Friday, November 14, 2008

How To Get A Guaranteed Agricultural Loan

Farmers who want to improve their farm outputs will often need to upgrade their facilities and buy new farm machineries. For the past few years, cost of farm equipments and machineries have increased so much that there are many farmers who could not afford to buy new farm equipment and machineries using the existing operational funds of the farm. Although there are many farmers who have properties and assets, which could serve as collateral for bank loans, there are many farmers who do not have the necessary collateral to get the loan in order to buy new equipment and machineries.

For farmers who do not have the necessary collateral to guarantee their loans with the bank, but have enough cash flow to pay off loan amortizations, there are government guaranteed loan programs that can help. They can qualify for these programs, in order to get enough funds for their farm equipments and machinery upgrading.

Getting a government guaranteed agricultural loan is not difficult. There are many banks and lending institutions, which are affiliated with this program where you can inquire about the loan programs available. Affiliated banks and lending institutions facilitate the processing and the release of the loan for qualified applicants. You do not have to worry about the processing of the guarantee of the loan since the bank or the lending institutional will usually take care of those things. Depending on the guaranteed agricultural program that you are qualifying for, the government could guarantee up to 95% of the loan you take out to acquire a farm or to fund for farm operations. This can include the purchase of machinery and equipment, building of farm sheds, acquiring stock, and other farm related activities specified under the specific program that you qualify for.

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