Sunday, November 30, 2008

Wanna Share A Room?

In some parts of the world, renting a house or an apartment; and then subsequently having the rooms rented out to other individuals, is a common occurrence. This practice, which goes by the terms subletting or flatting, is a form of living arrangement that is popular among young adults. Not only do they have a semblance of privacy and independence, since the maintenance and utility costs are shared, it also becomes quite economical for those involved.

If you plan to sublet the house you?re renting or plan to be a tenant of a tenant, make sure that the owner of the house is aware of this planned living arrangement. Check the contract or lease agreement and make sure that there are no specific clauses prohibiting you (or the main tenant) from conducting subletting procedures. Once you have verified that subletting is allowed, you are then free to either move in (if you?re the lessee) or look for flatmates.

If you will be the landlord, it would be wise to draft a contract between yourself and your lessee. In your contract, make sure that all the stipulations and conditions indicated in your agreement with the main landlord, most especially those that involve what are or are not allowed in the premises, remain the same. Remember that in case your tenant does serious damage to the property, you will be responsible for it. So don?t take any chances.

If you will be the tenant, it is still advisable to sign a contract with your ?landlord?. Have a copy of this document on file so you can easily revert to it in case disputes or problems arise.

If both of you will abide by the agreed upon rules and regulations and get along well even on a personal level, then sharing a room, or a house would not be a problem. Not only is it financially viable, it is also a great way for you to meet and make good friends.

This is article is brought to you by Gloria Smith at Created by a former, licensed Real Estate Agent, was designed to offer instant access to the most sought after type of real estate forms. For the cost of what others charge for one real estate contract, you can have instant access to over 60 downloadable real estate forms.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

What is a Post mortem anyway?

post?mor?tem (p st-m?r t m) adj. 1. Occurring or done after death. 2. Of or relating to a medical examination of a dead body. n. 1. See autopsy. 2. Informal An analysis or review of a finished event. That is the definition you will see in most dictionaries.

We use the term to forensically examine the property that you have purchased, rehabilitated and resold. It is a necessary tool in your administrative toolbox if you want to become a better real estate investor.

The Post-mortem will do the following if you examine it:

1) Show you the way to price your next rehab project down to the penny.

2) Indicate a spike in either goods or labor during the time period.

3) Allow you to correct any deviations in your pricing formula when you purchased the property.

4) Indicate whether you are pricing the resale correctly.

5) Identify training problems.

6) Indicate if you are purchasing the right properties.

7) It is a great tool to show to your lender when you are attempting to finance a property.

Each property you purchase must be examined to indicate whether you are performing your job correctly. How do I do a post-mortem? Well here is the rub? First you have to have a system of pricing in place to examine the results against.

For example a client purchased at auction the property below in Groveport, Ohio on January 20, 2005 and then resold on April 26, 2005, for a profit of just over $19,000 or 20% return. Why would you want to analyze a win like that?

Because the client made several mistakes that can not be repeated if they intend to continue to make profits. So we teach them to analyze everything to make the next deal more lucrative and to get used to having a system.

First they learn to create a summary page. It summarizes the transaction and we usually use this page to show to the lender along with the prediction regarding resale (market index) and our rehabilitation analyzer.

In this situation the home was purchased for $82,150.00 at the auction. Prior to the auction our client had an estimated rehabilitation of $9,700 for the property. In actuality they spent in the neighborhood of $16,000.00! Way out of line with the analyzer. Why were they so off budget? They failed to account for items that were needed. They were over budget on electrical, kitchen, appliances, flooring and failed to account for a new furnace and water heater.

This is simply a training issue or as we call it honest eyes. The client failed to account for items that were required to be in the fix-up budget.

So do yourself a favor and learn to do a post-mortem on every property you purchase. Or let us teach you to perform

Friday, November 28, 2008

There Are Lots Of Laptop Computer Backpacks Which Is Right For You?

So someone must really love you, you were lucky enough to get a laptop computer backpack for Christmas. You were so excited when you saw it and you thought that you would take it everywhere. But after a few days the excitement might wear off when you realize it's just a little irritating taking it around and worrying about dropping it etc. The solution is pretty simple. Invest in a Laptop Computer Backpack. When you're comparing it to your new notebook, it might not seem that expensive, but this is one purchase that is just a little bigger than you might think. It will help you stay organized and make you want to have your computer with you. The only dilemma is what laptop computer backpack is right for you? Well, I present the 5 main considerations when picking the computer bag that is right for you.

1) Find a backpack that fits your notebook well. You probably don't need to pull out the measuring tape, but you definitely don't want to have your 12 inch laptop in a backpack that is designed for a 17 inch backpack. As long as your laptop computer won't be bouncing around in your backpack you should be fine. Also, most bags and backpacks designed for laptop computers will have some kind of padding or other protection for the computer. Both a snug fit and the padding will keep your computer in place and protected.

2) Make sure that the style of the bag fits your lifestyle. You don't need to make your lifestyle fit the style of your bag. My first laptop bag was a leather briefcase. I made sure that I got a nice one and it did the job pretty well. But I found that if I had to walk a distance with my briefcase that it was kind of annoying and made me walk weird with all of that weight on one side. I actually just won a new laptop computer backpack, and I would never go back. I'm through with funny walking, I don't not want to bring my laptop anywhere. You would actually be surprised at how comfortable it is.. This backpack is what I want. Make sure that your backpack fits your lifestyle. If you ride your bike to work, a bag without shoulder-straps would obviously have limitations. If you are a businessman and want to always look professional, maybe my briefcase would be a better choice. Just make sure that it works for you.

3) Find a look that is right for you. Many fashionable or business women, for example, don't want to be seen carrying a big briefcase that looks like it was built for men. They would possibly prefer considering one of many women's laptop cases. You would actually be pretty surprised at how nice some of these bags look. A far cry from the standard black laptop computer briefcase.

4) Find a good price. Shop around and make sure that you're getting what you want, for the price you want. Obviously nice backpacks, bags, or briefcases are going to be nicer and more expensive. But you don't have to scrap the college fund for the kids just to find the right laptop bag.

5) Find a good brand. A lot of the trendy women's laptop cases aren't going to be offered by the big brands. But, you can usually trust those. But for your standard laptop computer backpacks, stick with the brands that you've heard of (such as Targus, or Ogio). Chances are that the reason that you've heard of them is because they're good. You heard of Columbia winter coats because they're bad, but because they're good

Laptop Computer Backpacks can be a cheap, but great investment. It will change the relationship that you have with your laptop computer.

Brady Quist is the owner of Laptop Computer Backpacks, a site dedicated to helping you find one of many laptop computer backpacks that are right for you. They also carry Women's Laptop Bags, Briefcases, Trendy Laptop Bags, Totes, Rolling Cases and a whole lot more. Laptop Computer Backpacks is the place to go for all of your backpacking needs.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Travel Insurance Gap Year And Backpacker Travel


Travel Insurance - Gap Year And Backpacker TravelSubmitted By: Jean Andrews   

There are many hazards and dangers that gappers can encounter if they don't do their homework and plenty of research before setting off. Many of us wish we could blaze a trail across new frontiers, but the reality is that someone has already been there, done that, and got the tee shirt. Nevertheless, it's a good idea to network with those who've gone before you and take advantage of their knowledge.

Perhaps one of the most important tips is to thoroughly check out any company before paying money up front! Many of these companies may profess to be experts who can set up a complete overseas volunteering package for you. Some companies are legitimate, but others may not be. No matter how intrepid you think you are, you wouldn't really want to find yourself stuck in the jungle surrounded by malaria-ridden mosquitoes without a reliable lifeline or helping hand back to civilization. Would you?

I've researched and written blogs and articles about this subject in the past and the bottom line seems to be 'get the facts and then double check them, and then check again.' For many young people it will be their first time away from home alone - so having reliable and solid support is vital.

