Saturday, January 31, 2009

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Food And Drink Specialities Of Brussels What To Eat and Drink During Your Stay In Brussels

You could be forgiven for wanting to visit Brussels for the eating choices alone. The city centre has a sprawling medley of restaurants serving up fine cuisines and ales and no trip to Brussels is complete without visiting a speciality Belgian Chocolate Shoppe and stocking up on sweet treats for the journey home.

Food & Restaurants In Brussels

From the traditional Belgian & French fare in and around Grand Place to the more exotic ethnic options such as the enjoyable Italian fare offered by the string of restaurants in ?Little Italy? (along rue Franklin), Brussels is choc-a-bloc with engaging dining opportunities.

Of course, we all know that Belgium is associated with Moules (mussels) et Frites (Chips) but it?s also regarded for a number of additional dishes that have been shaped by a variety of influences including the French, Spanish and Dutch who all ruled over the land at some point in History. In fact Belgians culinary history can be traced back to the middle ages.

You can enjoy starters such as Croquettes aux Crevettes Grises (shrimp) and Fondues au Fromage (a type of cheesy croquette). A speciality Belgian bread that is sweet is Choesels and Ardennes pate is a pate comprised largely of pork and garlic. Then there are main dishes such as Filet American (served minced and raw mixed with onions and several spices). The Belgians do enjoy their red meat and it can form the basis of many a meal. Ragout d?agneau is a braised lamb dish that?s marinated with herbs. Pheasant and rabbit are also used in some speciality dishes like Faisan a la Brabanconne and Lapin dishes.

Anguilles au vert is an eel based soup and Andouillette a type of sausage.

You may expect to see Brussels Sprouts somewhere ? and you would be right (Choux de Bruxelles). Chicory is one of the most used vegetables in Belgian cuisine, featuring in foods such as Witloof where it?s wrapped in cheese and ham.

You can round things up with Damme Blanche ? vanilla ice cream served with a thick chocolate sauce. Or opt for other sweet delights like Profiteroles or Tarte tartin (apple pie served with cream).

There?s no shortage of quality restaurants in Brussels ? you can feast on fresh fish in the Lower Town, enjoy dinner at any one of the high-class offerings along rue Antoine Dansaert ? in fact you can venture to practically any part of the city and be within five minutes of a good place to eat.

For Tradional Belgian Food?

For pleasant food at reasonable prices, Chez Leon in Grand Place delivers ? As you may expect it offers the Moules et Frites type menu and children under the age of 12 eat free.

Similarly, Chez Patric (Rue des Chapeliers) is popular with the tourists who want to sample traditional Belgian fare as is Brasserie de la Roue d?Or which is on the same street. La Rose Blanche (Grand Place) is known for its stews or you can opt for La Brouette for grander Belgian fare.


Noted for its warm atmosphere and exquisite food, A?mbriana (Rue Edith Cavell) serves up quality Italian fare are reasonable prices. Nearer to Grand Place is Rugantino and Senso (rue Franklin) offers well presented food but is somewhat on the pricey side. Also along Franklin are Pappa e Citti and Napoli.


While Brussels has a fairly high number of Chinese & Vietnamese restaurants, Indian fare is not as widely available and one of the best options is La Porte des Indes Avenue Louise).

La Cantonnaise (rue Tenbosch) and Hong Hoa (rue du Pont la Carpe) are among the favoured Chinese options while La Citronnelle is an interesting Vietnamese restaurant along Chaussee de Wavre.


Tapas Locas (Grand Place) draws in a younger crowd and tends to be pretty good, cheap fare and Casa Manuel (also in Grand Place) is also a nice place which serves Portugese fare as well as Spanish.

Other International Restaurants

Le Forcado (Chaussee de Charleroi) is one of the few pure Portugese restaurants in Brussels. Along Rue des Grands-Carmes is Canita Cubana, which as you might suspect offers a wide range of Cuban cuisine. In the mood for African? Try Gri Gri located on Rue Basse.

Beers In Belgium

Belgium is the beer producing capital of the world, and offers a variety of hundreds of different beers. In fact, bars in Belgium often have a separate menu just for their beers. Depending on who you talk to, Belgium produces anywhere between 400 to 750 different varieties of beer.

Brussels also hosts the ?Beer Weekend? which is on for three days every September. With reasonable beer prices and free entry, this is a must for beer lovers everywhere.

Some of the different types of beers include:

Blanche Beers ? The most prolific blanche is Hoegaarden, which aside from being light in colour have a distinct citrus flavour and have a low alcohol content.

Trappist Beers ? such as Chimay go back to the Middle Ages and are strong, yeasty beers with up to 11% alcohol.

Lambic Beers ? are the most common in Brussels. Non-malted wheat beers, Lambics have around 5% alcohol strength. A derivative of Lambics are Gueuze beers which are a blend of Lambic beers. You?ll also come over Kriek beers which are Lambics that have a fruity flavour (very popular in summer).

If you?re really into your beer then consider a visit to Musee Bruxellois De La Gueuze ? one of the best breweries in Belgium. Here you can take a tour of the beer production process (and taste a pint or two on the way).

It?s not just the staggering variety and flavours of beers that?s interesting in Brussels ? equally, the ambience where you can enjoy your liquid nectar can and should be part of the whole Brussels experience. Having your pint in an old brown caf? or within one of the many historic Art Nouveau buildings is simply a joy to experience.

About the Author:

Brussels Top Free Travel Guide. Discover The Best Places To Visit On Your Brussels Holiday, Find Great Bargain Hotels & Deals & Save Money On Restaurants & Attractions.
Brussels Travel Guide - Bargain Brussels Travel Deals

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

1031 Reverse Exchange Rules

The 1031 reverse exchange rules allow you to acquire your like kind replacement property before you sell your relinquished property. We will look more closely at the 1031 reverse exchange rules and potential ways this strategy is being applied.

Reverse 1031 exchanges give the Exchangor the flexibility to take all the time they need to locate the ideal replacement property, without the pressure of the forward 1031 exchange deadlines. Reverse 1031 exchanges have been structured by legal and tax advisors for years, but in terms of the actual "1031 reverse exchange rules" there was precious little guidance from the Department of the Treasury or Internal Revenue Service. Until very recently, investors only could look for guidance from certain tax court decisions that were handed down. Fortunately, exchangors no longer have to rely on the educated guesses of their advisors on 1031 reverse exchange rules about how to properly structure their reverse 1031 exchange transactions. Rules and guidelines have been established are basically as follows:

First, the reverse exchange must involve an Exchange Accommodation Titleholder (EAT). The EAT is an independent third party that holds, or parks, the Exchangor's Replacement Property following or prior to the exchange period. The EAT must have a qualified indicia of ownership at all times from the date of acquisition until transfer.

There are several types of reverse exchanges. The Safe-Harbor Reverse is an exchange whereby the EAT parks the replacement property prior to the sale of the old property. The exchanger must identify the relinquished property or properties within 45 days of the parking arrangement, and must have the entire transaction complete within 180 days of the parking arrangement.

The Traditional Reverse is a reverse exchange that typically looks identical in structure to the Safe-harbor reverse, yet it will fall outside of the safe-harbor due to the fact that it can not be completed within the time frames provided. Typically, the exchanger is unable to sell their old property within 180 days of the parking arrangement, and therefore the time frames set forth by the safe-harbor are not met. This type of transaction is not necessarily a "red flag" for an audit by the IRS, but does require quite a bit more documentation and consultation by the intermediary to assure the transaction is done properly to avoid scrutiny by the IRS.

A Construction/Improvement Reverse allows the exchanger to park a piece of property or land that will be built upon or improved during the exchange period. This is the most powerful reverse exchange available, as it allows the exchanger to literally create the exchange property they will eventually exchange into through the development or construction process.

As is probably no surpise from the cursory review of the 1031 reverse exchange rules, the costs surrounding 1031 reverse exchanges are considerably more than those for a traditional, Forward Delayed Exchange. However, with replacement property often being the biggest challenge to a succesful exchange, many investors think they are quite often well worth the expense.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Loan Officer Marketing: Attract More Real Estate Agents With Questions

What if you could come up with a technique that would allow you to consistently talk with high-producing agents, without the fear of rejection or high-pressure sales tactics?

One way to this would be to contact several real estate agents, it does not matter if you know them or not. The only purpose of the call is to find out as much about the agent as you can. Introduce yourself to the them and do a simple, short, telephone survey.

Some of the questions you should ask them are:

  • How long have they been working as a real estate agent?

  • Do they typically represent buyers or sellers?

  • What are their typical activities on a daily basis?

  • What are their short term and long term goals?

  • Do they feel like they are on the track to accomplishing the goals?

  • What are some of the obstacles that are keeping them from meeting their goals?

