Monday, January 26, 2009

Loan Officer Marketing: Attract More Real Estate Agents With Questions

What if you could come up with a technique that would allow you to consistently talk with high-producing agents, without the fear of rejection or high-pressure sales tactics?

One way to this would be to contact several real estate agents, it does not matter if you know them or not. The only purpose of the call is to find out as much about the agent as you can. Introduce yourself to the them and do a simple, short, telephone survey.

Some of the questions you should ask them are:

  • How long have they been working as a real estate agent?

  • Do they typically represent buyers or sellers?

  • What are their typical activities on a daily basis?

  • What are their short term and long term goals?

  • Do they feel like they are on the track to accomplishing the goals?

  • What are some of the obstacles that are keeping them from meeting their goals?

  • What causes them the most stress in their business?

  • What do they need to fix it?

Notice that none of the questions are anything other than real estate related. Do not ask any questions related to mortgages or mortgage clients. You will find that instead of having to pry the information from the agents, you will not be able to get them to stop talking.

Most people have one favorite topic of conversation, themselves. There is nothing they like better than to talk about themselves and the problems their facing. Fortunately, most people never run out of problems to talk about.

Ultimately, you will receive several positive comments from the agents:

The agents will say how much they enjoyed having someone listen to them.

When the agent realizes it is not a sales call, which was stated from the beginning of the call, they will immediately open up.

Almost every survey call will end with the real estate agent asking the loan officer for more information about their mortgage services.

The survey technique is a great strategy for several reasons. It allows you to determine which real estate agents are producing at the level you require. You will gain access to the agent in a non-confrontational, non-selling situation. And it gives you an opportunity to lay the foundation for future sales presentations. Save your sales pitch for your second call. On the second call you can show them how you can solve their problems.

Does the idea of cold-calling agents, even for a survey, intimidate you? Consider approaching the agents with the survey through email. Surprisingly, you will get some response from agents.

Develop the survey into a paper-based form and give to buyer agents at closing. You will be amazed at how many agents take time to complete the survey.

When agents take the time to complete the survey, whether over the phone, through email or in person, you know which agents are receptive to you and are interested in establishing a relationship. Your simple survey will open doors, now and for a future relationship.

Jeff Nelson helps loan officers increase loan originations by attracting quality relationships with real estate agents from the development of customized relationship-building strategies.

Click here to get a free copy of the Marketing Planning Guide, a 20-page workbook designed to help you outline a strategy to become an Agent Magnet.

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