in significant pain so a nursing mother should pay attention to other indicators as well.
-- Soreness and redness around the area of suckling could be caused by mastitis; the site of the clogged duct develops a very pronounced red spot, which is extremely painful to the touch and holding, or carrying your baby on this side may become unbearable. There may also be a lump visible or detectable by touch.
-- A breastfeeding mother may experience flu-like symptoms such as fever with chills and body aches. Mastitis may also cause exhaustion as many women report with mastitis have reported a sharp decline in energy.

Tips for Reducing the Effects of Mastitis

As soon as you suspect you have mastitis,

-- Go to sleep as soon as possible and get good rest! Sitting quietly for a few hours without much activity can help shorten the duration of mastitis.
-- Take Echinacea and Vitamin C to enhance your immune system and help fight the infection. If the infection persists beyond a few days, you should consult a physician.
-- Apply warm water to the site of the clogged duct. Use warm tap water or immerse your breast in a pot of warm water. A warm shower or bath can work wonders as well.
-- Try to nurse and if you do not succeed at first, try and try again. Attempt to nurse the baby on the side of the clogged duct as often and as long as possible to work out the clog. (If you are away from your baby for a period, you might try using a breast pump, to find one locate a good breast feeding supply store near you). Massaging the breast while the baby suckles may also help.

Article By Michelle O'Connor, Breast Feeding Questions

About the Author

Advice Columnist

Monday, May 11, 2009

Arizona Real Estate Agent Fees

Northern Arizona offers reasonable land prices in the Southwest. It has good weather and nice views of trees and water, offering solitude and accessibility at the same time. You can reach northern Arizona by way of Route 66 and Highway 93.

You may wish to consult with real estate personnel who know the market and can help you find the best value for your money. If you are a home seller, consider consulting a marketing expert to help you find the best deal for your home.

All that is expected from you is to find the Arizona community that is perfect for you and your family and allow these agents to find your dream home that is right for your budget and lifestyle.

Some real estate agents really spend time getting to know the general real estate landscape of each community. If you are relocating to Phoenix from another state or just transferring from a nearby city, a good agent can help you find what you're looking for. Whether you are looking for a winter get-away place or a second house, real estate agents have the knowledge and experience to aid you in your search.

Whether you are fond of art, sports, shopping or other adventures, Arizona offers all these and more. The agents will find a perfect home to fit your lifestyle and budget. They will also help you determine how much you can spend on your new home and even help you find the best mortgage loan.

After finding the home of your choice, the agents will negotiate a very good price for you. They will not only show you an Arizona home in your price range but will also show you properties that meet both your personal and financial needs.

Some real estate agents offer their services for free since the home sellers are the ones footing the bill. Be sure to check with your property brokerage firms for agent fees prior to actual consultation.

Arizona Real Estate provides detailed information on Arizona Real Estate, Tucson Arizona Real Estate, Phoenix Arizona Real Estate, Arizona Real Estate Agents and more. Arizona Real Estate is affiliated with Arizona Vacation Rentals.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Plan A Swashbuckling Fun Pirate Party

Pirate themes have always been a fun choice for parties, but even more so now with the popularity of the blockbuster Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Johnny Depp has certainly given new life to the fantasy of playing a pirate, adding fun and comedy to the already exciting seafaring adventures. So, why not plan an adventure of your own this year and host a swashbuckling fun pirate party.

Make a list of friends and acquaintances you would like to invite to your pirate party and assign each one of them their own pirate name. Use online pirate lingo translators to create fun names like Butterfingers Alena and Ian Deadbones.

Include pirate wording on your invitations and print them on aged paper. If it's a costume party, be sure to include that information also.

Ahoy thar Mateys!
Ye`re invited t'a pirate party
(date, time and location)
Take Note Ye Scalliwags...
Dress like a buccaneer if ye dare.
We have PRIZES fer best pirate costume.

Roll up the printed invitations and tie them with some burlap twine. Put each invitation in a bottle and attach a pirate label with the pirate name of the invited guest, along with an aka mention of their real name. (Mini champagne bottles work well for this.) Pour some sand or salt in the bottles along with a few small seashells and the invitation. Hand deliver the invitations to friends or use plastic bottles instead so that you can address and mail them.