  • What causes them the most stress in their business?

  • What do they need to fix it?

Notice that none of the questions are anything other than real estate related. Do not ask any questions related to mortgages or mortgage clients. You will find that instead of having to pry the information from the agents, you will not be able to get them to stop talking.

Most people have one favorite topic of conversation, themselves. There is nothing they like better than to talk about themselves and the problems their facing. Fortunately, most people never run out of problems to talk about.

Ultimately, you will receive several positive comments from the agents:

The agents will say how much they enjoyed having someone listen to them.

When the agent realizes it is not a sales call, which was stated from the beginning of the call, they will immediately open up.

Almost every survey call will end with the real estate agent asking the loan officer for more information about their mortgage services.

The survey technique is a great strategy for several reasons. It allows you to determine which real estate agents are producing at the level you require. You will gain access to the agent in a non-confrontational, non-selling situation. And it gives you an opportunity to lay the foundation for future sales presentations. Save your sales pitch for your second call. On the second call you can show them how you can solve their problems.

Does the idea of cold-calling agents, even for a survey, intimidate you? Consider approaching the agents with the survey through email. Surprisingly, you will get some response from agents.

Develop the survey into a paper-based form and give to buyer agents at closing. You will be amazed at how many agents take time to complete the survey.

When agents take the time to complete the survey, whether over the phone, through email or in person, you know which agents are receptive to you and are interested in establishing a relationship. Your simple survey will open doors, now and for a future relationship.

Jeff Nelson helps loan officers increase loan originations by attracting quality relationships with real estate agents from the development of customized relationship-building strategies.

Click here to get a free copy of the Marketing Planning Guide, a 20-page workbook designed to help you outline a strategy to become an Agent Magnet.

Visit us at

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Remove the Fear From the Home Buying Process

Especially if you're new to the home buying experience, it can seem like an intimidating process, fraught with frustration and full of potential pitfalls. It can be a scary proposition to buy a home, but here are some ideas you can use to take the fear and risk out of the home buying process.

Your first step is to remove any doubt as to whether you can qualify for the home of your dreams by getting an approval from your financial institution before you even begin looking. Believe me, after you've fallen in love with a home is NOT the time to find out that you can't qualify for the loan it will take to get into that home. Knowing how much home you can buy will take a huge amount of uncertainty out of the process. It will let you know what price range to shop in, and can save heartache later on, once you've located the home you've been looking for.

Visit your new home at least three times before making your final decision. Each time you visit, you'll notice different things, including flaws that you didn't notice when you first fell in love with the home. You'll be amazed that the things you missed on your first visit, and on your second!

When you do find a home you love, buy an owners title policy. This type of policy is different from a standard title policy, which covers only your loan amount. An owners title policy is relatively inexpensive and also protects your equity in the home.

If your new home includes any land, have the property surveyed so that you'll know exactly where your boundaries are. It's not good enough to have the owner point out which trees mark the boundaries. Often those boundaries have only been agreed upon by various neighbors for many years, and may have no relevance to your actual property lines. If that's the case, it's best to find out before you take possession of the property. Remember, agents can help you with the various sales conventions of the area, but not with legal questions.

If the home is in a subdivision, read the developments covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CCRs) carefully. These will spell out specifically what you can and can't do with your property. The same is true is you're buying a condominium. Find out what your legal rights are and what your association fees entitle you to.

Make certain that the sellers move out according to schedule. This is especially true if you're buying the home directly from the owner. If you're using a real estate agent in the transaction, you can probably ask them to help if it seems as if you might have any difficulty in that regard.

Overall, buying a new home should be an exciting and fun experience. If you pay attention to the details, you can make sure your next purchase is rewarding and trouble free.

Copyright ? 2006 Jeanette J. Fisher

FREE report for home buyers: Home Buyers' Biggest Mistake, visit the Real Estate Credit Help Center. Author Jeanette Fisher teaches first-time home buyers and beginning real estate investors the ins and outs of real estate investing. Free real estate investing information:

Saturday, January 24, 2009

How To Find A Proper Fitting Backpack

No matter who you are or what you do, a proper fitting back pack is a must have. There are hundreds of different styles of backpacks today. You can buy a day pack, travel pack or baby backpack. If you need packs for your children, you can buy a school backpack. Busy professional? No worries. Why not try laptop backpacks, computer backpacks or notebook backpacks. You can even buy skateboard backpacks and picnic backpacks thanks to the wide range of styles available.

A back pack is only as good as it's fit however. You may have the right pack but the wrong fit. This is a recipe for disaster! Why do you need to fit your pack? An ill fitting pack can result in short term and long term back pain and injury. Who is most at risk? Children! Did you know that 40 million children will wear back packs every year? Many of those put too much in the pack or sling a pack over one shoulder. Those are definite no nos!

Tips For Proper Fit

After you buy your back pack, you should make sure it fits properly. Here are some tips to help you establish a good fit:

Buy a pack with wide, padded shoulder straps. The thinner the straps, the less comfortable. You are more likely to wear a pack incorrectly if it is not comfortable.

Make sure the straps are long enough. You may need a pack with extra length if you are very tall.

Never put more weight in a pack than you can comfortably carry. You should carry roughly 15 percent of your weight or less in a pack. Any more and your posture will change to accommodate the weight load. This can result in back strain and injury.

Position your pack low on your back. You should never wear your pack too high. This can increase shoulder and neck pain.

Adjust the hip belt correctly. Your pack should rest right above your hip bones. For smaller packs, the hipbelt serves as a bounce reducer. It helps keep the pack comfortably in place. For larger packs, the hip belt also helps distribute the weight load more evenly.

Use both straps to carry your pack. This is a must especially for children, who have a tendency to fling their pack over one shoulder. Using just one strap increases the amount of back pain and discomfort you are likely to experience.

Typically if you are able to stand up straight and comfortably when using your pack, you have a good fit.

How To Pack Your Sack

Most people mistakenly believe they should place the heaviest objects they need to carry in the bottom of their backpack. This is not the case. You need to try to distribute weight throughout your pack. Most heavy items do best toward the middle of your pack, closest to your back. If you place too many heavy objects toward the top or outside of your pack, your posture will shift to accommodate the added burden. Don't forget to secure the hipbelt to help distribute the weight of your pack more evenly.

When packing your sack, always place your must have items toward the top of your satchel (provided they aren't too heavy). This will add much convenience to your life. You don't want to grab a quick snack or sip of water only to find your water bottle buried under a day's supply of socks, towels and underwear. Convenience is key.

If you have a lot of bulky items to carry like a pot or pan, be sure to pad them well. You can wrap them in your clothes so they don't stick out and irritate your back while carrying them.

Don't forget to put any products that might leak, like lotions or gels, in small zip lock bags. Nothing is worse than a day of hiking only to find your lotion spilled all over your change of clothes!

Remember, a back pack is the number one multi-purpose carry all. Even if you are a business executive you'll find a sack much more comfortable than a traditional suitcase, especially when fitted properly.

About The Author:
Antigone Arthur is a successful freelance writer with 10 years of professional experience providing consumers with informative articles on such topics as backpacks, Dana design backpacks, and discount backpacking equipment.

By Antigone Arthur

Friday, January 23, 2009

11Best of Kenyan Beach Hotels Resorts and Sea Lodges

1. Hemingway Resort

The hemming way is located in the Northern coast at Watamu near Malindi. Watamu is a recluse resort which is off the main Malindi tourist thoroughfare. The resort offers world class cuisine has immaculate d?cor and a warm and friendly staff to boot. Its easy access to the coral reef offers its visitors easy snorkeling and diving opportunities. The resort is popular with big game fishing enthusiasts and is a member of the Small Luxury Hotels of the World as well as the prestigious chaine des rotisseurs. The resort has 74 comfortable air conditioned rooms and suites, all with ensuite bathroom, shower and ocean views.

2. Baobab Beach Resort

Located on a coral headland overlooking the Indian Ocean and nestled in 35 acres of indigenous forest, the Baobab resort has retained its leading status amongst the coastal resorts.

The resort underwent major renovations in 2005 which included extension of the bungalows, new custom-designed furniture and elegant soft furnishings. An addition of an extra 35 rooms also increased its capacity and now provides facilities for those with disabilities, the elderly and family rooms. It also has the marhaba sea food restaurant, new cafes a shopping village and a sunken bar in addition to the common swimming pool. The hotel offers animation, a fitness centre, Jacuzzi, holistic beauty programmes, massage and hair dressing services.

3. Diani Reef Beach Resort and Spa

Set on the legendary Diani Beach with the pristine white sands, Diani Reef Beach Resort and Spa is the first resort in Kenya and East Africa to feature a health and wellness spa.

