Saturday, December 6, 2008

Do You Have a Burning Desire To Get Wealthy?

Real Estate Investing Success Series: Part I ? Burning Desire

Real Estate seminars and home-study courses have made many millionaires. However, the huge majority of seminar attendees and buyers of those courses never buy a single house? Why is that?

What?s the difference between people who go to seminars or buy information and immediately implement and change their life, and the people who let the stuff grow cobwebs on top of the refrigerator?

Is it the desire to change their life and circumstances for the better? No, I don?t think so. Everyone has the desire to make more money, have nicer things, and lots of toys. They would not have invested anything if that was missing.

What it is, what the BIG difference is between desire, and a burning desire. A desire is a casual thought that you would like to achieve something, kind of a vague vision of a nice outcome, with no real time table or definite plan to make it happen. A burning desire is a consuming desire that takes up much of your time awake and even invades your dreams. It has a definite plan of action and timetable, and you rarely allow anything to interfere with your fierce pursuit of the goal.

A person with desire will listen to negative talk from ?friends? and well meaning family members who try to discourage them from achieving their dream. If you find yourself saying, ?Maybe they are right?, then that?s not a burning desire. A person with a burning desire knows they are right and lets all negative thoughts roll off like water off a ducks back. Napoleon Hill calls this working yourself into a ?white heat? to achieve your goals. If you can develop this ?white heat?, then you will succeed. And as someone who has climbed that mountain, I have something incredible to tell you:

When you arrive at the destination you dreamed about, you will find that there is no one guarding the door! This place always existed, and the key that opened the door was the burning desire to get in. I don?t mean to over simplify this. Of course there will be detours along the road, or obstacles to overcome, disappointments to suffer. This happens to everyone.

Here?s an exercise you can do. Write down your goals, and then go back to them a day later and rate your desire to achieve them. No one is looking; you can be brutally honest here. Rate each goal on a scale of 1 ? 10 as to your desire to make it happen. If you have anything scored less than a 10, cross it off your list. Disregard it, and focus only on those that you scored a 10 (or higher!). These are your REAL goals.

You also need a well thought out plan, and the skills that are necessary to make your dreams a reality. The good part is that all of that stuff is already available in books, courses, and seminars. But if you asked me to bet on the success of someone who has all the right tools and average desire, or the guy with nothing but a burning desire, I?ll always put my money on the second guy. Every time. Why? Because I was the guy with nothing.

Hello, my name is Marko Rubel, and my story starts a little over 10 years ago when I landed to this great country! I didn?t speak a word of English, and all I had was $3,000 in my pocket. However, I had a BURNING desire to create wealth! Today, I?m a multi-millionaire and I can help you become one too! To learn how Real Estate investing has changed my life, and how it can change yours, go to

The ?Wealth Minute? is a free-video newsletter published by Marko Rubel, it teaches you the real estate techniques Marko Rubel used to achieve tremendous wealth investing in real estate without using any of his money or credit!

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