Saturday, October 18, 2008

What's the Proper Rate for Weight Training?

In all honesty, in depends. There are various factors can influence how frequently you should work out with weights and they all interact with each other.

To analyze what would work best for your particular method of weight training, the factors you should keep in mind include the following components.

1. The Training Volume

2. The intensity at which you train

3. Nutrition

4. How much time you give the muscles to recover

5. The size of the body parts in question.

6. The type of training that you do

In all honesty, this will be all the more applicable to training with free weights, however if the bulk of your exercises are more on using body weight exercises such as doing Pull-ups, push-ups, dips, burpees, running etc then I must inform you that some schools of thought make a point that seems worth the consideration.

Pound for pound, primates in the wild, soldier in the military and most inhabitants of so-called 3rd world countries (and I've been around both!) are extremely stronger and healthier individuals and it's quite obvious that they do extreme amounts of exercise (with all the work, branchiation , and survival).

So, if you do want to exercise almost every day or give some variety to you weight training routine, or are in the situation where you don?t access to your bars of steel, then you could just add some calisthenics for use.

Some people say that Bruce Lee, Boxing legend-Ali and most boxers in general hardly ever use free weights, so that?s food for thought.

But that is not to disregard weight training, obviously it works for the numerous cats in the gyms who use them right?

So, equip yourself with this information to making your weight training more effective, efficient and most of

Kick butt and Take Names


Foras Aje is an independent researcher and co-founder of BodyHealthSoul LLC. Stop by His Abdominal Exercises Blog today for more information on The Right Weight training frequency

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