The resort is mammoth and enjoys a 350 meters beach frontage and located on 35 acres of landscaped tropical gardens. The resort has 142 rooms with ocean view comprising of standard and deluxe including some suite, pent house and presidential suites.

There is the Sake oriental restaurant specializing in Indian, Chinese and Japanese cuisine and 2 other restaurants specializing in sea food and Mediterranean dishes. There are five bars, a disco and pool bar. They also have a 120-seater conference room with all necessary equipment, a board room and a business centre.

Activities include golfing, kayaking, cycling and scuba diving among other water sports.

4. Temple Point Club temple is an all inclusive resort on Watamu beach, 25km from Malindi airport. The clubs accommodation units have been designed with the business and pleasure guests in mind and combines high luxury and standards.

It offers 100 spacious air conditioned rooms in Swahili style d?cor, conference facilities for 200 delegates, private beach with white powder sand, fine dining and wide range of water sports.

5. Travelers Beach Hotel & Club Travelers is an all inclusive club located on beautiful white sandy beach in the northern coast. The club offers 288 air conditioned room including standard rooms, suites, family rooms and honeymoon suites.

It also has 24 hour access to restaurants and eateries, four interconnecting swimming pools, a full programme of evening entertainment and a wide choice of water sports.

6. Sarova White sands

This hotel is located north of Mombasa and has 340-rooms and has fine white sandy beaches of the northern coast.

The hotel is famous for Lido Grill which serves sizzling steaks and freshly caught seafood. The 24 hour Minazi caf? is a bistro-style eatery with some of the best pizzas on the coast. The pavilions restaurant offers buffet-style dining with culinary themes from around the world.

7. Mombasa Beach Hotel Located on a cliff top, the Mombasa Beach Hotel has splendid views of the Indian Ocean. It has vast tropical gardens and ensures tranquility and privacy for guests.

The hotel has 150 air conditioned rooms. The hotel also has fine food and refreshments and five restaurants complimented with three bars. Other amenities include a comfortable Mombasa lounge and a 200 seater conference facility.

8. Indian Ocean Beach Club The club is set on the white sandy Diani beach with its warm blue waters.

The main building is designed in grand Moorish-style and consists of 100 palm fronds-roofed chalets, club rooms and beach front rooms with private bathrooms. The chalets are air conditioned, provided with ceiling fans, minibar and telephones.

They have 3 restaurants including one dhow shaped and captivating Bahari cove moored on the southern side of hotel facing the full moon or the magical African sky.

The club has a large free form swimming pool with other smaller ones scattered around the property. All kinds of water sports are arranged including deep-sea fishing, windsurfing, snorkeling, scuba diving and canoeing. They also have 2 flood lit tennis courts, volley ball, croquet, boules, bird-watching and jogging trail. Daily entertainment in the form of live band, cabaret shows or traditional dances and live music in sultan?s lounge.

9. The Alliance Hotels & Resorts

The Alliance consists of three coastal hotels all next to each other; they are the Alliance Safari Beach, the Alliance Jadini Beach and the Alliance Africana Sea lodge.

The safari beach offers luxurious two-storey coastal cottage-style accommodation and also features a circular shaped restaurant called the village. The hotel has the famous beachcombers? brasserie, ice cream and juice bars for the midday sun.

The Jadini beach the Boriti bar and main restaurant are built over the beach for that exquisite view. All rooms are air conditioned with en-suite bathroom, TV and radio, telephone and minibar. The African a sea lodge is built in a traditional style and is an all inclusive resort.

10. Woburn Residence Club

The Woburn is for those in need of exclusivity. Located near the coastal town of Malindi it offers spacious accommodation in a homely environment. The apartments include executive suites and luxury bedrooms available for daily or long lease vacation rental.

The Woburn has 18 three-bedroom apartments, nine one bedroom apartments and 14 hotel rooms and suites. All apartments have well furnished sitting and dining areas plus a separate kitchen with electric cookers and fridge.

Also included is a three tier swimming pool, shady Jacuzzi, lush tropical gardens and an elegant dining area and bar. The Woburn is attractive and convenient for either long stay or short holiday for those that want to escape crowded hotel settings.

11. The turtle bay beach Club

The beach club is located in Watamu, 25km south of Malindi town and is an all inclusive holiday facility.

The beach club has 145 rooms as ensuite, club rooms, and cottage-style and ocean front rooms. There is a main dining room serving wholesome breakfasts and buffet-lunches and dinner. A poolside snack bar and the pizza garden are places worth your visit.

The hotel has the added advantage of being located dead centre in the Malindi National Marine Park. It therefore offers easily accessible snorkeling, scuba diving, coral garden boating. Other activities on offer include, bird-watching, horse riding and visits to the Gede ruins. There is always some one on hand to look after the children.

Robert is a tour consultant and co-owner of Landmark Safaris Ltd in Kenya. Visit us to tailor your own beach vacation or grab your more info here

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Location location location

What?s the first thing you look at when searching for an attractive residential investment property? Do you look at the exteriors of the house since it?s the first thing potential buyers ever see, with a keen eye on impressive landscaping, manicured lawns, a fancy gazebo and an impressive outside fireplace? Or do you look for the house with the most impressive interiors, particularly the one with the best living room, kitchen, bathrooms and master bedroom? Or do you fancy yourself to be a cost-effective investor who searches for a potential dream house but one that is sold at the most affordable price?

It doesn?t matter if you?re looking for a piece of property for your own personal use or for investment purposes. Location is where you begin. The following is a checklist of basic questions when searching for the ideal location.

1. How is the local community, town or city? Is it safe? Are there nearby places that can meet your basic requirements such as a supermarket, schools, gas stations, hospitals or clinics, church, dry cleaners? Do the schools have a high standard of education? Are they overcrowded? Would you feel secure having your kids playing in front of the house? How is access to local highways, major traffic routes, and mass transit services?

2. Is it economically stable? Are the businesses in the area flourishing? Is there a good mix of commercial and business districts? Are there enough business endeavors to provide ample job opportunities?

3. How are the local government services? Are the roads all paved and well-maintained? Is there a capable police force and a dependable fire station in the vicinity? How do local crime statistics compare to national levels? Are there regular community events such as an annual parade and activities for children, teenagers and the elderly?

4. How are property taxes in the area compared to nearby towns and cities?

5. How is the property's resale value? Is the area a hot location for real estate where demand for houses is stronger than available supply? Are there more people moving into the neighborhood than moving out of it?

Jonathon Hardcastle writes articles on many topics including Real Estate, Business, and Finance

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

How Effective Are Car Seat Clinics?

Recent studies found out that car seat clinics are successful in helping parents and caregivers properly restrain children in back seats. However, there is a need to exert more effort to reach underserved communities.

One of the recent studies about car seat clinics has been conducted by Safe Kids Worldwide and this research includes 29 states in February 2005. Based on the study, it was revealed that car seat clinics have efficiently persuaded parents and caregivers in promoting safety measures for children. According to Safe Kids, parents have successfully changed their behavior and retained their child passenger safety knowledge six weeks after receiving hands-on instruction. At the second checkup, researchers discovered an additional 45 percent seats installed by parents.

Child safety seats, if properly installed and used, could reduce the risk of injuries by 71 percent for infants and 54 percent for toddlers. Also, injuries for children using belt-positioning booster seats are decreased by 59 percent. As a fact, over 70 percent of child safety seats are improperly installed. That aspect should be corrected to ensure maximum safety.

The study also found out that the checkups disproportionately reached highly educated parents or white parents as opposed to less educated or ethnically diverse families. We need to do more to reach the communities that need our help the most, said Lorrie Walker, training and technical manager for Safe Kids Worldwide. Safe Kids' network of more than 600 coalitions and chapters in the United States has the flexibility and skills to meet the needs of each community we serve.

Safe Kids are working to install more permanent inspection stations in economically disadvantaged areas to serve more people. The group?s Buckle Up program is financed by several supporters and the largest so far is General Motors Corp. Safe Kids has tools in place to help educate families of all backgrounds, said Bob Lange, GM's executive director of Structure and Safety Integration. We need to keep working to reach high-risk groups of parents with communication and training to keep their children properly restrained every time on every trip.

Underrepresented in the latest study are families with older children. Those who participated in check up events ranges from ages four and under. Experts recommend that kids who have outgrown car seats ride on booster seats. This should be done until they are about four feet, nine inches tall and 80 to 100 pounds. Usually, children reach this height and weight when they are between the ages of eight and twelve.

In the event of a crash, a belt-positioning booster seat and safety belt provide better protection for most tweens than the adult safety belt alone, Walker said. Children in this age group are among the least likely to be in the correct restraint. We need to make booster seat use among tweens who need them just as automatic as it is for small children to ride in car seats.