If you have the creativity and means, decorate a room with old chests, barrels and tables made from weathered wood. Borrow or buy uniquely shaped bottles from second hand shops and flea markets. Clean them thoroughly and fill them with party beverages like cola and gingerale. Label them with fun pirate stickers, like Non-Groggy Pirate's Rum. Mix up a disgusting variety of liquids like vinegar, cherry juice and hot sauce and label the bottle, Drink if You Dare.

Pirate-themed games and activities will make your party complete.
. Set up tables for playing cards and Liar's Dice.
. Throw in a Pirates of the Caribbean trivia competition and then watch one of the movies.
. Have guests try and decipher the meanings of various pirate words.
. Send your guests on a pirate scavenger hunt that leads to a treasure chest of delicious treats.
. Instead of bobbing for apples, try searching for a candy eyeball in a gooey mess of jello and pasta.
. Challenge your guests to a sword fight dual on a low balance beam (use safety precautions).
. Hand out pirate coins to use for various challenges and bets throughout the night and give a prize to the person with the most coins at the end of the party.

When it's time to send your guests home, a great favor to give is a game of Liar's Dice. Print and roll up the instructions and place them in an opaque cup (They have great antique looking one's at the dollar store). Include 5 dice, some chocolate coins, candy eyeballs, and whatever treats or trinkets you wish to include. Wrap the cups with clear cellophane, tie with burlap twine and finally, attach a pirate sticker or thank you tag.

So, what ye be waitin' fer? Start plannin' yer swashbucklin' fun pirate party.

About the Author:

The author has hosted hundreds of events, showers, and parties over the last 25 years. If you are planning a pirate party visit for games and ideas.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Fitness Equipment Apparel Your Gym Garb Guide

What to wear, and what not to wear to the gym? When this million-dollar fitness equipment apparel question presents itself on gym days, even the strongest muscles turn to jelly.

Fitness equipment apparel has the potential to become the make-or-break factor in a fitness program - especially if you are just starting out with your get-in-shape routine.

The idea isn't to make your fitness equipment apparel part of your workout-routine. This can easily happen if you are constantly lifting straps, instead of weights; tying laces, instead of being tied up at the workstation; doing pull-downs, instead of pull-ups; or giving an entirely new meaning to doing push-ups.

You don't want to be wrestling to improve the flexibility of your fitness equipment apparel, instead of your body's. If your clothes have some stretch in them, it will be much easier to stretch yourself to the limit!

Let's start with fitness equipment apparel fabrics. To make the most of your time in the gym, you have to feel completely comfortable. Dryness, tear and abrasion resistance, stretch, ventilation, ease of movement, and durability are all factors to keep in mind.

Look for labels with references to materials such as Supplex, Lycra, Spandex, Cotton, Polyamide, Coolmax, Dri-Fit, or a combination of these. Cotton on its own is usually not the best choice. It tends to hold on to moisture, becoming unpleasantly clammy and heavy. Who goes through the workout effort in order to g��n weight?

If you want to keep your cool, it is important to choose light-weight, tight-fitting fitness equipment apparel. The materials should have the characteristic of pulling sweat away from your body, transporting it to the outside of the material. The moisture can then evaporate, leaving you dry and comfortable.

An example of this is the Nike Dri-Fit range, where a high-performance microfiber polyester fabric with this quality is used. On a hot day, you wont need more than this. On a cold day, a base layer can be added for extra warmth.

For superb ventilation, knit-in mesh panels under the arms, and at the back are incorporated into some fitness equipment apparel ranges. Make sure you have no excuse to throw in the towel during those first, demanding weeks, by checking for tubular seamless body construction, and flat stitching. You don't want a seam chafing you raw in an unmentionable place!

The bottom-line in fitness equipment apparel usually consists of shorts. If you don't feel comfortable in these, choose easy-to-wear calf-length or full length workout pants. A good choice is Moving Comfort's range. DriLayer fabric, a mixture of Polyester and Lycra, will keep you cool, and it remains almost pill-free even with repeated washing.

You can also try the Adidas fitness equipment apparel range. Their �Mind Body� Moisture-Wicking Pants, will keep you cool and dry. These come with an elasticated waist, and a drawcord. It has handy on-seam pockets. The hem is open for comfort.

A fitted t-shirt or tank top takes care of the top half of your fitness equipment apparel search. Try a stylish, Nike Rock 'n Sport Top for women. A nice touch is the sleek racer back.

A vital part of your fitness equipment apparel is your shoes. Cross-trainers may be your best choice for the gym. Look for good support, flexibility, and cushioning.