Gap Year travel has become the norm, and almost expected of any self-respecting student. However, it's not just students taking that year out these days. Many choose to take a gap year as a career-break, perhaps while switching careers mid life. Mature travellers have the time and money to set off on adventures and make up for what they missed out on when younger. No matter what age or what your plans are, the Internet is sure to play a big part in planning your gap year. It's a tremendous resource.

Taking a gap year wasn't always an option unless you came from a very wealthy family. Going back a few centuries, the young upper classes went on the Grand Tour of Europe as a rite of passage and part of their education. They were the first gap year travellers, but they were the privileged few. Our handsome princes, William and Harry, did their gap year volunteering and weren't afraid to get their hands dirty. I think we'd all agree they have turned into terrific young men.

A gap year could encompass volunteering in an overseas work program. Other options might include working in a ski resort or dude ranch, an exchange program, a language course or other course of study, or just taking off on a backpacking Odyssey. Whichever you choose, it's sure to be an eye-opening and character building look at other cultures. A large percentage of the volunteering opportunities will be in African countries, but there's a need for volunteers in many other parts of the world. Other popular destinations for gappers and backpackers include Peru, USA, Canada, Australia, Mexico, South America and Chile.

Planning well ahead is essential, especially to ensure you get all the vaccinations you'll need for the countries you plan to visit. Make sure your passport has plenty of time left on it and apply for all the necessary visas. As you'll need to book long-haul flights in advance it's also important to purchase the right type of travel insurance - as well as coverage for any planned sporting activities.

Using the internet social networking sites makes it easy for travellers to stay in touch with family and loved ones and share experiences and photos online. I know it's not as fast as shooting an email through cyberspace but, personally, I still think it's nice to receive postcards from foreign places with the colourful native stamps. People don't have time for snail mail these days.

There doesn't seem to be a downside to taking a gap year. The best advice is to use the internet to research your destinations and arm yourself with as much knowledge as possible. Read the reviews and tips provided by other travellers - they could help you avoid bad experiences - as well as share in the good ones. You can network with other travellers, find good value hostels and places to stay, get in on the best restaurant deals, and pick up useful backpacking tips.

I heard a good-natured gripe from a young woman who is off backpacking alone in Southeast Asia. She felt that she was just following the same route that thousands of others were on and her experiences were not worthwhile or special. Maybe she should stop worrying about being unique and just enjoy it and take advantage of the input and experiences of others. They learned their lessons the hard way so that she doesn't have to!

Article Tags: year, gap, travellers

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Pennsylvania Home Buying

Maybe you?re buying your first home in Pennsylvania, or perhaps you?re relocating to Pennsylvania from another state. Either way, it?s important that you educate yourself on Pennsylvania home loans before shopping for a home and mortgage. This article explains what you?ll need to know before buying a home in Pennsylvania:

The median price of a home in Pennsylvania is $97,000. Recently, homes in Pennsylvania have been appreciating at rates below the national average. However, in some parts of Pennsylvania, appreciation rates are at an all time high. The highest appreciation rates are in Philadelphia and Allentown. As a result, income levels in many parts of Pennsylvania are too low to purchase a median-priced home with a conventional loan. In fact, homeowners in many Pennsylvania cities pay more than the recommended 30% of their incomes toward housing.

The price of homes in Pennsylvania varies widely between zip codes. For example, in Westchester, Pennsylvania, the median price of a home in the summer of 2005 was $230,000; however, in Tornbury, Pennsylvania, the median price of a home was $300,000, and in Manheim Township, Pennsylvania, it was $170,000. Average interest rates in Pennsylvania are above the national average.

Pennsylvania law does allow prepayment penalties if the loan amount is greater than $50,000. However, it prohibits balloon loans that are to be paid off in less than 10 years. Additionally, Pennsylvania law does not allow mortgage contracts that include an increase in interest rate should the borrower default on the loan.

Jessica Elliott recommends that you visit Mortgage Lenders for more information about Pennsylvania Mortgage Rates and Loans.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Real Estate Investment Trusts

Real estate investment trusts (REITs) is an investment trust where many people invest their money in commercial and residential real estate businesses. The trust manages and possesses many commercial properties and mortgages. The trust also invests in other types of real estate. Real estate investment trusts shows the best characteristics of both real estate and stocks.

Real estate investment trust is a company that operates income producing real estate such as apartments, offices, warehouses, shopping centers, and hotels. Though a variety of property types are there, most of the REITs concentrate on any one of the property types only. Those specializing in health care facilities are called the health care REITs. The real estate investment trust was formed in 1960 in order to make large scale income raising investments in real estate, which can be easily accessed by smaller investors. The trust?s main advantage is that it helps a person to select an appropriate share to invest on from a variety of group rather than investing on a single building or management.

Real estate investment trusts are broadly classified into three categories - equity, mortgage and hybrid. The first category involves the ownership and management of income producing real estate. Mortgage real estate investment trusts offers money directly to real estate owners by acquiring loans or mortgage backed securities. The third category not only owns properties but also provide loans to real estate owners and operators.

Real estate investment trusts differ from limited partnerships in many ways. One of the main differences lies in reporting the annual tax information to the investors and another is that there is no minimum investment amount. For a company to become a real estate investment trust, it should share out 90 percent or more of its taxable income to its shareholders once in a year. Once a company is qualified as an REIT, it is allowed to reduce the dividends given to its shareholders.

Real Estate Investments provides detailed information on Real Estate Investments, Real Estate Investment Trusts, Real Estate Investment Loans, Real Estate Investment Financing and more. Real Estate Investments is affiliated with Buying Investment Properties.

Monday, November 24, 2008


AUTHOR NAME: Ameet Arurkar

The F?d?ration Internationale de Football Association, also known as FIFA, is the worlwide association of (football)soccer. It is one of the largest sports groups on Earth. The current headquarters for the association is based in Z?rich, Switzerland. As the popularity of soccer continued to increase during the 20th century, it became apparent that a governing body for the sport needed to be formed. Though the Football Association had proposed an international organization many times, they were unsuccessful.

FIFA was formed when seven European countries decided to work together to form the association. The organization was founded on May 21, 1904 in Paris. The first worldwide competition was held in 1906, and it was met with little success. The founding president Robert Gu?rin chose to resign, and was replaced by Daniel Burley Woolfall. The next competition was held at the 1908 Olympics in London, and was much more successful. Within the next year, membership in the organization extended beyond Europe, and included the United States, South Africa, and Argentina.

The rising prominence of FIFA was slowed at the start of World War 1. Many players were sent to war, and international travel was heavily restricted. After World War 1 ended, the popularity continued to increase, and the first World Cup was held in 1930. This tournament was highly successful, and plans were made for more games. The World Cup has become one of the most important tournaments for soccer, and is the equivalent of the Super Bowl. The FIFA 2006 World Cup will be held in Germany.

FIFA has become a world renown organization The revenues brought in by the association between 2003 and 2006 are in the hundreds of millions of dollars. The success of the organization has also extended into the video game market, with the release of FIFA 2006 by Electronic Arts. This game is planned to be released in October. The FIFA series of games are widely popular among those who enjoy soccer, and a number of titles have been published over the last ten years. There are also a number of websites about FIFA, which includes

There are a number of awards which have come to be associated with the organization. The FIFA World Player of the Year award is the highest honor to be given to a player. This award is a part of the annual ceremony. A Match of the Century was held in 2004 between Brazil and France. A list has been compiled by the organizaiton which is called the FIFA 100, and is a list of the greatest soccer players who have ever lived. Today FIFA is split into six global confederations.

The laws which govern soccer are not made by FIFA, but are instead given by an organization called the International Football Association Board. Fifty percent of the board members are also members of FIFA. A large percentage of the board is also from the United Kingdom, and this is because of the contributions made to the sport by Britain. Though the association had humble beginnings, it has today grown into a respectable organization which has a global appeal.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Car Rentals For Alicante Benidorm And Torrevieja

The most convenient way to travel throughout the Costa Blanca region is by an Alicante car rental. There are nine car hire companies operating at the Alicante International Airport, including Avis, Hertz, Altesa, Centauro, Aruiga, Europa, Record, Solmar and Euopcar. These car rental companies are conveniently grouped together in the airport and located immediately outside of the arrival area.