The program turned out to be successful. It has taught parents to use child safety seats that meet federal standards. These guidelines reduced the number of inappropriate seats used at the second event, weeding out many secondhand seats that do not have a known history or seats that are more than six years old.

Car owners may be putting much of their attention to Volvo radiators, Chevy rotors or Ford engines but one thing that they should not neglect is the efficiency of car seats for their children.

Glady Reign is a 32 year old is a consultant for an automotive firm based in Detroit, Mi. she is a native of the motor city and grew up around cars hence her expertise in the automotive field.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

How Do You Find the Best Car Seat to Protect Your Child

Choosing a good car seat for your child's protection is a prime consideration for any new parent. To give your child the best chance of escaping injury in the event of a collision, you'll need to a car seat suited to your child's age and weight.

To choose a proper car seat, you'll need to understand that there are three main types of car seats for children. These are: infant car seats, infant / toddler (convertible) car seats, and booster seats.

Infant Car Seats

If you have a newborn baby, or your child is under a year old, he needs to ride in a rear-facing car seat. You'll need to decide on buy a rear-facing infant car seat, or you can buy an infant / toddler car seat (also called a convertible car seat). The difference between the two is that the infant car seat is designed for babies around 20 pounds and under, while the convertible car seat be used facing the rear until your child is a year old and at least 20 pounds, before turning it to face forward. If you purchase an infant car seat, rest assured that the new models have a five-point harness to keep your baby strapped in securely. The disadvantage, of course, is that you'll need to buy a convertible car seat later when your child grows older.

Infant / toddler (convertible)

Car Seats These car seats are larger than infant-only car seats and more expensive. However, they can be used for your child from the newborn stage (when he is less than a year old and under 20 pounds) right up to the toddler stage (when he is at least a year old and at least 20 pounds). It depends on your choice. Some parents choose to use convertible car seats as their primary car seat from day one. Others only switch to an infant/toddler convertible seat when their baby outgrows the infant car seat.

Booster Car Seats

Booster car seats are meant for children age 3 and older who weigh at least 40 pounds. What's the function of these seats? What they do is to boost your child into a position that makes it safe to use the car's existing seat belt system. Booster seats will cost of (they're pretty expensive) but they'll give your grown toddler a sense of 'adulthood' since most of the models are ergonomic, plush and cool.

About The Author

Gary Hendricks is the editor of, a hobby website offering articles on parenting, baby care and baby products.

By Gary Hendricks

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Belize Real Estate

One thing guaranteed with Belize, you are sure to find diversity and something that would cater to your individual needs and tastes. In Belize you can find tropical islands, citrus groves, beach front condominiums, Mayan ranches, Caribbean private islands, or eco-friendly, solar-powered rainforest rest houses. Whether for business or pleasure, or even for both, you can find a real estate for you.

Real estate in Belize is exponentially cheaper than that in the United States of America and Europe. And with a fraction of prices in these countries, at Belize, you can get a piece of property overlooking the beachfront. Island living or owning a ranch is no longer a dream in Belize.

Acquiring a real estate in Belize is a great investment. Appreciation of properties has remained strong and steady through the years, and resale value is always high. There are no capital taxes and inheritance taxes and the currency exchange rate is stable.

In purchasing real estate in Belize, you can rest assured that the area is free from racial discrimination and that crimes rates are very low. And with the tropical atmosphere, you can easily relax and relieve yourself of life?s daily pressures. The political situation is very stable, and there are no sudden changes in laws since Belize is a very traditional country. Advanced infrastructures are set up throughout the country, providing you with state-of-the-art telecommunication systems and postal systems. The general population is fluent in English, so you do not have to readjust your lifestyle just to fit in the Belize community.

In Belize there is a good population of expatriates which makes assimilation much easier. In this country you can find Mennonites, Ketchki, Mopan Mayas, Garifuna, Creole, Chinese, Taiwanese, Indian, Middle Easterners, Guatemalan, Honduran, Italian, North American and British. Places like Ambergris Caye, Placencia, Corozol, and the Caye District are areas always attractive to expatriates.

Belize provides detailed information on Belize, Belize Real Estate, Belize Vacations, Belize Weather and more. Belize is affiliated with Barbados Weather.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Home Sales Continue to Drop In Southern California

Home sales are dropping in Southern California. For the fourth month in a row, home sales have continued to drop, according to data for March. At the same time, the median price for a home in Southern California, has climbed above the $500,000 mark. This is a divergence of trends. In the last several years home sales were robust and increasing and so were home prices. Now home sales have slowed but prices are still inching upward in many areas.

Home values in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Diego and Ventura counties, increased 14% over one year ago. Homeowners should not expect that rate of appreciation for the current year. In March the number of home sales fell almost 10%. Sales activity is related to price activity. The fact that we are seeing a continuing series of months with declining sales activity is an indicator that price activity is soon to follow. The current rate of home value appreciation cannot be sustained in a climate of falling home sales. In Southern California the sales activity and the rate of price increases reached a peak two years ago. In the current environment we are likely to see home values rising at a much slower pace or even approaching 0.

There are no indications that this is a real estate bubble at this point, this is just a return to more normal market conditions. What we have seen in the past several years is abnormal market conditions. The rapid growth in the real estate market must eventually return to a more normal pace. When we see the number of home sales slow, especially for a multi month period, we can expect prices to lag the slowdown in sales by around three months. We should see home appreciation start to really slow down soon in southern California.

Inventory is another factor of price. In this region inventory is increasing, but not at extraordinary levels. The time to sell a home is increasing. Last spring it was 27 days, now it is 48.

The county to watch is San Diego. It was the first county to accelerate in home value appreciation and the first to slow. It is seen as a barometer for southern California. In the last six months median prices of homes in San Diego county have decreased 2%. This is not indicative of a bursting bubble, but an overheated market that is returning to normal.

Andrew Goldman is president of Metal Rabbit media services, the operator of He has written a number of articles on finance and investment over the last ten years.

Friday, January 16, 2009

How to Buy Atlanta Real Estate

Prices of Atlanta real estate vary considerably. Atlanta has recorded one of Southeast's highest office sale prices recently, when an investment management company paid $168 million for an office building. The standing record in Atlanta is $343 a square foot for a building.

The first step in buying a home or other property in Atlanta is to go through the current listings of properties available in the Atlanta real estate market. A proper study of the current real estate trends in Atlanta is essential for making wise decisions. Atlanta magazines, newspapers, and websites help you make this preliminary study. It is a good idea to browse the advertisements in Atlanta newspapers and journals. You can also approach an agent who can give you proper guidance in purchasing Atlanta real estate. Atlanta has lots of reliable real estate brokers and agents.

Before you buy a property, find out how much money you can invest, keeping all your income and debt in mind. Get a copy of your credit report from the bank. Availability of cash for a down payment, the type of mortgage you select, and the current interest rates are important factors you should consider. You must be prepared for other charges including the closing costs that include attorney's fee, taxes, and other transfer fees.

Make sure to tailor your need needs and comforts to go with your finances. Also, see that the property you intend to buy, whether a new or an existing property, has all the features you need. Look for a location with nearby schools, recreational facilities, and safety facilities.

Atlanta Real Estate provides detailed information on Atlanta Real Estate, Atlanta Real Estate Agents, Atlanta Commercial Real Estate, Atlanta Real Estate Listings and more. Atlanta Real Estate is affiliated with Chicago Suburb Real Estate.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ways for treating babies that have colic using only natural ingredients.

For any parent whose baby has suffered or is suffering from colic can you tell, it is one of the most painful experiences that they have ever had to deal with in their lives? Nothing can be worse than seeing your own baby in pain and not being able to relieve it for them or even take the pain away. So finding a relief for colic has become a top priority for these parents. Today you will find that there are many types of colic remedy available that may come to your baby's rescue. However each baby is unique and you may find that yours responds to some or a combination of colic remedies that are available. But us poor parents the only way of finding the right one for ours is by the trial and error method, which will hopefully provide the right amount of relief for them. But one thing is for sure that the days of waiting for it to pass have long gone, especially for those looking for the answer. No longer does your baby have to suffer needlessly and neither do you, but if you find that using the tried and tested techniques of proper feeding and burping are not working, then try some of the more effective remedies which are now readily available instead.

Firstly there is music and sound. Not only traditional lullabies, but both classical music which has been composed specifically for infants and the heartbeat/womb sound CDs are now becoming extremely popular as external remedies for helping to relax the baby suffering from colic. There are a number of websites around which can offer these types of CDs for you. Also other parents have found that by placing their baby in its car seat on top of a running dishwasher, washing machine, clothes dryer or close to a vacuum cleaner which is turned on seems to work. The other tried and tested method used by many parents is a gentle shhhhhing sound in the baby's ear as well as soft whispers and humming or singing can also calm them.