The Optima is a good shoe to start with. It is durable and receives excellent reviews. It offers a 5mm sole. The breathable canvas upper ensures comfort, and a good fit.

Another sensible choice would be New Balance. With ABZORB cushioning in the heel, you are assured of excellent shock absorption. Leather upper offers comfort and breathability. Durability is improved with the solid rubber outsole.

The Nike Shox range includes lighter, flexible shoes in their fitness equipment apparel. These are excellent for workouts. Nike concentrated on cushioning and impact protection in the design. Internal stitching, and a one-piece tongue and innersleeve prevent chafing.

The four Nike Shox columns are made of a resilient foam that enhances the durability of the shoe. The shoe has an extremely responsive feel. Lightness is added with a lattice design.

It is a good idea to keep the color scheme of your fitness equipment apparel on the dark side throughout. This will give you a more streamlined look. A loose t-shirt for before and after the workout, may also lessen any self-consciousness. All the major manufacturers such as Adidas, Reebok, and Nike, offer quality, moisture-wicking gym wear.

When you buy fitness equipment apparel, little thought goes into the research behind the brandname. Nike's laboratory, for instance, has some of the most sophisticated scientific equipment to enable researchers to come up with the best designs and materials for peak performance.

The processes involved in testing include motion analysis, kinetics, foot-pressure measurement, ankle range of motion, heart-rate monitors, high-speed video, temperature sensors, and much more. All this to bring you the best possible shoes, shorts, or tops.

If you are partial to a particular equipment range, why not show your loyalty by wearing fitness equipment apparel with their brand name? Companies such as Cybex and Nautilus offer all you need to be able to make the most of your time in the gym. Nautilus offers the Dri-Release� range, with shorts, tanks, and other apparel choices for your workout.

You have to feel so comfortable that you are able to forget about your attire. You can't work on your own flexibility if your clothes doesn't show some flexibility first! Your fitness equipment apparel has to be able to MOOOVE with you..

For more information visit
About the Author

Rika Susan of researches, writes, and publishes full-time on the Web. Copyright of this article: 2006 Rika Susan. This article may be reprinted if the resource box and hyperlinks are left intact.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

7 Tips to Real Estate Agent?s Success: Tip #2 Embrace a Planning Attitude

As a real estate agent, if you don?t have a real estate business plan, then you are on some else?s plan ? usually the successful real estate agent. Most people place more value in planning a trip to the grocery store or a vacation than planning their lives either professionally or personally.

Think of a recent vacation or even a simple trip to the grocery store.

  • How much time did you take to plan that special vacation?
  • How much time did you spend in writing that grocery list?
  • What happened when you left the grocery list at home?

Now think about taking that time and directing that time towards your real estate business.

  • How much more successful could you be?
  • How would you reallocate your resources if you had taken the time to adequately plan the use of those resources?

Consistent planning begins with an attitude. When individuals embrace a planning attitude, their behaviors will demonstrate the results of that attitude. Of course, attitudes begin within our belief systems ? those foundational thought processes that have evolved from all of our experiences.

Positive attitudes can be developed and maintained by understanding that we as individuals have total control over what we keep in our brains. If we think that planning is not necessary, then we will develop negative attitudes about planning and those attitudes will be demonstrated through behaviors that do not include planning. However, if we embrace positive attitudes about planning, then planning will be part of our behaviors.

Within the real estate business, planning is not new. Real estate agents enlist planning from showing homes to making offers to closing the sale. The challenge is to take those skills and integrate them into planning the business.

To infuse planning with your real estate business start with one bite instead of trying to eat the entire elephant. Begin by writing down short lists of what you what to accomplish each day and how best to use that time. Then, take the time to develop a strategic plan indicating who does what by when.

If you came into the real estate business from another profession that required you to work 40 hours, then you should be spending the same amount of time working in your business with another 5 hours per week working on your business.

The ON focuses on planning and execution with the desired results being as least as successful as you were in your previous professional life. Remember, no one plans to fail, they just fail to plan.

P.S. Read 7 Tips to Real Estate Agent?s Success: Tip #1 - First and Foremost YOU are a Business

Leanne Hoagland-Smith quickly doubles results for her clients from individuals (small businesses owners, entrepreneurs and young people) to large organizations by creating executable strategic action plans along with the necessary business skills to pull it off. By closing the gap between today's unsatisfactory performance to tomorrow's goals, limited resources are maximized with waste including time being reduced. Please feel free to contact Leanne at 219.759.5601 or visit and explore how she can help you.