It is best to reserve your car before leaving home to not only guarantee the availability of car, but also to get the best deal on the car you want. The Costa Blanca area is the busiest during the summer season when car reservations fill up quickly. Consider reserving a car at the same time you make your hotel and flight reservations. You will likely find a better deal if you reserve a car in advance. If you do not know what size you need, at least reserve an economy size as you can always upgrade to a larger vehicle later.

When searching for a car, compare deals and availability with several car hire companies to get the best rate. You can call the company directly, can call a travel agent or search the internet. Travel agents sometimes offer hotel and flight packages that may include car rental. Of course, compare the cost of the entire package to the price of reserving each part separately. It may or may not be a better deal, but despite how you choose to find your car, there are a few car rental extras that you should consider when comparing rental packages.

First, consider whether or not you want to pick the car up from the airport or in the city. Generally, there is little difference between the cost of renting a car directly from the airport or from a city, such as Benidorm or Torrevieja. However, you should check the cost between the two options. It may be cheaper to rent in town and companies often provide transportation from the airport.

Also, if you need an infant or child seat, be sure to reserve a seat when you originally book your car rental. Child safety seats are the law in Spain and you want to be sure there are appropriate seats available based on your child?s size and weight. You will pay an additional fee, but such seats are available as a car rental extra. Of course, you can always bring a car seat from home. Though the added ?luggage? may be somewhat of a hassle, you will not have to worry that the seat will not be the appropriate size for your child. The money you save may be worth the added inconvenience.

Finally, with the hot weather during summers in the Alicante area, you will definitely want air conditioning. It may not be available in all vehicles. Be sure to confirm that this extra is included, if you plan on cool and comfortable travels during your stay. It will make a big difference.

About the Author:

Concentrating on news and information about Benidorm, Clinton Maxwell publishes largely for . You can see his publications on Alicante car rental over at .

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Houses in Amritsar malls at Ludhiana

The Chadha group, promoted by liquor baron Ponty Chadha, plans major expansion of real estate business across North India. The group plans to invest Rs 3,000 crore over the next two years to start a number of residential and commercial projects in various cities of Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal.

Other than the Westend Estate project started in Mohali, the group is in the final stages of land acquisition for setting up a residential project in Amritsar. The group also plans to set up townships in Jalandhar and Ludhiana, besides establishing malls through a separate company -- AB Motions -- at Ludhiana and Mohali.

Mr Manpreet Singh Chadha, Director, said they shortly plan to start their projects in Indrapuram (National Capital Region), Dehra Dun, Meerut and Bareilly.

The group has already launched Westend Estate across 150 acres in Mohali, and 50 per cent of the residential sites (flats, plots, and villas) have already been sold out. Since we have hired sports legend, Mr Kapil Dev as the brand ambassador for our residential projects, we will be creating a lot of sports infrastructure in all our projects.

Fortynine per cent area, which is supposed to be left as greens, will be used for creating sporting facilities, he said, while adding that the real estate ventures will be funded through internal accruals and finances from financial institutions.

He said all projects of the Chadha Group would have facilities for entertainment, leisure, and other recreational activities. Additionally, it will also have schools, hospitals, power back up and adequate water supply.

The Rs 2,500-crore Chadha Group is a Delhi-based diversified business conglomerate with interests in real estate -- both residential and commercial.

For more information on Real Estate Agents, MLS visit

Source: IndiaRealEstateblog
About the Author


Friday, November 21, 2008

Poland Real Estate

Poland has painstakingly been rebuilt from the ravages of Communist regime post World War II. Poland's inclusion in the European Union has had an impact on opportunities for livelihood. Better job prospects have resulted in economic boom. This in turn has affected real estate business. Individuals are turning to purchasing property for residential or commercial purposes.

After the Second World War, Poland was completely destroyed and rebuilding took years of time. Today, situation of real estate has improved as a result of its affiliation to European Union. There are a series of changes that have taken place. While Warsaw, the capital of Poland, remains the most influential and expensive city to own property, standards are not up to what they are supposed to be. Cities such as Krakow, Wroclaw, Poznan, Lodz, are now distinguished as the urban cities in Poland.

Cost of the land ranges from $1250 per square meter to almost $50000 to $200000 per square meter in urban areas of Krakow. Subsidized rules, faster loan availability at reasonable rates have pushed up values of real estate investment in Poland. Warsaw alone has several new areas like Wilanow, where more and more properties are up for sale due to easy availability of different currencies. More and more individuals are turning in to realtors and providing competition for real estate deals.

With low taxes, politically stability and expert driven economy, Poland is all set to make a new come back in the real estate market. Property prices are already up and real estate market is looking quite confident and very power driven. This may become a better and faster market for real estate markets in future. Real estate market in Poland looks all set to make a great make over with cities such as Tricity, Lodz, Poznan witnessing an economic growth due to European Union.

Future of real estate in Poland looks very bright and promising. With infrastructure doing well, and war effects being over, real estate in Poland is all positive and forward looking.

Poland provides detailed information on Poland, Poland Travels, Poland Tours, Poland Real Estate and more. Poland is affiliated with Portland Oregon Hotels.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Displacement of Family Farms Eminent Domain and Fair Market Values Discussed

When important infrastructure in our nation must be built to ensure economic vitality, proper distribution or the basic needs of our civilization we must also be cognizant of the Displacement of Family Farms, Fair Market Values and the reality of the importance of the project too. Taking family farms even if you pay fair market value often causes chaos and conflicts.

Look at the depression, manipulation of the stock markets set up to capitalize American business and artificial money controls costs millions of families their land in foreclosures. You see, I do not disagree that displacement of family farms must be considered and those families be kept whole. So be it. That is fair. It is only fair that we replace the land in an area with similar soil, water availability and add to the land acreage to sweeten the pot.

We must consider this when building the thing whatever it is. Lets say it is expansion of a Freeway or Highway, indeed then make the road as straight as possible using a computer and looking at terrain and structures, like routing software can do, that keeps it fair. Some folks might have a greater burden, have a sliding scale to fairly compensate them.

If eminent domain is done correctly and for the right reasons then indeed, Folks will be begging to put it thru on their chunk of land so they can get paid and sell at a fair or above fair price during a downturn in real-estate. The increase to our civilization will more than pay the costs in the efficiency, increase in jobs, better standard of living, lower prices and quality of life. Efficiency has a way of doing that. The longer we wait the worse the issue.

Lance Winslow - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Playtex Bra Perfect For Any Women

The Playtex Bra - perfect for any women Playtex was founded as the International Latex Company in 1932. It all began as a manufacturer of bathing caps in Rochester, NY and it soon expanded to produce aprons, hot pads, slippers, makeup capes, and baby pants all under the Playtex brand name. In 1954 the Living Playtex Lingerie Bras were introduced, which enjoyed 40 years in the market place.

Playtex also created the size charts, which allowed women a better option to what size they were. They are responsible for created the Eighteen hour bra and Cross you heart brands. Which are two of their bestselling brands throughout the years.

The Playtex Bra comes in many different brand names and styles. Playtex Secrets, which holds some of the styles such as Legacy Lace underwire and wirefree, All That Glitters underwire and wirefree, and Forever Lace underwire.

Cross your heart holds many styles that are more of a seamless lightly lined, or undercut support bra. Also, under this style, are light mircofiber, sideshaping, lightly lined seamless, and nobody's perfect bras.

In addition Playtex provides half cup sizes, for those in between women. These can be found mostly in their Thank Goodness It Fits line.

Playtex also provides the perfect bras for expectant mothers. Their maternity line includes extra comfort nursing soft cup and underwire nursing bras. In addition they offer underwire alternative nursing bras, which are perfect for support with comfort. Playtex maternity bras feature flexible undercup fabric braiding providing shaping, support, and absorbency. Made with custom multiple setting for a custom fit as your body changes.

Playtex has been around for years and continues to prove to be the better bra company every year. Some Playtex bras are made with silky material while others are made with just regular cotton. With its many styles and designs, every woman should be able to find what they are looking for.