The next thing to look at is the baby's diet. Many baby's who are bottle fed show an improvement when the formula being used is changed for a different one, say one may with soya. Also mothers who are breastfeeding should pay close attention to what they actually eat to ensure that their baby does not have a negative reaction to certain foods in their diets. By trying to eliminate items which seem to be common culprits of causing colic one at a time for week and see if there is any improvement in the colic to your baby. Such products you should consider eliminating from your diet are dairy, caffeine, chocolate and gas producing foods (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, onions, peppers, melons, tomatoes, citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruit etc), beans and peanuts).

You could then look at using gripe water, but check the ingredients contained in it before buying it. There are many that are on the market which claim to be natural but do include artificial ingredients and preservatives. Certainly many infants who have colic find that their digestive systems would rather not have these potential irritants placed in them. So it always better to read the label as not all gripe waters can help you, but there are many effective and safe ones that can, just carryout a search of the internet and you should find some that are suitable for your needs.

If you really want to do something different then give your baby and warm aromatherapy bath or massage. Just add a few drops of lavender oil to some warm bath water and then follow this up with a massage. It is best if you focus the massage on the stomach area to help relieve the trapped gas which is causing the pain. There are many books available that can help you learn these baby massage techniques as well as on the internet. You can also purchase specially oils made with lavender, chamomile and fennel which are specifically designed for using for massaging your baby and these can also be found on the internet. If you want you can also purchase a very popular baby massage tool called a Snukkles on the web as well.

Now we will look at swaddling. Many parents have found that there upset or distraught baby will become soothed when swaddled or held close to their mother or father's chest as the sound of their heartbeats is reminiscent to the baby of the comfort and safety that they felt in their mother's womb. Many mothers have found that their babies when attending nursery become soothed if upset by being swaddled. The methods of folding soft stretchy blankets are easy for you to learn and you will find both instructions and diagrams online as well as being able to get books and magazines on the subject. There is product already on the market called SwaddleMe which is ideal for this purpose and can be easily found on the internet.

The final method we are going to look at is motion. This involves the parent either walking, rocking or some other form of gentle movement which most infants/baby's find very comforting. Some parents swear that a good old fashioned rocking chair is all you need to accomplish this. Whilst other parents have found that pushing the child around in their pram or out for a drive in the car also works. Another thing to try is putting your baby in a chest carrier or sling and just wandering around the house carrying out chores as it is all hands free. You could also walk with your baby facing down across your arm and with your hand under their abdomen and just apply gentle pressure, this is often known as the colic hold position and seems to be quite effective in some cases. However as many babies like to be outside and all enjoy being put in a swing, maybe using a combination of this with other things may be what bests suits your baby.

About the Author

Kerris Samson a Work from Home Mum living in Spain who has set up a number of sites dedicated to all forms of natural treatments and remedies for the various ailments and illnesses that people are attacked by in today's modern society. If you would like to learn more then please visit

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Camping Lanterns Guide: Backpacking And Camping Lantern Tips.

What kind of camping lanterns best fit your outdoor needs? Do you need light weight for backpacking, or is maximum light more important?

What kind of camping lanterns best fit your outdoor needs? Do you need light weight for backpacking, or is maximum light more important?

Camping lanterns have been around for quite a while, especially fuel lanterns like kerosene and gas lanterns. LED lanterns, rechargeable lanterns or electric lanterns, butane lanterns, propane lanterns, battery lanterns and candle lanterns are newer to the scene though. All of them being different they have advantages and disadvantages...

If you already have a camping stove or other camping equipment that uses fuel consider getting a lantern that uses the same type of fuel so you won't have to remember to bring both fuels and you'll use less space too. Although some dual-fuel Coleman lanterns will burn both white gas or unleaded gasoline (check to be sure).

Camping lanterns that burn fuel can come with either glass globes or metal mesh globes. The advantage to glass is that it lets more light through, but since it's glass it is fragile. Metal mesh globes are much tougher than glass but they do block some of the light.

When you buy a camping lantern make sure to get extra mantles, fuel, bulbs, and/or batteries, it's not much fun needing a lantern part in the middle-of-nowhere and not being able to get it when you need it.

Candle lanterns can be lightweight at 3.7 ounces, but you may not want to use them as a camping lantern as their light output leaves something to be desired at 1 to 1.5 watts. They're pretty much a candle with a protective sheath to help prevent the flame from blowing out in the wind and keep things a little safer by avoiding an open flame. Another drawback... the sheath enclosure also makes it more difficult to roast marshmallows over your lantern. ;-)

I recommend going flameless especially inside your tent. It doesn't take much to start a fire with a high intensity heat source. Falling asleep and tipping your camping lantern over is all it takes to put your life in serious jeopardy. There are a lot of great battery lanterns, LED lanterns and rechargeable lanterns available. Play it smart.

While great LED lanterns put out a good amount of light I haven't found one yet that can match the light output of well-designed flame camping lanterns. If you need a lot of light in a local outdoor area have a look at butane, propane, and gas lanterns. Some of these lanterns crank out up to 235 watts of light! That's more light than most people use to light a room at home. One of the butane lanterns even allows you to focus the light more intensely with reflectors and another is refillable with lighter fluid helping to make it great for...

If you'd like more information on camping lanterns please visit for the whole article. Also you may want to take a look at a related article on how to pick the best camping tent


Marc Wiltse learned how important quality hiking equipment and camping gear were after his tent flooded with 3+ inches of water. His hiking equipment & camping gear guides & reviews save you time & money. Subscribe to his camping & hiking newsletter & get the most usable info. FREE! Marc Wiltse. Reprint permission if author, copyright, links & this notice are intact.

Monday, January 12, 2009

No Kidding Preparation The Key To Preventing Abducted Missing Children

Did you know that, according to figures from the RCMP, approximately 186 children are reported missing each day in Canada? That's one almost every 7.75 minutes; recent US statistics are much more alarming, somewhere in the United States approximately every 40 seconds a child is reported missing. In fact, by the time you have finished reading this article, the odds are that another child has been reported missing or abducted.

The thought that a child could be taken or go missing is a very real fear that all of us, as parents, share. Naturally, we want to keep our children safe, but we can't watch over them 24 hours a day. I am frequently asked by parents for advice on what they can do to protect their children. I'd like to share some advice with you so you can reduce the risk that such a tragic event will ever befall your family.

First, teach your child his or her full name, address, phone number and your full name. That way, if they are ever lost, they can give this information to a police officer. You should also teach them how to dial 0 or 911 in the event of an emergency. After all, the sooner they can make that call for help, the better. Whether going to school, band practice or a friend's house, they should always follow the same route without taking any shortcuts.

A family password is another great idea to help protect your child. It should be something that is easy to learn and remember, and should be unique to your family. It could be tied to a special event- such as a birthday or vacation-or it could be your maiden or middle name.

Because there are bound to be times when your older children are home alone, there are a few simple rules they should follow. Make sure they understand not to let strangers in the house while you are gone. If someone calls, tell your kids to take a message, and that they should never say you are not home.

Safeguarding your kids when home alone is one thing, but how can you protect them when out in public at a mall, movie theatre or grocery store? One-way is to tell them to go to the information booth or checkout counter if you should become separated, and be sure your kids know where they are located. You should also tell the to yell and fight if a stranger should try to hurt them, or force them to go somewhere else. Creating a scene can prevent an attempted abduction.

One tip you may have heard from schools is to sew your child's personal information into their clothes or personal items, such as backpack. Unfortunately, a stranger can use this same information to assume the role of a family friend and gain the trust of a child. A better solution is to contact and register with a child identification service that will provide you with coded iron-on identification labels.

If the unthinkable should happen, and your child is missing or abducted, contact your local police force immediately. In this situation, a Child ID kit, in which the child?s fingerprints, recent picture, specific identification features as well as a hair sample, is truly the most helpful item parents can possess. In the event that this precaution has been overlooked, provide them with as much detail about your child as possible, including a recent photograph, a hair sample from a pillow or hairbrush and, if there is a search planned, a recently worn piece of clothing.

Finally, make the time to talk to your children regularly on ways to stay safe. It takes repetition and positive reinforcement for them to learn these tips. Activities and coloring books promoting safety are a very good idea for very young children, and the time you take to prepare them now will go a long way toward protecting them from harm in the future.

About the Author: Scott Irwin is the Marketing Director for Child I.D. Labels inc., which has been protecting North American children since 1995. Visit to find out about their unique preventative and proactive approach to child safety and identification.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Potty Training Get Ready Get Set Go!

Get Ready

If your child is near or has passed his first birthday, you can begin incorporating pre-potty training ideas into his life. They are simple things that will lay the groundwork for potty training and will make the process much easier when you're ready to begin.