One quick question,if you could secure one new client or breakthrough that one roadbloack holding you back from success, what would that mean to you? Then, take a risk and give a call at 219.759.5601 to experience incredible results.

Mention that you read this article and receive the completed E-Book - 7 Tips to Real Estate Agent's Success

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Gent Tourist Information

General summary of city:

Gent, also known as Ghent, is an incredibly popular destination in Belgium. The word Gent is actually the Dutch spelling for the city of Ghent and the two terms are often used interchangeably. Gent is filled with exciting things to see and do and travellers will not be disappointed by the recreational offerings in Gent. Travellers can immerse themselves in the culture and history of Belgium by seeing the myriad abbeys, beguinages, churches, castles, historic landmarks, and museums strewn throughout the city of Gent.

Gent was, at one time, second only to Paris in terms of popularity and size. In the 1830s, Gent showed the significant signs of industrialization, as more and more factories were established within the city. Gent is a thriving city, one that possesses a population of well over 500,000 people. It is also estimated that well over 30,000 people travel into Gent each day, for work and social activities. Since 1950, the city has undergone a significant phase of revival: the canal has brought many businesses into Gent. Currently, with its transportation network and many working opportunities, the city of Gent continues to thrive and it is the capital of East Flanders, Belgium.

Places of interest:

The city of Gent holds so many things to see in do. Travellers can get the perfect scenic overview of the entire city by touring the Belfry or the Castle of Counts in the historic city of Gent. In fact, from the top of either location, other famous sites are easily viewable; sites that include the Veerleplein, the Vleeshallen, the St. Niklaas Church, the Library of the University, The medieval harbour, St. Michiels Church and Gent's shopping centre.

In the heart of Gent, travelers will also find St. Baafs Cathedral, a historic building filled with biblical artwork. The artwork in St. Baafs Cathedral includes images of Adam, Eve, and the Serpent in the Garden of Eden; the Tree of Life; the Holy Cross, and the images of the different counts of Flanders also appear in the Cathedral. Further, the cathedral holds the tombs of the Flemisch Bishops and houses four pillars that were a gift from the Tudors of Britain. Finally, the cathedral possesses some of the most stunning stain-glass art imaginable.

While in Gent, travelers shouldn't miss out on touring the fifteenth century canon, now a monument, located near the Vrijdagmarkt. The Vrijdagmarkt is a square in Gent, offering opportunity for the travellers and residents of Gent to get a taste of medieval life by viewing the existing medieval architecture.

Things to do:

While staying in Gent, there is certainly no lack of things to do. First, travellers will want to make sure they see as many of the churches and cathedrals as possible, because no two churches are exactly alike; each church holds its own unique artwork and architecture, thereby making each religious site seeing destination more difficult to pass up while touring the city!

The Sint-Baafskathedraal Cathedral was built in the fourteenth century. Sint-Baafskathedraal in St. Bavo's Square has no entrance fee, unless the traveller is looking to view The Adoration of the Lamb, a prized and cherished painting by Jan Van Eyck. The entrance fee to see Van Eyck's work is nominal, and the cathedral is open from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily.

The Gravensteen, also known as the Castle of the Counts of Flanders, at Sint-Veerleplein 11 was built by Philip of Alsace in the late 1100's. The word Gravensteen is actually Dutch which, when literally translated means castle of the counts. It is the very first stone castle erected in Gent. Prior to the Gravensteen, only wood structures existed. Finally, the Gravensteen has been restored to its former glory and a number of medieval displays can be viewed within the castle: offering viewing enjoyment for the entire family.

Food & Drink:

Those in the mood for seafood can dine at Vier Tafels on Plotergracht 6. The Vier Tafels is a bar and a restaurant, offering international delicacies, wines, cocktails, fresh seafood, salad, rice, salmon, Gambas, mussels and more. Vier Tafels is honoured for its universal cuisine, so there is something for everyone's palate.

'T Keteltje at Nederkouter 1 is the perfecting dining spot if one is looking for a romantic dinner while staying in Gent. Fully dressed tables and a variety of season dishes make the 'T Keteltje one of the finest places to dine in Belgium. Likewise, the De Foyer Brasserie at Sint-Baafsplein 17, is housed in the former Royal Dutch Theater. The De Foyer serves fine dishes like tomato crevettes, grey shrimp, chicken waterzooi, cr?me brulee, chocolate mousse, tiramisu, and tarts, among other incredible desserts.