Carol Brown writes for My Socks 'N' More, a company dedicated to providing the quality brands you've come to trust at great prices you'll come to love. Playtex Bra

Article Source:

By Carol M. Brown

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

UK FirstTime House Buyers Feeling Over Stretched

The population of Britain is renowned across Europe as a nation of fanatical home owners. While members of other countries are content to rent their home rather than take on the burden of actual ownership and long-term financial debt, people in the UK seem fixated with the idea of buying and owning their home. Unfortunately for the thousands of current prospective first-time home buyers, the soaring levels of house prices in recent years has made it increasingly difficult to get into the first rung of the property ladder. As the value of houses at all levels increases, the number of first-time buyers who are having to borrow the full value or more of their property, or rely on more financially secure friends and relatives to stand any chance of buying a home, has also increased.

According to a recent report by the Post Office, there are currently many first-time buyers who have become so overstretched through their borrowing that they now stand the risk of losing their homes within the next six months. According to Claire Oldstein from the Post Office: First-time buyers tend to overstretch themselves, but need to consider what they would do if they lost their income.

?One in three first-time buyers accepts that their household costs are higher than they had anticipated and 45 per cent do not have any insurance against loss of income resulting from accident, sickness of unemployment.?

While the major mortgage lenders like the Woolwich mortgages, understand that the introduction of first-time buyers is essential to keep the housing market from becoming stagnant, making it essential that many first-time buyer mortgages include incentives such as introductory reduced fixed rate interest periods, to help buyers regain their secure financial footing, this does not address the fundamental problem of increased borrowing.

First-time buyers are becoming more wary over the disparity between wages and the size of the debts accrued through taking out long-term mortgage loans. A study by the National Association of Estate Agents, indicated that only 12% of all houses sold last year were bought by first-timers, compared with nearly a third in 2000.

Mortgage comparison services like Moneynet and special introductory rates can help to ensure buyers get a better deal, but as the average length of time take to save up the deposit for a new house increases, and with it the average age of all first-time buyers, it is evident that the burden being felt is starting to weigh heavily on the already financially stretched resources of young house hunters.

Claire Oldstein warned that, It's unlikely they will have a big enough rainy day fund to rely on especially after pulling together a deposit. Protecting yourself may seem another unwelcome expense but it could actually be money well spent should the unexpected happen.?

Submitted by:
Michael Hanna

About Michael
Michael is a keen writer, and internet marketer living in Scotland:

Contact details:
Phone: 0131 561 2251
Michael's Website: Belfast Taxi

Monday, November 17, 2008

Oregon Commercial Real Estate

Real estate is broadly categorized into two types. This includes residential and commercial real estate. As the name suggests, the latter revolves around sale and lease of property that is intended for use in trade and business. This includes a wide range of business opportunities including shopping malls, gas stations, car parks and office buildings. The Oregon commercial real estate market is huge and encompasses innumerable viable plots and property.

Oregon commercial real estate could refer to an empty plot of land, a building, a store or multiple shops, or even a park. The instant any property is to be used for a business purpose, it is categorized as commercial real estate. Oregon commercial real estate includes land, as well as anything that is permanently built or fixed onto it. These fixtures include nursing homes, buildings and fences. They also refer to pipes, plumbing, heating devices and light fixtures that are inbuilt or fixed on the exterior of a building. Commercial real estate can be purchased, sold or rented as required. Such commitments prove to be profitable for real estate agents who deal in them. Since commercial real estate deals with profitability in the long run, entrepreneurs do no rush into such commitments. It is important to find an Oregon commercial real estate property that is feasible and can help increase trade.

Price points for Oregon commercial real estate depend upon their location. Areas that are established as commercially profitable are categorized within higher price brackets, as compared to others located in developing areas. Their rates are calculated differently from residential real estate. A number of Oregon real estate listing companies have dedicated commercial real estate databases that are easy to access and designed to help clients find a viable property in a short time. Before finalizing an Oregon commercial real estate deal, it is important to ensure the property is not blacklisted and all fixtures within it are in compliance with state regulations.

Oregon Real Estate provides detailed information on Oregon Real Estate, Portland Oregon Real Estate, Bend Oregon Real Estate, Oregon Coast Real Estate and more. Oregon Real Estate is affiliated with Denver Real Estate Agents.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Tennessee Home Buying

Maybe you?re buying your first home in Tennessee, or perhaps you?re relocating to Tennessee from another state. Either way, it?s important that you educate yourself on Tennessee home loans before shopping for a home and mortgage. This article explains what you?ll need to know before buying a home in Tennessee:

The price of homes in Tennessee varies widely between zip codes. For example, in Nashville, Tennessee, the median price of a home in the summer of 2005 was $209,000; however, the median price of a home in Knoxville, Tennessee, was $175,000. Overall, the median price of a home in Tennessee in between July 2004 and July 2005 was $166,400.

Tennessee has a very active housing market, and home prices in Tennessee appreciate at a rate comparable to the national average. Between July 2004 and July 2005, home prices in Nashville, Tennessee, rose by 9.5% from the previous year. However, the rate of job growth in Tennessee during the same year was only half of the average national job growth rate.

Many Tennessee organizations banded together to create the Tennessee Home of Your Own Program -- a program to help people with disabilities purchase their own home. Through this program, Tennessee residents with disabilities can get technical assistance with the home-buying process and assistance with down payment and closing costs. Additionally, this program offers home-ownership classes to people with disabilities.

Before closing on the purchase or sale of a home in Tennessee, buyers and sellers need to be aware of a Tennessee law that prohibits the use of personal checks in amounts greater than $1000 for costs associated with loan closing. If loan-closing costs are going to be greater than $1000, the buyer or seller will have to pay by a cashier?s check, wire transfer, or cash.

Jessica Elliott recommends that you visit Mortgage Lenders for more information about Tennessee Mortgage Rates and Loans.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Manage Your Cholesterol With Natural Vitamin Supplements.

The American Heart Association (AHA) has done a great job discovering what cholesterol does and how it affects our health. We know that high cholesterol can cause heart disease and stroke, and by lowering our cholesterol we reduce our risk and keep our bodies health. Also, with diet, weight loss and exercise we can improve our cholesterol levels as well.

Not all cholesterol is bad for you. There are both good and bad forms of cholesterol, keeping these in balance is critical for proper heart health. In the past, the primary focus was to reduce the total or ?bad? cholesterol and doctors overlooked the HDL good cholesterol. Recent research suggests that raising the HDL levels may provide even more protection against heart disease. Raising the HDL by 1% can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease by 2% in men and 3% in women. For example, if your HDL is 36mg/dl and it increased by 3.6mg/dl that?s 10%, can make you 20-30% less likely to have heart disease. Several studies have proven that low HDL is a risk factor in heart disease. (17)

Prescription drugs are available to lower cholesterol and have been proven very effective. Millions of Americans can attest to the cholesterol lowing properties of prescription drugs and they can attest to the side effects as well. Prescription drugs (statins) can cause elevated liver enzymes which are an early indication of possible liver damage. These statins? have also been associated with muscle inflammation and muscle degeneration, causing muscle pain in many patients. Statin drugs also reduce the CoQ10 levels in the body; this can lead to heart disease if left go long enough. Statins do very little for boosting good cholesterol levels and as we recall boosting good cholesterol can reduce risk of heart disease.

Thankfully there are other effective solutions for lowering cholesterol levels naturally and without side effects. There are vitamin and herbal combinations that can effectively reduce cholesterol as much as 23%. (1) First let?s review how cholesterol is linked to heart disease.

Cholesterol is a fatty like substance found in every living cell in the body. Cholesterol helps digest fats, strengthen cell membranes and make hormones. The majority of our cholesterol is manufactured in the liver, but cholesterol is also produced in the small intestines and by individual cells in the body. Even though the body makes all the cholesterol we need, approximately 1000 milligrams a day, we get additional cholesterol in our diet. (2,3) Foods highest in cholesterol are egg yolks and organ meat such as liver and kidney. No plant based food sources have cholesterol even avocado and peanut butter, they are only high in fat content. Animal sources and dairy all contain cholesterol.