* During diaper changes, narrate the process to teach your toddler the words and meanings for bathroom-related functions. Include descriptive words that you'll use during the process, such as wet, dry, wipe, and wash.
* If you're comfortable with it, bring your child with you when you use the toilet. Explain what you're doing. Tell him that when he gets bigger, he'll go in the toilet instead of in his diaper. Let him flush the toilet if he wants to.
* Help your toddler identify what's happening when she wets or fills her diaper. Have her watch you dump and flush.
* Start giving your child simple directions and help him to follow them. For example, ask him to get a toy from another room or to put the spoon in the dishwasher.
* Encourage your child to do things on her own: put on her socks, pull up her pants, carry a cup to the sink, or fetch a book.
* Have a daily sit-and-read time together.
* Take the readiness quiz again every month or two to see if you're ready to move on to active potty learning.

Get Set
* Buy a potty chair, a dozen pairs of training pants, four or more elastic-waist pants or shorts, and a supply of pull-up diapers or disposables with a feel-the-wetness sensation liner.
* Put the potty in the bathroom, and tell your child what it's for.
* Read books about going potty to your child.
* Let your child practice just sitting on the potty without expecting a deposit.

* Begin dressing your child in training pants or pull-up diapers.
* Create a potty routine--have your child sit on the potty when she first wakes up, after meals, before getting in the car, and before bed.
* If your child looks like she needs to go--tell, don't ask! Say, Let's go to the potty.
* Boys and girls both can learn sitting down. Teach your son to hold his penis down. He can learn to stand when he's tall enough to reach.
* Your child must relax to go: read a book, tell a story, sing, or talk about the day.
* Make hand washing a fun part of the routine. Keep a step stool by the sink, and have colorful, child-friendly soap available.
* Praise her when she goes!
* Expect accidents, and clean them up calmly.
* Matter-of-factly use diapers or pull-ups for naps and bedtime.
* Either cover the car seat or use pull-ups or diapers for car trips.
* Visit new bathrooms frequently when away from home.
* Be patient! It will take three to twelve months for your child to be an independent toileter.

* If your child has temper tantrums or sheds tears over potty training, or if you find yourself getting angry, then stop training. Review your training plan and then try again, using a slightly different approach if necessary, in a month or two.

This article is an excerpt from The No-Cry Potty Training Solution: Gentle Ways to Help Your Child Say Good-Bye to Diapers by Elizabeth Pantley. (McGraw-Hill, 2006)

About the Author

Elizabeth Pantley has redefined stress-free parenting with her classic books The No-Cry Sleep Solution, The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers & Preschoolers and No-Cry Potty Training. She is the president of Better Beginnings, Inc. and the author of seven books for parents that are available in eighteen languages.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Adlai Library on Drug Abuse

Adai Library Biographies on Substance Abuse are available in the Reference Section of the ADAI Library. However, you can also find them on the web. The references in the bibliographies are taken from the ADAI Library catalogs. These references include journal articles, books, chapters, and miscellaneous reports and unpublished documents in the Library.

The Adai Library Biographies on Substance Abuse are now being converted from static reference lists to canned searches of the ADAI Library Catalogs that are run each time a user clicks on the bibliography title. These biographies represent the spectrum of research and scientific literature on alcohol and other drug use from all relevant disciplines, including medicine, nursing, social work, criminal justice, sociology, and psychology.

These Adai Library Biographies on Substance Abuse serve as a focal point for alcohol and drug abuse research at the University of Washington and in the region, benefiting the citizens of Washington State by expanding their knowledge and making information available to health and social service professionals and policy makers.

The Adai Library Biographies on Substance Abuse play a key role in working to understand and reduce the harm caused by alcohol and drug abuse. These biographies work as a good reference for the intramural research by ADAI Research Scientists supported through federal, state, and other grants and contracts. They also serve as an ideal tool for dissemination of research findings through its Library and Information Service, publications and presentations by ADAI scientists, web page, listservs, newsletters, and symposia. These biographies have been designed to address the enormous problems caused by alcohol and drug abuse.

John Gutenburg has written many more articles about alcoholism and drug abuse and acne, zits, and pimples

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Long Term Care Insurance and Suze Orman The Ongoing Controversy

Copyright 2006 Clay Cotton

Long term care insurance is an obvious ?must-have' for Americans with assets and families to protect and with discretionary income to afford the premiums. While Suze Orman publicly promotes this coverage as the foundation of your financial plan, we wonder if she ought to put even MORE emphasis on LTCi protection

People all-too-often assume that long term care is just for the elderly, and it's shocking to learn that over 40% of nursing home residents are currently under age 65. In fact, because of my advanced Multiple Sclerosis, I would be in a nursing home right now if I had LTCi coverage to pay for it, and if my beloved wife, Kimberly, would agree to let me out of her sight.

In any case, while Suze Orman is clearly America's most popular financial advisor, she is also America's most visible proponent of long term care insurance.

This is a good thing for all of us since, of every 20 folks who need long term care insurance, only 1 of us owns it - A sad state of affairs to be sure. And we had better learn more about it fast...

But now the question is this: Should Suze Orman be even more forceful in her insistence that long term care insurance be the bedrock upon which everybody's financial planning must be anchored?

And why all the fuss over long term care insurance, anyway?

Well, just ask Suze Orman: It's because she knows as well as I do why Americans have no other common sense choice than to embrace this family financial tool if they want a mature, secure retirement. I, myself, was stricken with Multiple Sclerosis at age 50 - WITHOUT long term care insurance. Now I can never get long term care insurance coverage because of this pre-existing condition. Rats!

Suze Orman is bringing America's baby boomers into awareness on retirement planning and the need for long term care insurance, and for this she should be commended, but is she saying enough? You be the judge.

Here are few words from Ms. Orman: Considering how hard people work for the majority of their lives with an eye towards retiring, it's surprising to find that many give little thought to actually funding (and protecting) their retirement.

In You've Earned It, Don't Lose It: Mistakes You Can't Afford to Make When You Retire, Suze addresses this sad fact and goes beyond the usual financial primer to describe how to safeguard your financial future with smart long term care insurance.

No well-planned retirement should be without long term care insurance. It is the very cornerstone of retirement security. - Suze Orman

Long term care insurance activist, Clay Cotton, writes for - The Online Baby Boomers Decision Assistance Center where you get Long term care insurance advice, comparative rate quotes and personal guidance from home in your favorite pajamas and bunny slippers.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Games

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Here's more on the new games:

Age of Discovery - This intriguing 5-Reel, 25-Payline game brings together the magic of modern gaming technology with the romance and adventure of ancient exploration to distant lands, when brave men sailed across mysterious oceans in a quest for thrills and riches...

On your initial deposit of $25, $50, $75 or $100, they will give you a 100% Match Bonus.

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Bonus Poker Deluxe - Bonus Poker Deluxe is a cleanly designed, straightforward Video Poker game played with one standard deck of 52 playing cards that is shuffled before each hand. Two things make this variant special: the double-your-money optional Gamble feature and particularly high payouts for a Four of a Kind hand combination.

Crazy Vegas Casino will give you $11 just to download the casino.

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Crazy Vegas Casino is offering a 100% sign up match bonus on your initial deposit of between $20 and $100. Good Luck!
About the Author

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

What is Online Poker

What is Online Poker?

Online poker, as the name suggests, is the game of poker played over the Internet. Online poker has been responsible for a dramatic increase in the number of poker players worldwide. Thanks in part, to the proliferation of online casinos, the craze for poker is spreading beyond the mega-rich, business-suited elite, allowing everyone a fair chance to place modest bets from the comfort of their own homes.

Statistics confirm the above. In January 2003, the total global daily cash game turnover for online poker was just $10 million (?5.3m) and in 2004 it rose to $60m (?32m). Now, $180m (?95m) is wagered in cash game pots in online poker every day! Not surprisingly, this number is expected to grow steadily every year.

How different is online poker compared to playing it on-site?

There are hundreds of portals offering online poker; most of them are, more or less, similar. The difference, if any, is usually in the gaming environment and the quality of interaction with other players. This could depend a lot on the popularity of the site, as popular gaming sites try to have certain in- built checks and attract serious gamblers who can in turn, enhance your overall gaming experience. Also, while some portals have a responsible, informative approach and offer considerable amount of content (news, tournament results, strategy articles, reviews of online card rooms, etc.), others attempt to act as mere conduits to other sites, normally where actual gambling games are offered.

Though people have many different views, as far as differences between online poker and brick and mortar poker is concerned, most agree on at least few of the following:

Online venues are cheaper and easily accessible.

Online poker rooms are more player-friendly, as they offer suggestions, allow the players to play for low stakes and are very much suitable for beginners.