The Chez Leotine Restaurant at Groentenmarkt # 10-11 also serves Waterzooi, Flemish Beef Stew, and frites. Waterzooi is a unique Belgium dish, much like Cream of Chicken Soup, that has chicken, carrots, celery and onions in the mix. After having your meal at the Chez Leotine Restaurant, travellers may find that the size of the servings offered there has left little to no room for dessert!

Hotels & Accommodation:

  • Minotel Gravensteen

  • Hotel Den Yzer Gent

  • Hotel Ibis Gent Centrum Opera

  • Holiday Inn Gent

  • Campanile Gent / Gand

  • Hotel Monasterium PoortAckere

  • Carlton

  • Entertainment:

    Travellers looking for entertainment can enjoy the nightlife of Gent when they stop into the Het Waterhuis aan de Bierkant. The Het Waterhuis aan de Bierkant at Groente Markt 9 offers a fine choice of beers, both guest and seasonal. Weary travellers can rest and relax as they sip at the beer of their choosing and take in the scenic view of the canal.

    Families can also take in a little culture when site seeing at the Alijnhuis, a museum located at Kraanlei 65, that offers hours of viewing entertainment and enjoyment. With craft rooms, displays portraying medieval life in Gent; bridal artifacts and the like, the Alijnhuis proves entertaining for the entire family. Finally, some children's games are offered at the Alijnhuis.

    The Friday Market in the city centre of Gent, is an outdoor market that gives travellers a chance to enjoy a day of shopping. Olives, fresh fish, sausages, chicken, cheeses, fruits and vegetables, breads, and bakery items are offered at many of the booths in the market. Further, travellers can purchase souvenirs, clothing, furniture, woodcarvings, knick-knacks and an array of items are sold every Friday. The Friday market surrounds one of the popular monuments in Gent's city square: the Jacob Van Artevelde, a monument to one of Gent's formidable political figures.

    Author: Meredith Booney Website: Meredith Booney is a freelance travel writer with over 20 years of experience writing for travel journals, newspapers and magazines. Belgium Tourist Information
    About the Author

    Author: Meredith Booney Website: Meredith Booney is a freelance travel writer with over 20 years of experience writing for travel journals, newspapers and magazines. Belgium Tourist Information

    Monday, May 4, 2009

    TEFL and ESL Board Games For the Classroom

    Classroom board games are probably one of the most effective teaching tools available. Here we see how to stimulate and motivate students, and provide a welcome change to more standard classroom teaching approaches, giving students a refreshing new focus to practice their spoken English.
    A few important points to bear in mind when using board games, which will increase their effectiveness and get the students speaking in English are:

    1. The first rule to establish is that the game is to be played in English. Give some input vocabulary such as 'Whose turn is it?', 'Pass the dice please' or for a bit of fun 'Hey, stop cheating!'. Then as the game progresses and you see other linguistic requirements, supply them, drill them briefly, and continue to play. I often have students keep a separate booklet for game playing vocabulary. The students motivation is strong, so take advantage of it!
    2. Encourage students to speak in only English by establishing the second rule: not speaking in the target language forfeits a turn. This sounds a little dramatic and harsh, but you'll be amazed how well it works. It also creates an enormous amount of spontaneity of language, resulting in increased fluency and a reduction in response times.
    3. Teachers usually think in terms of one-class time slots, whereby the material to be used is to be finished by the end of the allotted time. This can lead to unnecessarily self-imposed restrictions on the choice of materials. I often let a game run for 3 or 4 lessons in order to let the students become highly familiar with the vocabulary fields as well as letting them build up a sense of momentum to the outcome.
    4. Students should 'earn' the right to take a turn to generate the motive for speaking. This would mean, for example, asking a team to answer a question before being allowed to take a turn. Depending on the the theme of the board game, you may also use relevant video clips, story reconstructions with visuals or maybe role play situations in parallel, which allow students to score points which in turn allow them to throw the dice.
    5. Don't just limit yourself to the rules in the game. Feel free to 'play God' and adjust the rules as you find convenient to make the game move more slowly or faster. It's amazing how our knee-jerk reaction to a game's set of rules sometimes leaves us feeling powerless over how to play the game! Such changes may include giving new consequences to the value of a throw on the dice e.g. 'if a player throws a 5, then they get to throw again'. Wham! You've got a new dimension to the game.
    6. Keep teacher talking time down! Let the students run the game - you just police it from a distance, supplying language as required. Because a board game generates spontaneous situations within a defined linguistic area, this is the perfect opportunity for the teacher to take back stage, and just give 'hot correction' when required. Error feed back and remedial work can be given at intervals as appropriate.