Even though cholesterol is needed for many of the body?s functions, too much in the blood is bad. Excess amounts of cholesterol in the blood lead to arterial cholesterol build up and increase your risk of blood clots, heart attack and stroke. (4) All your cells live off a constant flow of blood which supplies oxygen and nutrients. When cholesterol builds up on the arteries, the blood flow is reduced through the heart. If a blood clot hits a narrow artery and blocks blood flow a heart attack happens. If the arteries narrow and not enough blood flows to the heart one will experience heart pain and given time a heart attack as well.

Cholesterol can not dissolve into the blood so the cholesterol has to be transported through the blood by a special carrier called lipoproteins. Two well known lipoproteins are low density lipoprotein (LDL) and high density lipoproteins (HDL). LDL is associated with bad cholesterol and HDL is considered good cholesterol. LDL distributes cholesterol through out the entire body and is the cause of arterial fat build up. HDL carries cholesterol away from the arteries and back to the liver to be processed and eliminated. HDL reduces arterial fat build up and reduces the risk or heart disease. In fact studies have shown that by raising the HDL, good cholesterol, can reduce your risk of heart disease more than lowering the LDL. As a result the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) has established these guidelines for a health heart: (5)

1.HDL level of 60 is optimal but 40 for men and 50 for women on average.
2.LDL levels in the range of 100 ? 159 are best.
3.Total cholesterol both HDL and LDL under 200.

Your doctor has probably been throwing around the work triglycerides. Triglycerides are the fats our body uses as fuel, the metabolisms energy source. Your triglyceride level changes with every meal through out the day. If the levels rise too much it?s a sign your meals have to many carbohydrates and sugars. Triglycerides are another risk factor in heart disease. High amounts causes the blood to be sluggish and it reduces the amount of oxygen the blood can transport especially in the small blood vessels. There are medications available for triglycerides, but keep in mind there are side effects to taking statins. Consider a diet with reduced carbohydrate and sugar to lower those triglycerides along with a good vitamin and supplement regiment.

For a healthy heart consider the following vitamins, minerals and herbs: vitamin C, E, B-6, B-12, niacin, folic acid, magnesium, selenium and amino acids, also antioxidants coenzyme Q10, alpha lipoic acid, N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), policosanol, red yeast rice, and herbs hawthorn berry, garlic, grape seed, pine bark, soy isoflavones have all shown to have beneficial affects for a better cardiovascular system and healthier heart.

Vitamin C ? An antioxidant shown to reduce arterial stiffness and inhibit platelet aggregation ? two factors known to promote atherosclerosis. (6)

Vitamin E ? An antioxidant protects against atherosclerotic plaques and shown to reduce total cholesterol levels. (7)

Niacin ? lowers total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels, while raising the HDL cholesterol. (8)

Vitamin B12 ? shown to reduce Homocysteine levels. (8)

Coenzyme Q10 ? A fat soluble nutrient found in the mitochondria of virtually all cells and an essential factor in the Krebs cycle (cellular energy production). (9) A strong antioxidant shown to help prevent LDL oxidation and strengthen the inner lining of arteries.

Policosanol ? A substance derived from sugar cane shown to reduce LDL cholesterol by 23% and increase HDL by 13% in an 8 week period.

Hawthorn Berry Extract ? Supports the muscle strength of the heart, helping to maintain healthy heart rhythm. (10) Also known to control high blood pressure and relieve mild angina (chest pain).

Garlic Bulb ? An antioxidant that has a wide range of cardiovascular health benefits. Traditionally used to lower blood pressure and cholesterol this herb has been shown to raise HDL and inhibit LDL oxidation and platelet aggregation. (1)

N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) ? A derivative of the amino acid, cysteine. NAC helps boost glutathione levels, one of the body?s best cellular antioxidants and even helps boost good cholesterol levels.

Alpha Lipoic Acid ? An antioxidant and vital nutrient for the production of energy. Alpha Lipoic Acid helps recycle other antioxidants including vitamin C, vitamin E, Coenzyme Q10, and glutathione. Also, helps control cholesterol, lower high blood pressure, and help to manage blood sugar levels.

Soy Isoflavones ? Soy protein enriched diet has been shown to decrease LDL and triglyceride levels and significantly increase HDL levels. (12,13)

The Scripps Memorial Hospital in 2002 conducted a study of these supplements on 50 patients. These patients had varied health histories and they were evaluated before the test and at 3 months and 6 months. After three months HDL levels had improved in all cases and at 6 months total good cholesterol increased 23% and triglycerides dropped 40%. Reduction in Homocysteine and amino acids levels found in the blood was also observed.

These supplement combinations are safe, after a 6 month pilot study, 50 patients with varying cardiovascular histories did not experience any serious adverse effects and these supplements were safe to use with statins. (1)

Pantethine is also known as pantothenic acid or vitamin B5 found in small amounts in the foods we eat. Pantethine lowers cholesterol by blocking its production in the liver. The production of cholesterol in the body is extremely complex. It involves many biochemical processes and requires several enzymatic steps. Pantethine safely blocks several enzymes needed to produce cholesterol. One enzyme in particular, HMG-CoA, when blocked can reduce your cholesterol production by 50%. When cholesterol production is blocked, the liver will pull LDL out of the bloodstream further reducing the bad cholesterol in the body. On average Pantethine can lower total cholesterol by 16%, LDL cholesterol by 14% and triglycerides by 38% and raise HDL by 10%. (13-16)

If you currently do not have heart disease or atherosclerosis, you shouldn?t need to worry about the amount of cholesterol you consume. Most doctors won?t prescribe statins to healthy patients as a preventative due to the potential side effects of the drugs. If you find you are consuming a lot of cholesterol in your diet, I would recommend a diet change and supplementation of the vitamins listed above to maintain a healthy heart. With the help of our doctors and the vast amount of information that is out there, we will be able to prevent heart disease and live longer healthier lives.

1. Dennish GW III, Goodman DA, Frankel P, Gawrych-Whitman R. ACTIVE study ( Addition of Cardioprotective Nutriceuticals to Diet and Exercise to Improve Markers of Cardiovascular Disease. Scripps Memorial Hospital IRB. Submitted to AHA 46th Annual Conference on Cardiovascular Disease March 2006
2. Pleuss J. Fat. In: Porth CM. Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States. 5th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Lippincott; 1998:1249.
3. Guyton AC, Hall JE.Lipid metabolism. In: Textbook of Medical Physiology. 10th Ed. Philadelphia, Pa: W.B. Saunders Company;2000:781-790.
4. Grodner M, Anderson SL, DeYoung S. Food cholesterol versus blood cholesterol. In: Foundations and Clinical Applications of Nutrition: A Nursing Approach. St. Louis, Mo: Mosby; 2000: 132-134.
5. Pasternak RC. 2001 National cholesterol education program (NCEP) guidelines on the detection, evaluation and treatment of elevated cholesterol in adults: adult treatment panel III (ATP III). ACC Current Journal Review. 2002 Jul-Aug:37-42.
6. Hallfrisch J, Singh VN, Muller DC, Baldwin H, Bannon ME, Andres R. High plasma vitamin C associated with high plasma HDL- and HDL2 cholesterol. Am J Clin Nutr. 1994 Jul;60(1):100-5.
7. Wilkinson IB, Megson IL, MacCullum H, Sogo N, Cockcroft JR, Webb DJ. Oral vitamin C reduces arterial stiffness and platelet aggregation in humans. J Acrdiovasc Pharmacol. 1999 Nov;34(5):690-3.
8. Marieb E. Vitamins. In: Human Anatomy and Physiology. San Francisco, CA: Pearson Benjamin Cummings; 2004:946-950.
9. Fleming T., ed. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) In: PDR? for Nutritional Supplements. Montvale, NJ: Medical Economics Company; 2001: 103-6.
10. Nemecz G. Hawthorn: This herb dilates coronary vessels, lowers blood pressure and reduces lipid levels. U.S.Phamacist. 1999 Feb.
11. Bordia A, Verma K, Srivastava C. Effect of garlic (Allium sativum) on blood lipids, blood sugar, fibrinogen and fibrinolytic activity in patients with coronary artery disease. Prosta Leuko Ess Fat Acids. 1998;58(4):257-63.
12. Sirtori CR, Zucchi-Dentone C, Sirtori M, Gatti E, Descovich GC, Gaddi A, Cattin L, Da Col PG, Senin U, Mannarino E, et al. Cholesterol-lowering and HDL-raising properties of lecithinated soy proteins in type II hyperlipidemic patients. Ann Nutr Metab. 1985;29(6):348-57.
13. Hermansen K, Dinesen B, Hoie LH, Morgenstern E, Gruenwald J. Effects of soy and other natural products on LDL:HDL ratio and other lipid parameters: a literature review. Adv Ther. 2003 Jan-Feb;20(1):50-78.
14. Gaddi A, Descovich GC, Noseda G. Controlled evaluation of pantethine, anatural hypolipidemic compound, in patients with different forms of hyperlipoproteinemia. Atherosclerosis. 1984;50:73-83.
15. Tonutti L, Taboga C, Noacco C. [Comparison of the efficacy of pantethine, acipimox, and bezafibrate on plasma lipids and index of cardiovascular risk in diabetics with dyslipidemia. Minerva Med. 1991;82:657-663.
16. Hiramatsu K, Nozaki H, Arimori S. Influence of pantethine on platelet volume, microviscosity, lipid composition and functions in diabetes mellitus with hyperlipedemia. Tokai J Exp Clin Med. 1981;6: 49-57.
17. Morgan J, Carey C, Lincoff A, et al. High-density lipoprotein subfractions and risk of coronary artery disease. Curr Atheroscler Rep. 2004;6(5):359-65.