Online poker playing is a lot faster, as there's no banter around the table. Though brick and mortar casino players consider this interplay a central element of the game, for most playing online, the stress is laid on mathematical calculations and actual moves. Fixed place or offline poker game is time consuming where the average rate of play is around thirty hands per hour while in online poker these delays, dealing and shuffling, are instant and thus the average play is faster due to 'auto action' buttons.

One disadvantage of playing online poker is that it is more vulnerable to certain types of fraud even though most poker sites have safety checks.

Unlike a bricks and mortar casino, you can play at more than one table at a time when you play online. So, you could log into more than one poker site simultaneously, which means that you don't have to be as good a player to make the same amount of money online (since you increase your chances of winning by playing on multiple tables simultaneously)!

Some experienced players also feel that people who mostly play online poker could be at a disadvantage in a brick and mortar casino, as they don't have opportunities to learn to study and influence body language.

Another differentiating feature of online poker is that it provides free money play, so that new players may practice without the risk of losing real money.

From the legal point of view, some legal issues are common. Online game poker is very legitimate and regulated in many advanced countries in Europe. Many online poker websites are certified by legal Game Commission bodies and major auditing firms like PWC (Price Waterhouse Coopers) to review the fairness of the shuffle and payouts.

Getting Started

Whether you are a professional or a novice,online poker offers you a comfortable and interesting gaming environment and a safer (compared to brick and mortar casinos) means of learning how to play using smaller bets. There are numerous sites that offer guidelines and tips on learning how to play well. Here are some interesting poker- related terms to get you started:

Royal flush: high cards (ace, king, queen, jack) of the same suit in number sequence.

Straight flush: cards of the same suit in number sequence.

Four of a kind: cards of the same value (e.g. four queens).

Full house: three cards of one value, two of another.

Flush: all cards are of the same suit.

Straight: cards are in number sequence, but not of the same suit.

Three of a kind: three cards of the same value.

Two pair: two pairs of cards with the same value (e.g. queen, queen and king, king)

Pair: two cards with the same value.

About the Author

Monday, January 5, 2009

How a Best Buy Sales Clerk Taught Me the Simple 6 Step Formula to Close ANY Sale!

Follow this story.

I went to Best Buy today to get a few CDs and walked out with a new subscription to Sports Illustrated. Immediately confused, I asked myself howd that happen? As I went through the steps that brought to that point in time, I realized I was sold on the subscription before I ever had a chance to even think about saying no. Wow! What if and I had this power? My home business would be booming to say the least. So, let me go through exactly what happened and then Ill pull a few key points out for you.

I browsed the CD section of Best Buy for about 30 minutes and then after making my final music selections I headed to the checkout counter. I was greeted by a friendly checkout clerk who rung up my three CDs to a total cost of $43. As she was ringing me up she said How would you like a free Subscription to Sports Illustrated or Entertainment Magazine? Before I could answer she continued by telling me that she had already taken advantage of the offer herself and had received eight free issues of Entertainment Magazine. She continued by telling me exactly how I could unsubscribe at anytime and still get eight free issues of whichever magazine I choose. Then, even before she finished speaking, an adjacent check out clerk chimed in and said how great of a deal he thought it was and how much he enjoyed his free subscription.

Then the magic happened! No sooner did I turn my head back to the first sales clerk than did she ask me which subscription I wanted. Without thinking, I said Sports Illustrated. She replied, thats what the guys always choose. She rung me up and I was out the door before I had a chance to think about what had just happened.

How great is that?

She probably made a commission and I never even saw it coming.


Ok So, what made this whole process work so well?

First: The Element of surprise

I had no idea what hit me.

Second: A free trial offer

She offered me something that was very low risk to me. I didnt really want a subscription to Sports Illustrated, but hey it was FREE so why not?

Third: Smooth transition into her testimonial

Once she said that the subscription was something that she personally took advantage of herself I let guard went down. From that point on, I wasnt being sold on something I didnt want, but instead I was just getting a friendly recommendation.

Fourth: Smooth transition into how easy it was to back out at anytime

At this point, not only was I just getting a friendly recommendation, but she told me how easy it would be to back out of the deal at any time. Not only that, but I was given explicit directions as to how to end my subscription. Hey, if I didnt want the subscription I now felt even less pressure because I knew exactly how to end it.

Fifth: Additional Testimonials

Bang Before I had a chance to think about whether or not I want a free subscription to Sports Illustrated bad enough to go through the future hassle of canceling it Im hit with another testimonial about how great of an offer this deal really is from ANOTHER person thats taken advantage of it. So, now I start to feel a little like Im the one left out. Everyone else is doing it why not me?

Sixth: The Close!

I loved the close! It was so sneaky. She never asked me whether or not I wanted a subscription, she just asked if I wanted Sports Illustrated or Entertainment Magazine. I NEVER had the option to think about whether or not I wanted the subscription or not. She simply ASSUMED the sale and at that point just asked me what subscription I wanted. She never gave me a chance to tell her NO!


Now that Ive given you six simple steps that you must follow to get the sale every time its just a matter of you figuring out how to use this in your own home business. So, stop and read this again if you have to. Just let it soak in. Its an extremely powerful process if mastered. Personally, I left that Best Buy not knowing what happened to me. It was like I was brainwashed!

Wouldnt you like to brainwash your customers into buying your products or services or joining your home based business opportunity?

If done right the customer will never know what hit them!!!
About the author:

Daegan Smith is the Ex-NCAA Wrestler Turned Webmaster of
Perfect Home Based Business Opportunities - The Internet's Top Home Based Business Opportunities Free Information Resource!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Hawaii Real Estate

Whether you are looking for a place to retire, property for investment purposes or a place to call home, Hawaii is a good place to start looking. The real estate industry in Hawaii is currently at an all time high. Hawaii offers you whatever you are looking for in a property. Whether it is a beach side property, or a plantation type home inland, Hawaii can give you what you need.

A beachfront property in a beautiful place is a dream come true for many. Imagine sitting on your own front porch looking at the sunset, watching dolphins playing in the surf. That dream could become a reality for you.

With any type of purchase that spending a large amount of money, you need to do a lot of research about real estate property in Hawaii. Find an agent that can help you. You?ll want to know about all the different areas and islands that offer property, as well as information on business trends, school systems, etc. You?ll also want to familiarize yourself with the customs and laws of Hawaii. Property is not cheap in Hawaii, so you?ll want to know exactly what you?re purchasing before you make a commitment.

Knowing the current property values of the land you intend to purchase, the applicable taxes you are required to pay and making sure there are not liens against the property are also very important information you will need to obtain before committing yourself to the property. Hiring a lawyer is highly advisable, as it will make the entire process easier for you. However, even with a lawyer you should be well on every aspect of the sale. You are dealing with an expensive piece of property and one of the most important decisions of your life.

Hawaii Real Estate provides detailed information on Hawaii Real Estate, Honolulu Hawaii Real Estate, Maui Hawaii Real Estate, Big Island Of Hawaii Real Estate and more. Hawaii Real Estate is affiliated with Hawaii Real Estate.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

How to Become a Real Estate Agent

Real estate includes residential and commercial property. The former refers to property that people live in and the latter to trade and lease of property intended for profits. Inflation, augmented income, better government measures, and easily available mortgages have improved consumer purchase capacities. Such progressive consumer trends have proved to be a boon for the real estate trade. Real estate includes real estate business purchases, sales, and property rentals.

Individuals are required to enroll in real estate schools to make a career in real estate, as is the case with many other professions. Courses conducted at such business schools provide an opportunity to learn tricks of the trade in order to identify market trends and patterns. They also provide certification to individuals who practice a particular trade. There are numerous real estate schools that offer a wide range of courses.

Individuals may decide upon a desired real estate education program. When selecting an institute, it is advisable to be cautious and make enquiries regarding college reputation, degrees, and fees. A number of these courses and diplomas are made available online. This enables practicing real estate agents to enroll for specialized courses and helps students living in different cities to take the courses they need. Some people may opt for such courses as a continuing education program. Certain institutes offer a money-back guarantee in case enrolled individuals are not are not successful in the real estate business upon completion of their education program. Accredited and reputed institutes offer a universal platform and can hire industry leaders as part of their visiting faculty.

People can become real estate agents upon completion of undergraduate and graduate courses and certified distance-learning programs. Others may be part of a family business and choose to get certified after joining the trade. It is possible to start working without any educational degree, but the success rate is not guaranteed. Most professionals are required to work as apprentices with listed real estate companies.

Real Estate Agents provides detailed information on Real Estate Agents, Find A Real Estate Agent, Las Vegas Real Estate Agents, Commercial Real Estate Agents and more. Real Estate Agents is affiliated with How To Get A Real Estate License.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Acupuncture: A Benefit to the Well Individual?

