Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Little Ideas To Increase Your Rents And Keep Your Tenants

Your tenant living in your investment property is really a business partner for you. The best way to ensure you have a good relationship with your tenant is look after them. Basically they are happy paying their rent and getting on living and enjoying their life. Most of the renters I have come across live from week to week. They have a mind set generally that locks them into long term renting. This is a benefit to you that you need to take full advantage of.

So what I find to be the best scenario is to keep them happy and make their life as comfortable as possible. When they are in this comfort zone they typically always pay their rent and just as importantly they will look after your real estate investment. These two keys are critical to putting each property on auto pilot. This makes your life easier and also your property manager?s job easier as well.

There are small repairs and fix ups you can do to the property that will make your tenant happier. A good example is installing a light, heater and fan unit to the bathroom. This will keep the people warm when using the bathroom. Also it will stop the room fogging up in winter time, which will stop the build up of mould on the walls and ceilings. The tenant is happy and you are looking after your investment property and by adding a time and labour saving piece of equipment. This also adds value to the property. And the tenant will be happy to pay you five dollars a week extra in rent when you explain the benefits to them.

Another good add on I like to use is, a garden shed. The men these days love to tinker around in their sheds. This is becoming popular with the ladies as well. With this one you are adding a lot of value to your investment property and you will have no trouble at all getting an increase in the rent. The tenants will love you. It gives better storage space and helps keep the place look neat and tidier. Another added bonus to both you and your tenant.

By using creative strategies like these, you are able to leverage yourself. It will only be a little bit on each example but every little bit helps. When you have multiple real estate investment properties, then you start to see the benefits of leveraging. It works the same as compounding interest.

To your investing success
Leo Love
PS If any of your family or friends is interested please pass this on to them.

I am an experienced and passionate investor. I buy typical mum and dad type houses that give me cash flow and capital growth. My website offers helpful tips and ideas for any type of investor to help you with your wealth creation. Using my site will help to prevent you falling into the traps the inexperienced investors do.

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