About the Author:

Visit VitaNet Health Foods at VitaNet sells high quality vitamins like

Friday, November 14, 2008

How To Get A Guaranteed Agricultural Loan

Farmers who want to improve their farm outputs will often need to upgrade their facilities and buy new farm machineries. For the past few years, cost of farm equipments and machineries have increased so much that there are many farmers who could not afford to buy new farm equipment and machineries using the existing operational funds of the farm. Although there are many farmers who have properties and assets, which could serve as collateral for bank loans, there are many farmers who do not have the necessary collateral to get the loan in order to buy new equipment and machineries.

For farmers who do not have the necessary collateral to guarantee their loans with the bank, but have enough cash flow to pay off loan amortizations, there are government guaranteed loan programs that can help. They can qualify for these programs, in order to get enough funds for their farm equipments and machinery upgrading.

Getting a government guaranteed agricultural loan is not difficult. There are many banks and lending institutions, which are affiliated with this program where you can inquire about the loan programs available. Affiliated banks and lending institutions facilitate the processing and the release of the loan for qualified applicants. You do not have to worry about the processing of the guarantee of the loan since the bank or the lending institutional will usually take care of those things. Depending on the guaranteed agricultural program that you are qualifying for, the government could guarantee up to 95% of the loan you take out to acquire a farm or to fund for farm operations. This can include the purchase of machinery and equipment, building of farm sheds, acquiring stock, and other farm related activities specified under the specific program that you qualify for.

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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Buy to Let in France

What is a buy to let in France?

The buy to let scheme in France is where a property is bought and then leased to a property management company. The property management company then finds a tenant, maintains the property. In short looks after the purchaser?s interests and makes sure the property is occupied by a paying lodger.

Unlike with a leaseback, a buy to let property is not let to holiday makers and so ?downtime? is limited. Other advantages are that there is no furniture to buy, the property is let unfurnished and the terms, when compared to a leaseback, are more flexible. For example it is possible to break the contract with the management company at anytime.

How long is the lease period?
Normally there is a three year lease period. During this time, as with any property you will not have access to the residence for personal use.

What is the rate of return?
The average gross return is between 4-5% before costs on any extra guarantees. This of course can very from region to region.

When can the property be sold?
As with all property, a buy to let can be sold at any time. If there is a lodger, the chances are that full market value for the property will not be achieved.

For more information on buy to let in France, including property listings see My Investment in France is a fully licensed Paris based English speaking real estate agency. If you are looking for property in Paris My Investment in France will help you find it. They have a large selection of Buy to Let properties in Paris and the C?te d'Azur.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Baby: Baby R Us One Stop Baby Shop

If Toys ?R Us is a company that offers various toys for kids, what does
Baby R Us offer? No way! It?s not babies! Baby R Us offers baby

If Toys ?R Us is a company that offers various toys for kids, what does Baby R Us offer? No way! It?s not babies! Baby R Us offers baby products. In 1996, Westbury, New York, Baby R Us opened its first store. It has been immediately followed with opening six more branches on different locations at the end of the year. After tremendous expansion and joining the Baby Superstore chain, Baby R Us store count has reach 218 at the beginning of 2005. What a mammoth feat for a baby store, right?Babies R Us is considered a pioneer in retailing premier baby products. It is said to be the biggest store chain in the world that provides baby products. They have stores and online stores that assist in giving a unique and fun shopping experience for their consumers. It has a state-of-the-art baby registry service that provides more convenience when shopping for your baby?s needs. Baby R Us also has a Mother?s room that attends to babies? necessities. It has an online store that contains various helpful features that include the following:The Baby Registry service is a product of Babies R Us teaming up with Parents that are expecting their baby are permitted to create an online baby registry or update a registry that was set up on one of the Babies R Us stores nationwide. What this registry rids the parents is the inconvenience of surmounting geographic barriers and presumption of which products suit your baby. This way, when your friends and relatives plan to buy your baby a gift, it won?t be that much of a hassle anymore. All that they have to do is go online, select, buy and get the gift delivered to you on time. All the land-based Baby R Us stores allow all purchase returns as an added feature.Baby R Us also constantly maintains a ?Top Seller List? that usually include educational baby equipment, baby books, a pregnant mom?s book, diaper accessories, comfy baby bouncer, play gyms, baby call nursery monitors, a changing pad, monitors with dual receivers, an infant car seat base, baby wraps, toddler rockers, baby swings, nursery care kits, feeding bottle set, etc. Baby R Us online store also allows browsers to check on different brands of baby products that suit their preferences. The following are the categories that Baby R Us provides various brands of products on: gear, activity, toys, nursery, health and safety, specialty stores, feeding, bath and potty, and clothing and layette.Baby R Us also presents gift ideas to those who want to share some goodies to their little kids, nephews, nieces, granddaughter or grandsons. A gift set is always considered a hit in making parents with their babies smile with appreciation. These are often in baby gift basket forms that contain various items that deal with the parents and baby?s needs. There are also these ?Parents Favorite? items and Babies R Us? basic gift ideas that are never surmounted by novel items. Gift certificates are also available as treats to the parents-to-be. Baby R Us even added ?new baby? or ?pregnancy? e-card. Along with this e-card, the option of an e-mail or a paper gift certificate is still offered.Babies R Us online even has this resource center page that includes various buying guides, checklists, articles, advices and other information that will both benefit the parents and the baby.

Source: Free Articles from


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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Identifying Predatory Lenders

Predatory lending consists of abusive practices by lenders within the mortgage industry. These types of lenders strip borrowers of the equity in their home and put them in danger of foreclosing on their home. But one does not have to fall victim to predatory lenders. There are tell-tale signs that everyone should be aware of to help them avoid falling prey. They are listed below:

1. Be wary of and avoid any lender who encourages you to lie on your loan application.

2. Be sure that you are given all disclosures. Check your loan papers and be sure that the Good Faith Estimate, Special Info Booklet, Truth in Lending and HUD-1 Settlement statements are all included.

3. A red flag should be raised if any lender asks you to leave signatures or other line-items blank. Also re-check your documents to make sure that nothing has been altered or changed without your knowledge and/or approval.

