Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Safe Solo Backpacking Tips

Solo backpacking means peace and quiet. No one to talk to means no words are put between you and the beauty around you. The miles just flow. It's entirely up to you to say when you eat or take a break. Want to jump in that alpine lake? It's your decision alone. It's a unique experience.

A solo backpacker also is vulnerable. Twist your ankle, and there's nobody there to help you. Have you ever been stuck alone without food for days? How can you make your solo backpacking trip safe? You can't. It's inherently more dangerous to go alone into the wilderness. What you can do though, is make it safer.

Some Solo Backpacking Tips

1. Tell someone where you'll be, and when you expect to return. It's probably best if you leave a map with them, and let them know who to call if you don't return on time.

2. Bring a cell phone. I don't do this yet myself, but many lives have now been saved by cell phones. Turn it off and put it in the bottom of your pack so it won't bother you.

3. Bring the usual safety items (matches, 1st aid, iodine tablets, etc), but double-check to see if they are there and in working order, as you'll have nobody elses supplies to back you up.

4. If you're not sure of your abilities, or have a bad knee or other potential problem, stick to well-traveled trails. On many routes, another backpacker will be by every hour. That's good to know if you're in trouble.

5. Learn well how to read a map and use a compass. If you are two miles off route and can't get a signal on your phone when your knee gives out, you're in trouble. Even if you like to wander, you should be able to know where you are on the map for safety.

6. Know your abilities. Don't plan on twenty-mile days if you haven't done them before.

7. Learn to lighten your load. When you're alone, you lose the efficiency of sharing the load for stoves, tents and other common items. It's easy - and dangerous - to become overloaded when yours is the only backpack. You might want to read up on ultralight backpacking.

Solo backpacking is riskier, but for some of us, it's well worth the risk. Try it, and you might agree. Just be sure to take the necessary precautions.

About the author:
Steve Gillman is a long-time backpacker, and advocate of ultralight backpacking. His advice and stories can be found at http://www.TheBackpackingSite.com

How Important Is A Golf Fitness Program Mike PedersenA golf fitness program can make the difference between you optimizing your golf potential or playing the same frustrating golf you may be used to playing.

Its no secret that the body swings the club and plays the gameso why wouldnt you consider a golf fitness program to play your best?

A golf fitness program consists of strength, flexibility, endurance and even nutrition. But the big difference is making your golf fitness program as golf-specific as you can.

How do you do that?

First offjust take a look at the position your body is in during the golf swing. Its on your feet and in golf posture (bent at the waste, knees flexed, upper back fairly straight, ankles flexed, etc).

Can you now see how any physical limitation you have will dramatically affect your ability to make a sound, repeatable golf swing?

So the answer is definitely starting a golf fitness program. Its not as intimidating as you may think. It doesnt take going to a gym. It doesnt involve lifting heavy weights and really killing yourself. It doesnt involve 2 hours every day of the week either.

A golf fitness program can be as simple as using a pair of hand weights (dumbbells), an exercise ball and exercise tubing. All very inexpensive, portable and perfect for your home or even your office.

You can take your exercise tubing, attach it to a door and make downswings every day of the week. This is a great exercise to sneak in at your office that will have a direct impact on the power you produce through impact.

Designing a complete golf fitness program will take a little more creativity. I would strongly recommend pursuing a qualified golf fitness trainer to put together a complete golf fitness program that addresses your specific physical limitations.

You dont want to waste your time on exercises and stretches you dont need to do. You want to focus on a balanced golf fitness program that will improve your weaknesses.

You will be amazed how quickly your game will turn around. Ive worked with golfers who have seen improvements in a matter of days! Literally! Their fitness had declined so much they couldnt even get the ball airborne off the tee and within days were hitting it dozens of yards further.

What a joy to hear stories like that!

You too can see some huge improvements if you start your golf fitness program right away!

About the author:
About The Author: Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf fitness experts in the country, author of the Ultimate Golf Fitness Guide, and founder of several cutting-edge online golf fitness sites. Visit his new golf fitness site at http://www.performbettergolf.com

Footballjeff hatcherAdvising on the most informative opinion relating to football.

When you're seeking high-class information relating to football, you'll find it's complex unscrambling quality advice from poorly sourced football proposals and support so it is important to recognize ways of moderating the information you are given.

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Here are several tipsthat we believe you should think of using when you are searching for information about football. It is important to remember that the advice we tender is only applicable to internet advice about football.We are unable to offer any tips or guidance for conducting research offline.

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Licensed ticket broker in business for over 15 years, handling all high demand events nationwide, including college and NFL football tickets.

An interesting tip to pursue when offered help or advice about a football website is to ascertain who owns the site. This may show you the people behind the site football qualifications The quickest way to work out who owns the football website is to look on the 'about' page or 'contact' page.

All reliable sites providing content on football, will almost certainly provide an 'about' or 'contact' page which will provide you with the owner's details. The fine points should tell some indication concerning the owner's requisite knowledge. This permits you to make an informed assessment about the webmaster's depth of experience, to offer recommendations concerning football.

About the author:
Jeff Hatcher is the webmaster at http://www.outdoors-activity.info/football/

He provides advice to aid in the search for information about a number of subjects available online.

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