    Adrian Allen is one of the co-founders of This is a bilingual search tool for private teachers to advertise themselves to students. It can be used either for free, or by paying a small subscription fee for better ranking in the database.

    By Adrian Allen

    Saturday, May 2, 2009

    Style and Grace Befitting Our Country

    I watched today the ceremonies commemorating the death of our 38th President Gerald R Ford, and was stuck by the dignity and grace of Mrs. Ford during the Eulogies for her husband, whom she married in 1948 a marriage of 59 years. Most people may have known Mrs. Ford for her work after the Presidency founding the Betty Ford Center, but she is a strong woman, who has endured so much in her life, and lives today as a pillar of strength and courage for a country who has lost another leader. That power from a woman who at 89 years old still shows American?s everywhere that there is a special presence to the office of the President, and it?s relatively few occupants and families who have shared it. I was truly inspired and it is through her grieving eyes our country pays it final respects to the President.

    A breast cancer survivor and a person who bravely battled the demons of dependency, from alcohol to pills. She is the living remembrance of a time forgotten by many, who helped lead the country back from a troubled time, and showed us today what she showed the country back then, a compassionate and caring woman, who has just lost her best friend. A person from the Midwest knows this instinctively, but today a new generation got to see it up close, and how fortunate we were to have Betty and Gerald Ford in our history.

    It was not lost upon me as well, seeing her looking proudly on as her husbands casket was carried into the Capital Building. I have always thought of the Ford?s as more common people, having the office of President thrust upon them in 1974, and serving for only 896 days. I also recalled how only a few weeks after becoming the First Lady, she had a mastectomy performed on her. She demonstrated great courage through that and her other problems as well, and today though frail and older she showed us a new courage again.

    I was never a big fan of Gerald Ford when he was our President, but through his long life after the Presidency, I was allowed to get to know Mr. and Mrs. Ford a little better. That time has made me change my opinion of Gerald R. Ford, and I believe much of that credit comes from his wife Betty Ford, through the many years after they left the White House and culminating with today?s funeral ceremony, Mrs. Ford I was moved watching you today and offer my condolences and deepest respect on this day we said goodbye to our President, and your husband. God Speed and may God Bless you.

    Jeffrey Meier of Jam727 Enterprises offers Information Articles and Library Articles on a wide variety of topics at

    Friday, May 1, 2009

    Real Estate Agent Courses

    Online real estate courses are offered to potential and licensed real estate agents, real estate brokers, real estate appraisers and real estate investors. The online schools offer a wide range of services to their students, which include helping the students pass the licensing exams for each field. Different courses are offered to those who wish to become agents, brokers, appraisers and investors as each has its own specific areas of study.

    Courses for Real Estate Agents

    The major areas of study that the courses for real estate agents include License Laws, Real Estate Contracts and Law, Escrow, Finance, and the Principles and Practices of Real Estate Math. These courses are often delivered through various software, CDs and virtual tutorials that the online schools offer their students. These courses help the students have access to the most up to date state laws with regard to real estate in the areas where they wish to practice their profession and the most up to date techniques and skills that can help them help their future clients. The students also take exams on these modules as to assess their understanding of the different areas of their study.

    Review for licensing exams and license renewal

    In addition to the modules that these courses offer, one important service that these online schools provide their students are the reviews that the students can take to help them prepare for the State Real Estate Exams that they will take to become accredited agents. These reviews are often given to the students in the form of practice exams and supplementary reading that can help the student prepare for the exam.

    Apart from offering their services to people who wish to become agents, courses are also offered to licensed real estate agents who need to renew their real estate agent licenses. Online real estate courses for agents provide high-quality, effective, and convenient classes to future realty agents, that not only give them the most up to date information on real estate but also the best preparation for the State Real Estate Exams.

    Real Estate Courses provides detailed information on Online Real Estate Courses, Real Estate Agent Courses, Real Estate Appraisal Courses, Real Estate Broker Courses and more. Real Estate Courses is affiliated with Phoenix Real Estate Schools.