4. If a lender asks you to repeatedly refinance and after each instance your monthly payments and total loan amounts increase, you may be dealing with a predatory lender. Shop around and get a new lender as soon as possible.

5. Check the fine print. If you are required to pay daily interest whenever your payments are late, you may be dealing with a predatory lender.

6. If your loan amount is higher than the value of your home, this is reason to give pause and to be alarmed.

7. Be wary of unexpected settlement costs that you were not given prior notice to or explanation for.

8. If your monthly payments or loan is higher than you anticipated based on the disclosures, you might be dealing with an unscrupulous lender.

9. If your mortgage loan requires a balloon payment that requires that the final lump sum be financed with that lender, you may be dealing with a predatory lender.

10. You are not required to buy credit insurance or insurance that will pay off the loan if you die or are disabled. If you are heavily pressured to do so, beware.

Buying a home may be your most expensive and prized possession. There is a lot riding on choosing the right lender. Your credit score, your hard earned cash, and your ability to borrow money in the future are all at stake. This is why it is very important to screen and get rid of lenders who are looking to dupe you out of your money and your home.

For more information on getting better Mortgage Rates as well as great money-saving Mortgage Calculator tips, techniques, resources, and other money-saving info visit

Sunday, November 9, 2008

How to Make 3D Video Game Models

A 3d Model is a three-dimensional object you put into a video game. The most common model is that of the player in the game. But it can also be almost anything else you can imagine. Here is an overview of how you make 3D models for video games.

When you make a video game most of the design is done the same way an architect would design a city or a building. It is all very static. You define the shapes of the objects then you insert textures and colors. But this is just the static world that everything happens inside. The real adventure of a video game comes when the models are inserted into the game. And if you are learning how to make a video game using some of the more common software like Reality Factory you don?t have a whole lot of options for making models. This is where 3D modeling software comes in.

To Make a 3D Model you need some 3D modeling software

There are many different modeling software applications and most of them are very suitable for making models for games. Some of the more popular packages are:

  • Maya ? A high end 3d modeling package, which is used by professionals and often, used to make movies. It also has a scaled down version which is more affordable

  • 3Ds Max ? Another high end modeling package that is very popular within the game making industry

  • Lightwave ? This is a professional package at a reasonable cost. If you are serious about 3d modeling this is a good option

  • Blender ? This is a free open source software package that has some amazing abilities. If you have no budget this is the way to go.

  • Milkshape 3D ? Very inexpensive and easy to use 3d modeling package. They have a nice 30-day free trial period which gives you then chance to learn and test before you buy.

How is a 3D model made?

There are a few different paths to making a model for a video game. Here is a generic overview of the process steps.

  • You design a skeleton of your model. Think of this as the bones and joints underneath. You won?t see any of this when you play the game but these bones and joints are very necessary because they tell the game how the model moves. Exactly the same way your bones and joints define how you move.

  • You design a colorless and texture-less skin around the bones and joints. This is how your model will look in shape.

  • You color in the skin to get the exact look of the model. This is the details of the model. You make the final look here by putting in eyes, clothes, or anything else.

  • You define how your model will behave. You tell the model what joints will move in what directions. This is a big time saver with modeling software because you just tell it the beginning and ending locations and the software draws in all the middle steps.

  • You export the model into a format that video game design software understands. 3D modeling software has this export tool built in and most programs will export to a wide variety of formats for lots of game development software.

  • Making 3D video game models is not a really hard process and in no time you can make some nice models for your games. But, modeling is a profession that some people devote full time efforts to. If you want to get really good at modeling you are going to have to put in many hours of practice and you are going to have to develop your talents as an artist.

    Source: Free Articles from


    For more articles, and tutorials on the exciting world of making video games for Creative resources for making video games

    If you like creative projects check out the authors project site. Make catapults, terrariums, dioramas and all sorts of other great projects: ? Creativity with an Edge

    Saturday, November 8, 2008

    All About Booster Seats

    Booster seats are the car seat that your child will advance to when he or she has outgrown the toddler car seat. Because this is the big kid car seat, you and your child should be proud. You are probably asking yourself where all the years have gone? However, there are some important things you should know about booster car seats.

    Booster seats should be used in the back seat of the car, never the front. Because your child is still not big enough for the front seat and the impact of an air bag, you should always make sure that your child is in the back seat for safety reasons. Booster car seats are for children that weigh 40 to 80 pounds. Once your child has reached this weight, they should be able to sit safely in a booster car seat.

    You will notice that the booster seat only faces the front of the car. Of course your child is not an infant any longer, so they will sit and face the front just as they did in the toddler car seat. A booster car seat is not as complicated as the toddler car seat really. The booster car seat, mostly consists of a seat that you sit your child onto, and strap him or her down to it. Most booster car seats do not have a back to them, which means that your child will feel bigger without the extra added cushion and sides to the car seat.

    When you strap your child into the booster seat, be sure that the seat belt is fastened securely, and that they will not rock with the seat. Making sure that the seat will not rock will ensure that they will not go flying all over the car in the event of an accident. The booster car seat should not be able to budge.

    Advancing to a booster seat means that your baby is growing and getting bigger. Always put your child in the backseat, and never start the car until your child is buckled securely into their car seat.

    Rina has been a kindergarten teacher for more than 20 years and has 3 children of her own. She has also written several articles for a municipal magazine on raising children. At, you can find these articles for free which include researched findings from experts all around the world. Visit the car seat covers website to learn more.

    By Rina Zeger

    Friday, November 7, 2008

    Online Games Types Of Popular Games

    This article gives brief information about the popular computer online games.

    Action and adventure Games: The games which come in this genre are the ones, which involve fighting games, space adventure games, situational games where the player is required to achieve some objectives, etc. Most of the games in this genre are rich in animation and may also come with a story line.

    Arcade Games: Gaming arcades earlier used to be the place in the neighborhood, where gaming machines were installed. To play a game, one must put some coins into the machine. Online arcade games are just another term.

    Board Games: These are some of the most popular games. Board games played online are the same, which we play in our real life. They are animated versions of traditional and favorite board games.

    Card Games: These need no explanation. Card games are ever popular with the gaming population. There are a lot of games designed with playing cards.

    Casino Games: Now again, these are fairly addictive. They simulate the games available in real casinos. When you play with virtual money, there is nothing to lose. So you get a lot of people playing online casino games. You may believe it or not, but a lot of online casino games may even involve real money transactions.

    Strategy Games: These are the games, which take considerable time to play and complete. The player has to apply his mind totally to devise strategies to play and win. Some people may not like strategy games, but others like these. These games may take some time to master.

    Sports Games: People like to play sports games on the Internet. One does not need much time to understand sports games, if one already understands the real sport. One can have many levels of play. And there may be the option of competing against a second player or the computer itself.

    Shooting Games: These are great stress busters. People can play these games and let out their anger on shooting enemies and objects in virtual games. There can be a lot of variety in shooting games. These can also be included in the action and adventure genre of games, but are kept separate due to their popularity.

    Puzzle Games: These games are again very popular for people who do not like too much action or violence. These can actually help you sharpen your mind. Puzzle games are loved by all ages. In fact there is no age group for puzzle games.
    About the Author

    Thursday, November 6, 2008

    Backpacks for Charity

    There are several sites on the web, that describe programs that provide backpacks full of school supplies to needy children, and backpacks full of toiletries and other necessities for wounded military personnel and for victims of disasters.

    A sixteen year old girl, with the help of her Mom and some friends, bought 200 backpacks and filled them with toiletries and other necessities for the victims of Huuricane Katrina. They did this with their own funds except for a wonderful donor who provided the money for shipping the backpacks to the affected area.

    There are several church groups all over the country, that have programs which provide backpacks stuffed with all sorts of school supplies, such as notebooks, pens, pencils, paper, crayons, markers, glue and whatever other school supplies they can think of to include. Some scout and youth groups are picking up on and joining this effort.