Before we begin a discussion about the benefits of acupuncture, let?s talk about the origins of acupuncture.

It was first used in China over 2000 years ago, and is one of the oldest medical procedures in the world.

It is a family of procedures that stimulates the anatomy of the body and helps to balance the energy flow throughout the body.

It is this kind of acupuncture that is practiced in the United Sates today, through the use of tiny, metallic needles placed in affected areas and manipulated by hand or by electrical stimulation.

Acupuncture is the basic foundation for Traditional Chinese Medicine and is based on the belief that there are two opposing and inseparable forces within our body.

They are known as the Yin and Yang of the entire person. The Yin is representative of the cold, slow, or passive principle, and yang represents the hot, excited or active principle.

A healthy state is achieved by maintaining a balance state of the yin and yang. This is done through vital pathways or meridians that allow for the flow of qi, or vital energy. The vital energy flow occurs along pathways known as meridians.

These meridians connect over 2,000 acupuncture points along the body. There are 12 main meridians, and 8 secondary meridians. Although traditional western medicine does not completely understand how acupuncture works, the proof that it does work has been shown in several studies conducted by western medical facilities.

Now, let?s move to the question of does it work?

According to the National Institute of Health, the answer would be yes. Acupuncture has been shown to be effective in many areas of health care.

Areas such as postoperative nausea, chemotherapy side effects, osteoarthritis, low-back pain, headache, menstrual cramps, addiction, carpal tunnel syndrome, and asthma, just to name a few.

The study revealed that acupuncture was able to provide pain relief, improve function and mobility of joints due to arthritis inflammation, and served to complement standard care.

Although there are many who would doubt the effectiveness of acupuncture, once they are a patient, they are believers. It has been proposed that acupuncture works and produces its effects through regulating the nervous system.

The theory proposes that since acupuncture produces its effect through regulation of the nervous system, it induces the release of endorphins and immune system cells at specific sites on the body. There is also the theory that acupuncture alters the brain chemistry by the changing the neurotransmitters in the brain.

Without doubt acupuncture was a benefit in the study, and as a patient myself, I can vouch for the wonderful effect it has had on my back. Although acupuncture is classified as an alternative medicine therapy, and there is still much to be understood about the way it works, it is a proven aid in maintaining optimal health.

But what about the well individual, can acupuncture provide a benefit to them? Absolutely. Because acupuncture works off the belief that we must maintain balance of our vital energy flow in order to remain healthy, acupuncture serves as the tool for realignment.

Our vital energy flow can be out of balance, and we still feel and appear quite healthy. It is in this capacity that acupuncture serves as a sort of preventive medicine.

Checking and balancing the flow of energy on the meridian points in your body is like your car receiving a tune-up before it is in need of a repair.

About the Author: Rene Graeber graduated from the University of Munic in Educational and Sports Science and from the Paracelsus School of Medicine in Hamburg from Naturopathic Medicine. If you?re looking for helpful information about alternative medicine visit his website at

Before we begin a discussion about the benefits of acupuncture, let's talk about the origins of acupuncture. It was first used in China over 2000 years ago, and is one of the oldest medical procedures in the world. It is a family of procedures that stimulates the anatomy of the body and helps to balance the energy flow throughout the body. It is this kind of acupuncture that is practiced in the United Sates today, through the use of tiny, metallic needles placed in affected areas and manipulated by hand or by electrical stimulation.

Acupuncture is the basic foundation for Traditional Chinese Medicine and is based on the belief that there are two opposing and inseparable forces within our body. They are known as the Yin and Yang of the entire person. The Yin is representative of the cold, slow, or passive principle, and yang represents the hot, excited or active principle. A healthy state is achieved by maintaining a balance state of the yin and yang.

This is done through vital pathways or meridians that allow for the flow of qi, or vital energy. The vital energy flow occurs along pathways known as meridians. These meridians connect over 2,000 acupuncture points along the body. There are 12 main meridians, and 8 secondary meridians. Although traditional western medicine does not completely understand how acupuncture works, the proof that it does work has been shown in several studies conducted by western medical facilities.

Now, let's move to the question of does it work? According to the National Institute of Health, the answer would be yes. Acupuncture has been shown to be effective in many areas of health care. Areas such as postoperative nausea, chemotherapy side effects, osteoarthritis, low-back pain, headache, menstrual cramps, addiction, carpal tunnel syndrome, and asthma, just to name a few. The study revealed that acupuncture was able to provide pain relief, improve function and mobility of joints due to arthritis inflammation, and served to complement standard care.

Although there are many who would doubt the effectiveness of acupuncture, once they are a patient, they are believers. It has been proposed that acupuncture works and produces its effects through regulating the nervous system. The theory proposes that since acupuncture produces its effect through regulation of the nervous system, it induces the release of endorphins and immune system cells at specific sites on the body. There is also the theory that acupuncture alters the brain chemistry by the changing the neurotransmitters in the brain.

Without doubt acupuncture was a benefit in the study, and as a patient myself, I can vouch for the wonderful effect it has had on my back. Although acupuncture is classified as an alternative medicine therapy, and there is still much to be understood about the way it works, it is a proven aid in maintaining optimal health.

But what about the well individual, can acupuncture provide a benefit to them? Absolutely. Because acupuncture works off the belief that we must maintain balance of our vital energy flow in order to remain healthy, acupuncture serves as the tool for realignment. Our vital energy flow can be out of balance, and we still feel and appear quite healthy. It is in this capacity that acupuncture serves as a sort of preventive medicine. Checking and balancing the flow of energy on the meridian points in your body is like your car receiving a tune-up before it is in need of a repair.

About the Author

Tony Robinson is a CEO and Webmaster. He has a young family and a keen interest in health and fitness. Visit his site at

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Langan's Brasserie in The Seventies

The most popular restaurants in the Seventies were places to see and to be seen in. The newly opened Langan's Brasserie in Stratton Street, on the site of the old Coq D'Or, fitted this bill perfectly. Peter Langan, the alcoholic genius who created the restaurant, hosted preview dinners, leading up to the opening in 1976. The ambience was enticing, donated fine art splattered the walls, David Hockney designed the menus, but in those days, the food was the least interesting thing about the restaurant. It was the famous clientele that attracted the caf? society in droves. On one given weeknight, you could spot deranged members of the British aristocracy, Hockney, David Bailey, Jack Nicholson, Andy Warhol, The Shah of Persia, and President Gerald Ford munching away. (Statesmen were invariably encircled by tables of their security staff). Diners scoffed bangers and mash, while viewing the restaurant's visual froth, which included socialites, top models and their entourages of fashion designers and fashionable hairdressers.

Once the restaurant opened, if provincials booked a table, thinking they could star spot, they were shoved upstairs to 'Siberia', to ogle if they so wished, Patrick Procktor's freshly painted mural of Venice. The top table, which Peter Langan reserved for his friends was near the entrance, next to one of the big windows in the restaurant. One of the main attractions of the restaurant was Peter himself, who thrived on being an outrageously rude court jester. He revelled in verbally attacking his adoring customers, and behaved like a sexist pig towards his women victims. Funnily enough, trapped diners regarded it an honour if Peter descended on their tables and ruined their meals.

The Sculptor Peter Schleshinger drew a lovely portrait of me in the early Seventies, and the architect who bought it in order to scare his children loaned it to Langan's. It was shoved at the far end of the restaurant near the library on the ground floor, which gave me a legitimate excuse to 'see and be seen', while I table hopped through the restaurant in order to view it, during my days as a gossip columnist. The characters in Frantic, my novel about the early Seventies didn't make a habit of going out to swanky restaurants. That's because they were holed up in trendy cafes, modelled on the infamous Up All Night in Fulham Road, where wired partygoers used to come down from their drugs. 'One fading afternoon, in a popular Knightsbridge watering hole, Alice's pounding head lay submerged in her triple expresso coffee (she had spent a tough night at The Igloo)' is a quote from Frantic which illustrates the fad for all night cafes in the early Seventies. Food didn't seem to be so popular in those days.

The fodder was definitely the least important thing about Langan's, although the cr?me br?l?e was divine. It was the best thing on the menu, and one needed a pickaxe to crack the crust. When I interviewed Jackie Collins re: her book Hollywood Wives, we consumed cr?me br?l?e for our starter, main course and desert. And, no, we didn't have the top table. We had the second top one!

Copyright: Frances Lynn, 2006
About the Author

Frances Lynn was born in London and grew up in Notting Hill Gate. Her first job was at the BBC, before becoming Britain's bitchiest columnist on the now defunct Ritz Newspaper. She was also a prolific freelance film critic, and simultaneously freelanced for Fleet Street papers and the London glossies.

Frances Lynn now lives in central London, enjoying life as a professional writer and author.