    One program run by couple in California, supplies the children of migrant workers with backpacks and school supplies. They run the program form their garage. They also help poor migrant workers with things like food, clothing, housing and job assistance. A 10 year-old boy in Boca Raton Florida, dreamed up a way to help children in his area.

    He began to fill backpacks with school supplies for kids who needed them. By the time he was 11, he had a real organization, and had qualified as a charity under IRS rules. The group donates backpacks loaded with notebooks, paper, pencils, glue and other essentials, to schools and charities, all over the state of Florida, that ask for them.

    The young man says that if they tell him kids need the packs, ?that?s good enough for me.? The word about this group spread quickly among corporations and non-profit organizations. Corporate foundations, local companies, his Dad?s clients and family and friends all donated cash and supplies. By the time this kid was sixteen he had managed to distribute over 8,000 loaded backpacks.

    One of the nations leading office supply companies donated most of the backpacks they have donated about $257,000 in cash and supplies. The young man had enlisted 20 of his friends to help fill the packs, and to personalize them,, and by writing the names of recipients on the luggage tags attached to each pack. The boy?s mom dad, and half-brother all help, and are officers in the organization, however he writes all his own appeal letters.

    The last we knew he was worried about finding a successor, since he was heading off to college. He was worrying that the organization would have to shutdown. This would be a great loss, not only to the kids in need, but also to the rest of us, who no matter what our age, can learn from his example. In cities and towns all over the U.S. churches, civic groups, and individuals have been donating backpack with school stuff to kids and packs with toiletries and other items to adults in areas affected by hurricanes Katrina and Rita. They have no idea what a sign of hope these things are to us.

    Wednesday, November 5, 2008

    Laptop Cases: A Chic Fashion Accessory

    For back-to-school or back-to-work, what are the latest trends in technology fashion? A laptop bag, as protection, is a must-have. And having the bag match the style and personality of the laptop owner is just as important to enhance professional image, stylishness, and even flair.

    Although laptop briefcases continue to be the most popular style in the laptop bag category, there are three new recent fashion trends, which mean more versatility for the laptop owner:

    * Lightweight laptop messenger bags and sleeves for students and people on-the-go
    * Laptop bags with matching, removable sleeves
    * High-end laptop totes that can be used as a laptop bag or just for an evening out

    Students and metropolitan dwellers, for whom moving quickly is a must, are taking advantage of the new trend in light, sleeve-like messenger bags and laptop sleeves with removable shoulder straps. Designers such as Paulpac and Kipling have created very lightly padded messenger bags that won't add extra weight while protecting a laptop. Opt to insert an additional removable sleeve for extra protection, or carry the messenger as a light, everyday bag for anything from books to gym clothes to files. Similarly, many laptop sleeves, which have traditionally been inserted into non-padded bags as added protection, are now available with their own removable shoulder strap for standalone portability. This versatility means a laptop sleeve can protect a laptop inside a regular non-padded bag, or be used by itself, carried over the shoulder to quickly move from one place to another. Key designers offering this solution are Lifepod and Mobile Edge.

    Growing in popularity are laptop bags with removable, matching laptop sleeves. The bags have light padding; the matching, removable laptop sleeve is also padded to offer extra protection. It's easy to carry the laptop in the sleeve from location to location, rather than carrying the entire laptop bag. Or the bag can be carried by itself without the sleeve when a laptop is not in tow. Brands such as Kipling, Piquadro, Tucano, Melissa Beth, and Frances & Grace have designed bags specifically for this adaptability.

    The laptop brief has been around for a while, and continues to be the most popular style, but what else is there? There has been an increase in high-fashion laptop totes and other styles of bags that not only serve as a laptop bags, but that can stand alone as sophisticated, fashion totes. The designs and fabrics of these accessories are as ornate as any designer handbag, and feature construction of fine leathers and more expensive findings, clasps, and stitching. Brands such as Acme Made, Gina B, Lodis, Athena and Adrienne Vittadini are driving this, allowing ladies to transition from day to evening without changing bags.
    About the Author

    Raffaella Camera, together with Elaine Sanders, co-founded, the best place online to <a href= laptop bags, totes, backpacks, ipod cases, and other functional fashion accessories from today's leading designers.

    Tuesday, November 4, 2008

    Before You Jump in the Free Agent Pool!

    Before you Jump Into the Free Agent Pool!
    by Linda Blew Carlson

    A free agent used to be a sports figure, or entertainer whose contract had run out and was looking for a new one. But with the change in our economy and the survival mode that companies have switched to, a vast number of people have entered the arena of free agents. Recent books and articles claim we are becoming a Free Agent Nation, within a Free Agent Economy.

    Are you ready to join the millions who have chosen to become free agents? If you have or are planning to change your work life and want more choice in what you do and how you do it, you need to consider two things. How good are you at working with others? Do you know what you naturally do best?

    If you can answer these two questions quickly, think about whether these are skills you have learned or whether they come naturally. Many people think that being trained to do something well is good enough; others will buy this knowledge or skill from them. That may be true or it may be short lived. There isn't much today that you can learn that will not become obsolete about the time you learn it. People aren't very flexible when they learn a skill. They learn how to do it best and lack the flexibility to adapt when the skill is no longer required. How do you stay flexible? Identify what you were born to do and you easily adapt to changes!

    Being a successful free agent depends heavily on people skills. The Income part depends on your being able to cut directly through the defenses of people who are inundated with info the minute they get out of bed in the morning. It is pretty unrealistic to think you will get enough work to support yourself by relying on others to tell someone else how good you are. So brushing up on your people skills is essential.

    There are some great resources for you, the prospective free agent. For instance Dan Pink in his new book defines what you are feeling right now. He says that people by the thousands each day are fleeing the organization to become free agents. He says; This person is the independent worker who operates on his or her terms, untethered to a large organization, serving multiple clients and customers instead of a single boss. This is good information. You need to know where you fit in the scheme of things.

    Toni Lonier wants to give free agents the tools they will need to succeed. Barbara Reinhold recognizes the personal fears and gives advice and resources to deal with them. Sara Horowitz has developed a place where free agents can get similar and sometimes better benefits than organizations offer. This takes care of the basics. But no one has asked or answered the really important questions yet. How good are you at working with others, really? Do you know what you naturally do best? (This is usually very different from what you have been trained to do.)

    Many free agents recognize that going it alone does not mean being alone. A recent issue of INC. has its cover page devoted to an example of going solo and teaming. Newer web sites do recognize the need for building teams that share projects and personal support. These sites talk about the need to get along well with others, and how to make significant contributions to the team. But just getting along with others doesn't mean you know how to get the best performance from them, or yourself for that matter.

    So, what we have going today, is a growing understanding of the role of the free agent. We also have an expanding amount of information generated by people who are free agents themselves to help us. We have existing groups and new ones forming that will share and support us. What is missing?

    Recent ground breaking research, provides answers for the two questions you must face, before you really stand a strong chance of making it as a free agent. It explains how to get others to give willing cooperation consistently. It explains what you have as in-born skills, that not only showcase your learned skills, but also come to your rescue when you need help.

    It is important that you create and environment for yourself that removes the uncomfortable stress you have felt in organizations, and provides the greatest opportunity for your success, while being yourself. That means you need to maximize your strengths and minimize your liabilities. It also means that you can capitalize on your natural skills and be able to help others do the same. This new research gives you the ability to do all of this, along with the insight into how to form powerful teams, that quickly gain recognition for outstanding performance.

    There are two simple steps to take before becoming a free agent. First, I suggest you go to the web site at and get information that will make establishing your free agent status faster and easier. It will give you an opportunity to take some free assessments that will identify what you are naturally good at. This is the starting point.

    The authors books mentioned above, and many others, can be secured at any major library, or from most of the major Internet book sellers. Also a couple of key sites to get information on free agents and business are: and As you surf the search engines and directories, you will find many excellent sites and web pages. When you make the jump into the free agent pool - give yourself the very real chance for success!

    Linda Carlson is President of Focus I. Inc. and has been a free agent all her life. She is dedicated to helping others work freely and powerfully. Her bio and story can be found at;
